Zhou Fan did not expect that his move would become a fuse for the war between the two major forces. Of course, even if he knew, he would not care. Ten days later, he returned to the floating city.

In the living room of Hua Liuzong's welcome, Du Xiuyuan looked at Zhou Fan in disbelief: "Daoyou Li, you said you found the virtual gold crystal?"

The three sects and nine sects in Drift City are the virtual gold crystals that cannot be found after spending so much time. This cultivator named Li Bufan said he found it?

Zhou Fan smiled lightly, he patted the storage bag, and a ray of black light flew out and landed in his hand, turning into a six-diamond-shaped pitch-black spar.

Duxiu Yuanding looked at the pitch-black spar, and he said happily: "It really is a virtual gold crystal."

He reached out and wanted to take it, but Zhou Fan withdrew his hand, not intending to give the virtual gold crystal to Du Xiuyuan.

Du Xiuyuan sneered and retracted his hand: "Daoyou Li has found the virtual gold crystal. As long as it is handed over to Hua Liuzong, we will soon be able to repair the astral teleportation array, and then Daoyou Li will be able to go to the barbarian star realm."

"That's what I said." Zhou Fan said calmly, "But this is your star realm teleportation formation, not mine. Although I want to go to the wild star realm, I haven't yet decided to go."

If you don't want to go, you will spend time looking for virtual gold crystals for us... Du Xiuyuan sneered in his heart, and he said with a smile on his face: "Then what do you think about Daoyou Li?"

"I or my people may use Drift City's astral teleportation array in the future." Zhou Fan said slowly: "This virtual gold crystal is given to you, and you will give me ten free teleportation opportunities."

He is not obliged to help Drift City collect virtual gold crystals for free, and he has to get some benefits.

Du Xiuyuan pondered, the cost of an astral teleportation array is not low, and Zhou Fan has to do it ten times. He felt heartache just thinking about the cost, and the price was not much different from the value of the virtual gold crystal.

But virtual gold crystals are expensive and have no market, so they still make money.

Besides, the catastrophe is coming. If the catastrophe of the Meteor World is so powerful that even the top cultivators can't stop it, then sending the array to the Barbarian Star Realm through the star realm will be a way out.

This is also an important reason why they are eager to repair the astral teleportation array.

However, after ten free transfers like this, he was always a little unwilling. He thought about it and suddenly came up with an idea. He smiled and said: "Li Daoyou, this matter is too important, I want to discuss it with our Sect Master."

"Okay." Zhou Fan picked up the cup and took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"Excuse me." Du Xiuyuan quickly stood up and left.

After Du Xiuyuan left, Zhou Fan performed an illusion. He left an illusion clone to sit there, while the main body had already walked out of the hall, standing outside the door waiting patiently.

It is essential to be defensive, the value of virtual gold crystals is not low, and there is nothing wrong with preparing in advance.

In case Hua Liuzong acts maliciously... He will make Hua Liuzong regret it.

Zhou Fan waited patiently for a while, then Du Xiuyuan led a young man into the hall.

"Fellow Daoist Li, this is our sect master." Du Xiuyuan introduced with a smile.

There is only one Liu Sect Master in the Hua Liu Sect. This person is Liu Beihai, who is known as the strongest monk of the three sects and nine sects.

Liu Beihai looked like a harmless boy next door, he smiled at Zhou Fan's illusion avatar: "Hello."

Zhou Fan let himself doppelganger and greeted politely.

The three of them sat down as host and guest, and said, "Daoyou Li wants to exchange the virtual gold crystal for ten times astral teleportation array, we have discussed it, it is not impossible, but we have a request, that is, Daoyou Li must be there We will defeat our Sect Master in the competition."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to explain to the other two nine sects. This astral teleportation formation does not only belong to our Hua Liu sect."

Hearing this, Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

"But even if Daoyou Li can't win against our Sect Master, we are willing to let Daoyou Li borrow our astral teleportation array for free." Du Xiuyuan continued: "Of course, if Daoyou Li thinks our request is unreasonable, you can also bring virtual gold crystals directly. Leaving, we Hua Liuzong will not say anything else, we still have credibility, and no one will maliciously stop Fellow Daoist Li."

Zhou Fan understood it. Hua Liuzong's meaning was very straightforward. If you want ten free transmission opportunities, it depends on whether you have the strength.

If you don't have this strength, of course you don't have this qualification, it would be good to let you use it for free at that time.

"Unreasonable." Zhou Fan glanced at Du Xiuyuan, "I can accept your request, but the number of free times for the astral teleportation array will be increased to 20 times."

Don't you want to test my strength? Then you have to pay more!

Du Xiuyuan's complexion changed slightly, the virtual gold crystal was not worth twenty star realm teleportation arrays, and the opponent dared to fight, his strength must be very strong, he looked towards Liu Beihai, only Liu Beihai could decide this matter.

Liu Beihai's eyes lit up, he looked at Zhou Fan seriously, his eyes revealed an unconcealed fighting intent: "Very good, I agree."

As if they were cultivators like them, of course they couldn't be in Drift City. They soon passed through Drift City's teleportation array~www.readwn.com~ to the outside of the wilderness.

Not only Zhou Fan and Liu Beihai, but they were very excited when they heard that Liu Beihai was going to discuss with foreign monks. The top monks of the three sects and nine sects continued to use the teleportation array to appear outside the wilderness. They were very excited. The undisputed first person's strength is unfathomable, and there are very few opportunities to watch Liu Beihai take action in person.

This is also the reason why Du Xiuyuan made this request to Zhou Fan, because he didn't think his suzerain would lose, but now he is a little unsure in his heart.

Zhou Fan and Liu Beihai floated in the air, ignoring the monks who were watching.

"Fellow Daoist Li, do you know that I have entered the Celestial Realm." Liu Beihai said slowly, "If you haven't entered the Celestial Realm..."

Zhou Fan smiled lightly, and his body radiated a pitch-black light, condensing the pitch-black Taoist palace.

Liu Beihai didn't even move, allowing Zhou Fan's Taoist residence to shroud him in it, his body exuded a golden light, and there was a Taoist residence condensed by golden sand.

Zhou Fan wants to fight with the Taoist government, so he has no reason to be afraid, otherwise Zhou Fan will use the Taoist government to isolate him, and it will be more troublesome to deal with.

Seeing that both sides had sacrificed their respective Taoist houses, the monks onlookers were helpless. The Taoist houses were too affected to watch the battle, and spiritual thoughts could not penetrate into them.

Liu Beihai quickly frowned. He found that his Taoist power was suppressed by Zhou Fan's Taoist. He must know that his Taoist became stronger as he entered the celestial realm. Shu Zhang smiled and said, "Interesting, no wonder Daoyou Li is so confident. It turns out that Daoyou Li has entered the realm of celestial phenomena."

Zhou Fan didn't answer, his Taoist **** flew out, making the vast and vast Taoist palace seem a little narrow.

Liu Beihai's face was slightly condensed, such a powerful Dao God, he had never seen such a huge Dao God.

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