Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1911: discuss

Zhou Fan's Taoist god, engraved with colorful Taoist patterns, gave Liu Beihai an indescribable mysterious and ancient pressure.

Zhou Fan Taoshen just waved his hand gently, and countless heaven and earth energies gathered in his palm, condensed into a giant sword, and the Taoist realm could easily borrow heaven and earth energy.

Liu Beihai felt the pressure, his Taoist mansion was suppressed, and his Taoist **** was also far inferior to Zhou Fan, but his Taoist **** inscribed with the golden Taoist pattern flew out quickly, and the Taoist **** turned into a giant dragon. There were golden sand particles scattered all over his body.

The Taoist residence in the North Sea is too small to accommodate Zhou Fan's Taoist God and the celestial body of the North Sea.

On the contrary, Zhou Fan's Taoist mansion is still growing, Liu Beihai does not want to withdraw his Taoist mansion, otherwise his disadvantage will be even greater, he can only shrink his celestial body by one round, so that he can have more Make room.

Zhou Fan glanced at the giant dragon that Liu Beihai had transformed into. The celestial dharma body cultivated in the celestial vision realm was the power of the hidden laws, not the magical powers transformed by the real essence. This was the most powerful means of the celestial phenomena realm.

Zhou Fan's thoughts changed, the giant sword in the hands of the Taoist God slashed down, and the dim yellow light radiated from the giant sword, covering the entire Taoist mansion.

Primordial Spirit Skills Trick Old!

The Jinsha giant dragon transformed by Liubeihai was also in this dim light. He felt that his strength was weakening, but this weakening was quickly resisted by the power condensed by the true essence and the law, but such resistance was not good. His consumption was too great, Liu Beihai looked at Zhou Fan, and his heart was full of vigilance. Until now, he has not seen Zhou Fan use his celestial body.

Could it be that he misunderstood that the exaggerated Taoist **** is Zhou Fan's celestial body?

Liu Beihai didn't think too much, and he couldn't help but think too much. His giant dragon spread its teeth and danced its claws, killing the Taoist **** of Zhou Fan.

The two behemoths were fighting together, and the two Taoist mansions vibrated faintly. The impact of various forces could not spread out from the Taoist mansion, but the escaping terrifying pressure made the monks watching from the outside faintly change their colors.

The giant dragon flowing in the North Sea kept falling on the golden sand. Each grain of golden sand contained powerful destructive power, but it could only barely compete with the power of the Taoist **** Zhou Fan. He now understands that Zhou Fan is indeed the **** of Taoism, not the power of implied laws. 's celestial body.

This made Liu Beihai even more shocked. If Zhou Fan used the celestial body, he would definitely lose immediately. He couldn't hold on for that long. Continue to erode his celestial body.

Liu Beihai's thoughts changed, and he immediately made a decision. His dharma body giant dragon broke out again, forcing Zhou Fan's Taoist **** back, he immediately flew back, the celestial body withdrew, and his Taoist **** returned to his own body. , said: "No need to fight, I admit defeat."

Continuing is just self-inflicted humiliation, why insist to the end.

When Zhou Fan saw Liu Beihai admit defeat, he did not continue. After all, it was just a discussion, not a life-and-death struggle. His Taoist shrank quickly and returned to his Dharma body.

In the decisive battle just now, neither of them forgot to protect their own bodies. Of course, there was no need to deliberately destroy the other's bodies in the sparring between the monks. This would lead to death.

Of course, if it was a life-and-death battle, the battle would have ended long ago. Zhou Fan had too many powerful means to be useless. He had been waiting for Liu Beihai to admit defeat.

Zhou Fan put away his Taoist residence, Liu Beihai heaved a sigh of relief, and he quickly took back his Taoist residence.

The onlookers saw that the battle was over, but neither of them seemed to be injured. For a while, they didn't know who won the competition.

However, the monks from the three sects and nine sects had more confidence in Liu Beihai.

"I lost." Liu Beihai knew what the monks of the three sects and nine sects were thinking, and he said calmly.

The monks of the three sects and nine sects were all startled for a while, and looked at Zhou Fan in disbelief. Who is this person who is so holy that he actually won Liu Beihai?

Liu Beihai is a celestial cultivator, and there are definitely very few existences in the Meteor Realm. They never knew that such a powerful cultivator appeared in the Meteor Realm.

"We Hua Liuzong will bear the extra ten times of transmission costs, and we will share the ten times." Liu Beihai said to the monks of the three sects and nine sects.

The monks from the three sects and nine sects said no, they could bear it together. After all, Liu Beihai would lose, and if any of them were replaced, the result would be the same.

You can't lose even if you are Hua Liuzong, they will take advantage if they win.

Liu Beihai didn't say much, just let Du Xiuyuan negotiate the matter with the monks of the three sects and nine sects.

Liu Beihai took out a flying treasure ship and accompanied Zhou Fan to the direction of Drift City.

"Fellow Daoist Li shouldn't be a monk from our Meteor World, right?" Liu Beihai asked with a smile.

If there really is such a powerful local monk in Meteor World, it is impossible for him to not know at all.

Zhou Fan said frankly: "I was born in the barbarian star world."

With his strength, even if Liu Beihai knows, he doesn't have to worry too I didn't expect that there are such powerful monks as Li Daoyou in the Barbarian Star Realm. We have cut off contact with the Barbarian Star Realm for too many years. "Liu Beihai sighed a little: "I originally thought that Li Daoyou was from the Xiazhu star realm. "

"How is Xiazhu Xingjie now?" Zhou Fan asked Liu Beihai by the way.

"I don't know." Liu Beihai raised his eyebrows and said, "I and a few friends who are friends suspected that the Xia Lord Star Realm may be a catastrophe, so the Xia Lord Star Realm closed the Star Realm Teleportation Array, but the incident happened suddenly, No news has been sent to us from the main star realm, and now everything is just speculation."

"Without saying a word, the Astral Teleportation Array was closed, which is really abnormal." Zhou Fan thought about it and said, "The catastrophe came before. If there were no difficulties, the Astral Teleportation Array would not be closed."

After all, who doesn't want to leave a way out?

If it wasn't for a last resort, it would not take the initiative to close the star realm teleportation array.

"That's right, the Star Realm Teleportation Array will not be closed easily." Liu Beihai smiled bitterly: "Even if there is really any trouble, if Xia Lord Star Realm can't solve it, we can't help."

If the Xiazhu star realm really can't hold up, it may involve the other nine star realms, and it will be even more troublesome.

This topic is a bit too heavy, and Liu Beihai said with a serious face: "I wonder if Li Daoyou knows about the deception of the Gray Star Realm?"

"I heard about this." Zhou Fan did not reveal that he came from the Gray Star Realm.

"This thousand-year-old catastrophe seems to be more violent this time than before." Liu Beihai said solemnly: "No matter how powerful it was in the past, the Xia Lord Star Realm will not be to the extent of destroying a star realm, and the meteor realm will not be destroyed. I don't know what it will be like..."

"So I want to discuss something with Daoyou Li."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fan vaguely guessed something.

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