Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1928: run away?

After coming out of the astral teleportation formation in Jingdu, Zhou Fan took out the small moving ball of heaven and earth from the storage bag. He poured the real essence into it, and the bronze ball radiated bronze light. The bronze light condensed into a pair of big hands. With a stretch, a dark crack was ripped open in the air.

Zhou Fan stepped into the pitch-black crack, and there were dangerous monsters and imaginary beings in the space, and he couldn't identify the direction.

But it is not difficult for him who is not the first time to travel between the realms. These problems were solved with the help of the Emperor of All Nations. The Void Spirit Orb can help him avoid the ghosts and ghosts in the realm, and confirm the direction. The law of the heart.

In order to avoid danger, he went in and out of the inter-domain several times, and it took him some time to reach the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

He couldn't help laughing. It was really much easier to travel between the realms. If he couldn't travel between the realms, he thought that it would take ten days and a half months at the earliest to come to the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

The smile on his face subsided, and after entering the Jie Laohui, he immediately confirmed the situation on the Celadon Country.

Lin Wuya and the others have not yet arrived in the Celadon Country, but the Jie Laohui has already sent the nearby warriors and cultivators, as well as the faction forces of Qin Lao, the news will continue to come back, and it is not difficult to know the situation in the Celadon Country. .

He quickly knew that there was no change in Celadon Country, which made him relieved.

His current strategy is that if the giant puppet soldier changes from the predatory form to the full form and comes to him, then he will immediately pass through the astral teleportation array and escape to the meteor realm.

He didn't want to blame the Meteor Realm, but this giant puppet soldier may be like the Fengshen last time. Once he goes to other star realms, the other party will not be able to find him, so he will disappear in the barbarian star realm.

Of course, this is not what Bronze Book said, it was his conjecture, and Bronze Book also felt that he could give it a try.

The Bronze Book told him that no one had ever seen a giant puppet with the ability to teleport quickly, so he should still have time to prepare after the giant puppet entered its full form.

Why don't you leave now?

It's not that he wants to save the cost of astral teleportation, but once he goes to the Meteor Realm, if he wants to know the situation of the giant puppets, he can only rely on the astral teleportation array to transmit some simple letters, which is not very convenient after all.

He needs to know the situation of the giant puppet at any time, so that he can make the correct response.

The worst case is that the giant puppet soldiers can really chase him across the star realm, but he also prepared a few countermeasures in his heart, but he doesn't know whether it will be effective or not.

Zhou Fan didn't tell anyone in the Old Society of Jie that the giant puppet soldiers might be coming for him.

One is because the people from the Jie Laohui can't help him, and the other is to tell them, what will they think of him?

After all, what happened to Fengshen last time has already been known to everyone. If they find the giant puppet soldiers, they will also chase and kill me... Zhou Fan twitched, with his current ability, no one in the barbarian star world can threaten him, but he I don't want to get a title like a Scorpio Lone Star.

What he can do now is to wait patiently, maybe the giant puppet is not here for him?

Eleven days later.

Celadon border.

Lin Wuya, Qin Lao, and Meng Tianlu are three elders in the base camp arranged by the elders' association.

They had been reminded by Zhou Fan before that they knew that they were facing unknowable monsters and giant puppet soldiers.

No one doubted that Zhou Fan was lying, and it was useless to lie about this kind of thing.

The location of the base camp was carefully chosen, and it was the closest place to a giant in the border of the Celadon Kingdom.

As long as they walk out of the tent, even if they don't need a telescopic device to look up, they can see the giant a hundred feet tall in the distance.

There are dense black lines spreading out from the giant's body.

Its head is blurred, and even with a telescopic device, it is impossible to see its true face in the white cloud.

Once close to the giant, they may be turned into puppets and sucked up.

At present, there is no good way to resist this curse. The only way is to rely on one's own true energy to resist, but even the true energy of the pure Yang cultivator cannot support it for long.

A Taoist monk who has cultivated a Taoist state can resist the curse of the giant puppet soldiers in the form of predators, and can persist for a long time, but so what?

After confirming that it was a giant puppet soldier, the elders of the world already knew how terrifying the strength of this monster was from Zhou Fan, and too much investigation became meaningless.

What they can do is to observe and wait. If the giant puppet soldiers do not leave the barbarian star realm after preying, it will be a serious catastrophe for the barbarian star realm, which can also be said to be the beginning of a catastrophe.

The giant puppet soldiers in full form are hung with strings that are comparable to those of cultivators who master the law. Even if such a string puppet appears at random, they can't solve it even if they use the strength of the entire world, let alone solve it. It is said that there are even tens of thousands of lines on the giant puppet soldiers.

"This is the most terrifying unknowable monster I've ever seen." Meng Tianlu looked at the giant in the distance, and he felt frightened every time he looked at it.

"I only hope that it can leave the Barbarian Star Realm after preying on it." Old Qin said in a deep voice that this area is under the jurisdiction of his sect. The loss of the Celadon Kingdom has already been caused, and now he is even more worried that the giant puppet soldiers will not leave.

Lin Wuya, who was wearing yellow clothes, frowned, as if he was involved in such a powerful existence as unknowable monsters. His deduction technique couldn't see anything, so he didn't know how dangerous it was.

The three of them stood and watched for a while, then went back to their tents to rest. The task of monitoring the giants was done by their subordinates, so they didn't need to stare at them all day.

But it didn't take long for the three to be called out, UU reading www. uukanshu. The com giant has changed.

The three of them just ran out of the tent in an instant and looked up at the giant in the distance.

The dense black lines on the giant standing between the heavens and the earth are shaking slightly and shrinking continuously. There is no line puppet at the other end of the black line.

Everyone immediately understood that the giant puppets had already completed their predation, and the line puppets were all swallowed up.

Standing still, the giant who looked like a huge statue slowly twisted his body, and the world was shaking with it.

The Celadon Giant Puppet Soldier completed the predation and sent it back to the Jie Laohui in an instant.

Zhou Fan immediately flew to the Star Realm Teleportation Array leading to the Meteor Realm.

There are constantly talismans running towards the star realm teleportation array, and they start to get busy.

They all received a letter from Zhou Fan and came to set up the star realm teleportation array.

The elders of the Jie Laohui were also informed in advance. They didn't know what Zhou Fan was going to do. Zhou Fan just said that it might help to deal with the giant puppet soldiers, and the Jie Laohui agreed.

After all, Zhou Fan was responsible for the cost of the teleportation. He wanted to use the astral teleportation array, and no one could say anything.

The elders of the world never thought about the possibility that Zhou Fan would use the astral teleportation array to run away. After all, no matter how powerful the giant puppets are, they are still far away from the barbarian heaven. Even if they wanted to run to other star realms, it would be too much Are you in a hurry?

Soon the astral teleportation formation was set up with the help of the talisman, and it could be activated and left at any time.

Zhou Fan took out the sound transmission jade talisman. As soon as it was confirmed that the giant puppet soldier was coming to the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm, he would leave immediately. He entrusted this matter to Lin Wuya. There are so many elders in the world. I believe in Lin Wuya.

Soon the sound transmission jade talisman was activated, and Zhou Fan hurriedly asked, "How is the situation?"

"There's something wrong with the situation." Lin Wuya's voice was full of surprise.

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