Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1929: Qin Lao suggested

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"It's not the same as what you said." Lin Wuya's voice came from the sound transmission jade talisman. "The giant puppet soldiers did not mean to form a complete form after preying. Those giants are moving collectively to the north."

Move to the north collectively?

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, and he quickly recalled that from the map, the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm was not to the north of the Celadon Kingdom.

"Do you know why this is happening?" Lin Wuya asked, "They are accelerating, and it won't take long for them to cross the wilderness and enter Xilin Country."

"I don't know why this happens, it's different from what I know." Zhou Fan said in a deep voice, this was really beyond his expectations.

According to what he had heard from the Bronze Book, the giant puppet soldier would be converted into a full form after predation, and it would be possible to leave the current world or remain in the current world after that. What's the matter with continuing to maintain the prey form now?

"That may be a mutation." Lin Wuya said: "If there is a change, I will tell you again. If you know something, tell me as soon as possible."

Lin Wuya disconnected from Zhou Fan's voice transmission.

Zhou Fan stood there, his face gloomy and uncertain.

"Sir, do you want to continue the teleportation?" A Talisman came over and asked respectfully.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Continue to teleport!"

Even if the giant puppet soldier doesn't come here, it doesn't mean it's not for him. He has to try it anyway to see if he is not in the barbarian star realm. Will the giant puppet soldier change?

The talismans immediately walked back to their positions for the final teleportation preparations.

Zhou Fan stepped aside and activated the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Did you think of something?" Lin Wuya asked.

"No, I'm going to the Meteor Realm to see if there is a way there. If there is any slight change in the giant puppet soldier, you can tell Xiaobai or announce the teleportation formation and send the letter to me." Zhou Fan urged, Lin Wu Before Ya gave a sound transmission jade talisman to the three Xiaobai brothers, so the three Xiaobai brothers could contact Lin Wuya at any time.

Lin Wuya over there agreed, although he didn't know what effect Zhou Fan could play in the Meteor Realm, but he knew that Zhou Fan would not waste time for no reason.

Zhou Fan put away the sound transmission jade talisman and stepped into the center of the formation, indicating that the talisman masters can start.

Hundreds of talismans activated the formation, the formation turned, and Zhou Fan quickly disappeared in the barbarian star realm.

No one has ever seen such a magnificent scene.

Tens of thousands of giants were moving across rivers and mountains. They ran, the ground trembled, cracks appeared on the ground, and the peaks were leveled by them, and huge footprints appeared on some soft ground.

However, all the tens of thousands of giants suddenly stopped moving.

This caused the flying treasure ship that had been flying behind the tens of thousands of giants to stop immediately, and Lin Wuya and the others on the ship had a look of alertness on their faces.

No one knows where these tens of thousands of giants want to go.

However, this stop only lasted for a short while, and the tens of thousands of giants continued to move.

"What happened to Xilinguo?" Lin Wuya looked at Old Qin and asked.

Old Qin's face was ugly, and Xilinguo was also under the jurisdiction of his sect. He hurriedly said: "I never thought that they would change like this before, and Xilinguo's preparations were not sufficient."

Even if the large and small forces of the Xilin Kingdom already knew that the Celadon Kingdom was destroyed, they made some preparations in advance, and some forces had already relocated, but the relocation in this era is not easy.

The speed of tens of thousands of giants is not slow. If the target of these tens of thousands of giants is Xilin Kingdom, then there are not many people in Xilin Kingdom who can escape alive, at most some special characters such as warrior monks, mortals... think It's so hard to survive.

It is very likely that the Xilin Kingdom will be destroyed like the Celadon Kingdom.

Lin Wuya sighed, he didn't speak any more, this was a catastrophe, but he didn't expect that this catastrophe would be an unknowable calamity.

"Fellow Daoist in yellow, can we just let it go on like this?" Old Qin asked with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Elder Qin, this is an unknowable monster, what can we do?" Meng Tianlu said with a wry smile.

The power gap is too great.

Lin Wuya glanced at Qin Laodao: "Qin Daoyou has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

Qin Laodao: "I think the giant puppet soldier wants to continue to prey by maintaining this prey form. Its next target is Xilin Kingdom. We were afraid that it would transform into a complete form, because we don't have any opponents of its complete form. But now we can't wait any longer."

"If we let it continue in this form of predation, what is the benefit to us if one country eats it? It's better to attack these giants and turn them into full form."

"Then what about after changing to full form?" Meng Tianlu said with a shocked expression.

"I don't know, I can only talk about it later." Qin Lao said coldly: "It's better to have changes than to have changes."

"I object." Meng Tianlu said: "It will prey in this form, but it is just your guess, and its target may not even be the Xilin country. We will act rashly, in case there is any unimaginable change, then Who is responsible?"

"It's not Xilin Country, why did they migrate here?" Qin Lao looked at the endless migratory giants in front of him: "They didn't even hunt the creatures along the The goal is very clear, How likely do you think it is that it is not the Xilin Kingdom?"

"Do you want to see them in the Xilin country and finish preying on the Xilin country, and all the people dare to confirm?"

"Elder Qin, even if you are my senior, I have to say something." Meng Tianlu said solemnly: "As long as we don't confirm it, we can't act rashly, even if it is true in the end, as you said, they want to prey on everyone in Xilin Country. , then you can only let them eat."

"It's too dangerous to force out its full form without proof!"

"I know that you feel distressed for the loss of so many people in your country under the jurisdiction of your sect. Through such sacrifices, it proves that the actions of the giant puppet soldiers are worthwhile, and the loss of Xilin country can be made up by the old world."

Old Qin shouted angrily: "Do you think this is a matter of loss? This is a matter of life and death for all people in a country. Even if it is not my country under the jurisdiction of the sect, I would suggest this!"

Meng Tianlu was silent and looked at Lin Wuya.

Lin Wuya has been silent, he is thinking about what to do, and what Meng Tianlu said has its own reasoning.

"If it really doesn't work, then we will gather all the elders and decide together." Meng Tianlu thought for a while and said.

"It's too late." Qin Lao said: "It's so procrastinating, and when we're done discussing, the country of Xilin is long gone. Fellow Daoist in yellow, what do you think?"

Lin Wuya sighed lightly, "I don't know what is the most appropriate way to do it, but what Qin Daoyou said makes sense, you can't just watch these monsters go to Xilin Country like this."

"Even if they don't come for the Xilin country, let them pass through the Xilin country, and the Xilin country will be mostly destroyed."

"It's better to give it a try than that!"

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