Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1940: Bronze Guess

"I admit that I do hope that the giant puppet soldier is dead and will not reappear." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "but I don't disrespect the facts. It is very unlikely that the giant puppet soldier can be resurrected. It will give me so many big gray worms, and the probability of it being alive is very low."

"You don't know the Unknown level, the Unknown level is not so easy to kill." Yinbi drew a smile on the bronze book, "In history, many monks with top strength have tried to kill Unknown level monsters, they Everyone thought that the Unknown-level monster was killed, but it didn't take long to find that the unknown-level monster was not dead and appeared in other star realms."

"The unknowable-level monster is difficult to understand, but what has been confirmed is that there is usually only one unknown-level monster, such as the giant puppet soldier. If the main body appears in the barbarian star realm, other star realms will not be able to find its trace. "

"If there were too many cases of being killed and resurrected by unknowable monsters, my mother would not have said such things, do you understand?"

"It's not just the giant puppet soldiers, even the Yunyan Lord who was killed with the help of the ship may be resurrected. Of course, this may not be a resurrection, it may be a new and exactly the same unknowable monster, which is still impossible. confirmed."

Zhou Fan was a little speechless after hearing this, and the excitement in his heart disappeared completely. He asked curiously, "Why does the unknowable monster roam in various star realms?"

"I don't know." Bronze Book casually flipped through the pages and said, "There are a lot of weird people who can travel between different star realms. There were many monks who studied this strange way of shuttle, but in the end they didn't work out. No one said that. I don't know how they did it."

Zhou Fan pondered silently, the words of the bronze book were not unreasonable, then he had to prepare mentally for the giant puppet soldier to be resurrected at any time. The excitement in his heart that the giant puppet soldier died disappeared without a trace.

"I'm asking you something." The bronze book suddenly interrupted Zhou Fan's thoughts.

Zhou Fan looked up at the Bronze Book in surprise, but the Bronze Book had never been so serious to ask him a question.

"Why do you think my mother sent me to the boat?" The bronze book also used a silver pen to draw a questioning expression on the book while speaking. It spoke, but couldn't make an expression, so it needed the cooperation of the silver pen.

"How would I know this?" Zhou Fan said speechlessly: "I don't know anything about Senior Qing, you are her son, you are more likely to guess the truth than I do."

"Just because I can't think of it, I asked you." Yinbi drew an unhappy expression on the bronze book, "I need you, a bystander, to analyze it."

"Senior Qing said that you would know about it in the future, why should you think about it?" Zhou Fan tentatively asked, "Don't you believe in Senior Qing?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yinbi quickly drew several angry expressions, "How could I not believe my mother? If I don't believe my mother, how could I possibly speak on the boat?"

"Just because Mother said she sent me on board, and Mother sent me on board, it means that there is definitely no danger on board, so I can speak with confidence."

"Sorry, I thought too much." Zhou Fan coughed and apologized. He didn't expect Bronze Book's reaction to be so big, "But since that's the case, why are you so anxious to know?"

"Because I'm worried about Mother." Yinbi drew a worried expression on the bronze book, "Mother kept me on the boat, maybe because of something very dangerous, or she wouldn't leave me on the boat and ignore it. Such a long time."

"It is indeed possible." Zhou Fan said: "But Senior Qing is so strong, nothing will happen."

"Do you think there are other possibilities besides this possibility?" Bronze Book said: "Anything can be said."

"This..." Zhou Fan pondered, he quickly glanced at the bronze book and said: "I think in addition to the possibility that Senior Qing may do dangerous things, there is another possibility, that is, you will encounter danger. Seniors can only keep you on the boat."

"There used to be a guide named Zhou Xiaomao, and that's how I got on the boat."

This is what Zhou Xiaoquan's letter said. There should be no mistake. If this guess is correct, could it be that all the guides on the ship are on board for the sake of refuge?

He thought of this, and his heart seemed to be shrinking slowly. This guess is too absurd. Which one of the leaders is not a monk with top strength? Even if such a monk is faced with unknowable monsters, he can kill them. What can threaten their safety?

But what happened to Zhou Xiaoxiao was indeed the case. He couldn't help but believe it. If this guess was true, it would be too terrifying.

Yinbi drew a sweaty expression on the book, "Your statement is so absurd, I am a monk who has practiced the Law of Immortality. Who in the world can kill me?"

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "You can't say that. Didn't you say that the law of immortality is not necessarily immortal?"

Bronze Book was silent for a while and said: "You are right, although I don't know who can kill but my mother told me before that the law of immortality is only relatively immortal, outside Don't be careless, be careful."

"But I still don't understand. If I am in danger, mother should protect me by herself instead of leaving me on the boat."

"Then who do you think is stronger, your mother or the boat?" Zhou Fan asked.

Bronze Book thought for a while and said, "Even if I don't want to admit it, the strength of the ship is indeed very strong, and it should be similar to my mother."

Why do I think the boat is stronger... Zhou Fan said: "If you may be in danger, your mother left you on the boat, probably because the boat can protect your safety."

"Do you find it strange?" Bronze Book said: "When I asked my mother why, my mother said that this is a secret involving the ship, so I can't tell me for the time being, what relationship can I have with the ship if I stay on the ship? ?"

Zhou Fan's expression became subtle. This was also a question that he was puzzled about. The two of them guessed, but they couldn't put the ship factor into it for a reasonable explanation.

The bronze book no longer speaks, but writes with a silver pen, "The boat must be listening to us, I can't see the boat when I write, only you can see it, in fact, I still have a guess in my heart, whether I write it later Whatever comes, don't talk, just nod and shake your head to express your opinion."

"Nodding means you think I'm right, shaking your head means you think I'm wrong, understand?"

Zhou Fan saw that Bronze Book was so cautious, he nodded with a serious expression, indicating that he knew it.

Yinbi quickly wrote: "I suspect that my mother is threatened by the boat, so I can only stay on the boat. The boat is the murderer that caused me to separate from my mother!"

Zhou Fan: "..."

"Do you think I'm right?"

Zhou Fan shook his head, he thought it was impossible.

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