Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1941: feel insulted

"Why do you think it's wrong?" Yinbi wrote on the bronze book: "I became a hostage, and it forced my mother to do things for it? If you think it's wrong, write it down and tell me that the boat can't see it."

The silver pen and the bronze book floated towards Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan thought about it, then picked up the silver pen and wrote: "Didn't you say that Senior Qing's strength is similar to that of the boat? Besides, Senior Qing also said that the boat is not a bad person. The ship shouldn't be able to monitor our conversations."

"Of course you may say that Senior Qing was forced to make an oath, and he can't tell the truth or speak ill of the ship. Don't you think it's very unlikely to add so many preconditions?"

Zhou Fan let go of the pen after he finished writing, the boat was too strong, he didn't think it was necessary for the boat to do this, and he didn't seem to be threatened when he saw Qing Xiaowei's words.

The silver pen started writing on the bronze, "You're right, then the possibility that I'm a hostage almost doesn't exist."

"I have another guess..." Yinbi drew a tangled expression here, "I tell you, you can't say it, if you dare to say it, I will kill you!"

The silver pen drew a **** knife.

"Then don't talk about it." Zhou Fan coughed lightly. It was too risky to take a guess, so he decided not to read it.

"That's up to you, as long as you don't tell any living being, I won't make it difficult for you." The silver pen wrote: "If you don't read it, I don't know if my guess is correct, I need you to analyze it for me. "

That is, it is not enough to not read it. Zhou Fan is also very curious in his heart. What would such a cautious guess from Bronze Book be?

Yinbi just paused, "I only have a mother, I don't have a father... I can't say that. It should be said that I don't know who my father is. Most creatures have parents."

"Our Bronze Race is similar to your humans, and we all have parents."

Bronze? Zhou Fan couldn't help but said, "What is the Bronze Clan? Are there Silver Clan and Gold Clan?"

"Of course there is. The world is so big. Although you have many human races, there will always be some unique races. Of course there are silver races and golden races. They are only relatively weak races. You ask what this is for, this is not the point, you listen to me first. Say." Yinbi drew an impatient expression.

Zhou Fan stopped talking, he still wanted to ask if there was a platinum family...

"I should have a father. I asked my mother once before, but my mother was vague. I was afraid that my mother would be sad, so I didn't ask about it again." Yinbi drew a sighing expression, "If you have a mother, Enough is enough, I don't care who my father is."

How did it tell me this... A ridiculous thought suddenly flashed in Zhou Fan's heart, could it be...

"I suspect the boat may be my father," the Bronze Book wrote.

Zhou Fan: "..."

"Is that impossible?" Zhou Fan said with a uh, although the bronze book said that he couldn't speak, but as long as he didn't reveal the important content, the problem was not big. The key was that he was a little confused and didn't even want to write, so he just said it.

Bronze Book did not get angry, but continued to write: "I have a basis for saying this, I guess the ship found my mother, and my mother knew that I would not recognize the ship, so she kept me by the ship's side, and she Why do you think it's impossible to leave cruelly and let me develop a relationship with the ship?"

Zhou Fan resisted the urge to cover his face. He was too naive to believe that there would be any reliable guesses in Bronze Book.

After thinking about it, Zhou Fan took a pen and wrote: "Let's not say anything else, what about the other leaders? They can't all be descendants of ships, are you half-brothers and sisters?"

Zhou Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth when he wrote this. If other guides knew what he said, he might not have to kill him.

He let go, and the pen started writing again, "I don't know what happened to the other guides, but I think it's possible."

You think Dad is going crazy... Zhou Fan sneered silently in his heart, and he took a pen and wrote again, "This is really impossible, if you cultivate a relationship with you, the ship will definitely show affection to you, not You stay on the boat and don't care?"

Zhou Fan let go of the silver pen, and the silver pen automatically wrote: "Maybe... maybe... it's shy and doesn't know how to please me?"

Zhou Fan: "..."

I feel that my IQ has been insulted, how can I discuss this kind of issue with it... Zhou Fan thought silently in his heart, he took the silver pen and wrote: "You are right, then why don't you ask the boat?"

"It's impossible." Yinbi wrote in the bronze book: "Even if it's true, I don't plan to recognize it. If it's not, where will I put my face?"

You must be thinking... Zhou Fan was speechless. He took the silver pen and wrote, "Then what are you going to do?"

"If it's true, it will say it one day." Yinbi drew a smile on the bronze book, "I won't ask it if it doesn't say I hope you ask... Zhou Fan wanted to laugh, but he kept his face from laughing, and said instead: "You can figure it out, I can't help you, by the way, my realm has stabilized, can you let me enter the celestial phenomenon? The cultivation resources of the environment? "

He doesn't care what Bronze Book likes to think. Compared to this, he still focuses on his cultivation. It has been a while since he entered the celestial realm, and his realm is stable. The environment is complete.

His sense of crisis has always been very heavy, and the sooner his realm improves, the better.

And if you want to advance to the Celestial Vision Realm, it will take hundreds of years to cultivate only with the cultivation method... With his foundation, it may take thousands of years, and he can only rely on cultivation resources.

Yinbi drew a smile, and Bronze Book said, "Of course I have the cultivation resources in the Tianxiang realm, but why should I give it to you? You let me possess the body to help you escape the control of the giant puppet soldiers, I should be able to do it, you You still owe me five possessions."

Zhou Fan smiled dryly and said, "Senior Qing asked you to stay on the boat, but it's not that I won't let you possess me. If you want to possess me and go out for a walk, of course I have nothing to say."

The Bronze Book should not try to escape the control of the ship, and the danger of letting it out is almost zero.

"No, I don't have any interest in going out so much." Bronze Book said: "If you have any questions in the future, I will answer you when I am in a good mood, but don't think about cultivation resources, I have no idea. The reason is to give you cultivation resources for nothing."

"The two of us were good friends who had nothing to say just now, how can you turn your face when you turn your face?" Zhou Fan said.

Yinbi drew a squinting smile, "You think too much, I don't have any friends, just now the two of us didn't get what we needed. If you want to lie to me, don't even think about it!"

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