Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1942: double loss

Zhou Fan looked at the bronze book and said sadly, "Even Senior Qing is polite to me. You are so disappointed in Senior Qing."

Bronze calligraphy painted a smiling expression, "My mother is polite to you because of the boat, even if it is not because of the boat, but my mother didn't let me help you, let alone help you for free."

"You are really heartless." Zhou Fan sighed softly: "You don't need to possess yourself, so are you going to wait like this and do nothing?"

"Why don't you say?" Yinbi drew a funny expression on the bronze book, "My mother said she would definitely come if she came and take me, I just have to wait."

Zhou Fan was helpless for a while. Bronze Book's words sounded very rude, but it didn't help, and he couldn't say anything. After all, Bronze Book really had no reason to help him unless he could exchange something that Bronze Book was interested in. , but he has nothing that Bronze Book is interested in...

When Zhou Fan thought of this, his heart suddenly moved, and he raised his head and said, "When do you think Senior Qing will come and take you away?"

"Why are you asking this?" After the bronze book finished speaking, he drew another questioning expression.

"Of course it's useful for me to ask." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I guess you don't know."

"I don't know, do you know?" Bronze Book said disdainfully: "Don't try to lie to me, if you say something, I may make you swear to believe you."

"I'm not sure, but I have a guess in my heart." Zhou Fan said slowly: "Senior Qing said the time he took you to leave, do you think it has something to do with the ship?"

"What do you mean by that?" Bronze Book hesitated.

"If it has something to do with the ship, it may have something to do with me, the boarding person. Helping me may help you get out of this place as soon as possible." Zhou Fan said.

"It has something to do with you?" The pages of the bronze book quickly turned, and it turned for a while before laughing: "It sounds like it might be related, but it's still too far-fetched, I can't imagine helping you become stronger and stronger. My mother will come early, how can I get in touch?"

"The guesses you made before may be right or wrong." Zhou Fan said, "But you also heard Senior Qing say that I was the one chosen by the boat, so why is it surprising that this has something to do with me? And your identity is defined by the ship as a guide, what is a guide, that is, a monk who guides a boarding person like me."

"The guide is meant to help me become stronger. If you don't perform your duties, you might delay your time to see Senior Qing again."

Bronze Book was silent for a while and said, "Do you think you can deceive me?"

"How come I lied to you?" Zhou Fan said in surprise.

"Before you, I didn't help any boarding crew, but do you think I don't know the responsibilities of a guide?" Silver Pen drew a smile on the bronze book, "The first day I woke up on the ship The boat told me that the guide's job is to guide the boarding people to push the boat to the other side."

"Am I right?"

Why did you suddenly become smart... Zhou Fan coughed lightly: "This is similar to what I said..."

"It's a long way off." Bronze Book snorted coldly and said, "As long as you use the big gray worm, you can push the ship forward, so you can reach the other shore? You can't have enough big gray worms."

Zhou Fan said with a smile: "That's what you said, but do you think any boarding person would be stupid enough to do such a thing, in case the big gray worms are spent and the boat is pushed to a very far river surface, but it does not reach it. The so-called other shore, if you want to fish again in the future, you will have to pay an exorbitant amount of big gray worms."

"It's hard to fish, and you're in a dilemma."

The bronze book was flipping the pages again, and it quickly said: "If you are willing to use the big gray worm you currently have to push the ship forward, once you don't reach the other side, I will help you for free without any payment, what do you think?"

Zhou Fan thought about it seriously, he quickly shook his head and said, "This is not realistic, even if you are willing to swear and promise, the problem is that I don't know when you will fall asleep. Once you fall asleep, what should I do?"

"This is easy to solve. I can prepare all the resources and other things in the realm behind for you." Bronze Book said.

"Is this true?" Zhou Fan smiled and said, "What I want are the top-notch cultivation resources, can you really provide it? In order to prevent you from lying to me, I want you to swear and promise. "

The Bronze Book is silent, it is weighing the pros and cons, the latter realms are not easy, and the cultivation assistance of such a high realm is really top-level, even if it can barely help, but the value is too great, and it is not necessarily Complete, that is to say it cannot meet Zhou Fan's requirements.

Even if it can meet Zhou Fan's requirements, it is not willing. After all, once it needs to help Zhou Fan for free, it will not reach the other side... This is equivalent to a double loss.

"Forget it, I'll wait for the big deal. As long as you don't die, I won't help you. If you want to obtain cultivation resources, you will always push the ship forward." Bronze Book said after tangled.

Zhou Fan said: "Then you are wrong I definitely want to fish, but when I don't need it, I won't push the boat forward. Even if I can't find cultivation resources outside, don't forget me. There is also the Time Cabin, if you want to wait, just wait slowly."

Silver Pen drew an angry expression, "How can you use something like a time hut, it consumes your lifespan, and you don't have a big grey worm now? Isn't it bad to fish with a big grey worm?"

"Well..." Zhou Fan said seriously: "I have my own considerations. Of course, lifespan is important, but I just want to accumulate more gray worms. This has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Yinbi drew another angry expression, "Maybe if you reach the other shore sooner, my mother will come and take me away sooner."

"But what does it have to do with me when you got out of the boat?" Zhou Fan calmly said: "Don't forget, we are not even friends. This is what you said, and I agree with you. We're not really friends."

Both the bronze book and the silver pen were trembling with anger, but they couldn't say a word, because what Zhou Fan said was not wrong, how Zhou Fan did it, it was not his turn to dictate.

"Then how can you be willing to push the ship forward?" Bronze Book asked a little aggrieved.

Zhou Fan felt amused. After talking for so long, Bronze Book was finally willing to give in. He didn't laugh, otherwise it would be miserable to stimulate Bronze Book, "Did the boat tell you that I want to catch the top celestial realm? Where do the resources need to move the boat forward?"

This is also the responsibility of the guide, and the guide cannot lie about this kind of thing. The bronze book says: "Only the 20,000-zhang river can you have the astronomical resources you want. To advance to the 20,000-zhang river requires 2,000 large gray worms to promote it. , and fishing on that river requires 40 million gray worms."

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