Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1945: Summer Lord Star Realm visitor

"Okay, I see." Zhou Fan saw that Lin Wuya didn't understand the situation, so he didn't ask more, but said, "How long will it take for you to arrive?"

"I'm not far from the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm, I can get there in a day." Lin Wuya said.

Zhou Fan's eyes flickered. Not only did the Xia Lord Star Realm's teleportation array pass through, but some people came through the teleportation array. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

After thinking about it, he used the sound transmission jade talisman to contact Zi Xiaozi. His relationship with Zi Xiaozi was not bad.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, are you looking for me to inquire about the senior who came from the Xiazhu Star Realm?" Zi Xiaozi asked.

"Yes, I wonder if you heard any news?" Zhou Fan asked directly.

"I'm at the Jie Laohui." Zi Xiaozi chuckled and said, "But I don't know much about that senior, only that after he came out of the star realm, Qin Lao and Tang Lao respected him very much. And calling him a senior, the realm should be very high, but I don’t know if there is such a powerful fellow Daoist Zhou…”

After the Giant Puppet Soldier incident, the number one expert recognized by the Jie Laohui has changed from the yellow-clothed man Lin Wuya to Zhou Fan. Of course, few people know what realm Zhou Fan has reached.

"Since he is a senior, he must be taller than me." Zhou Fan said modestly.

"Besides this, I don't know more about it. That senior lived in the best room of the Jie Laohui, and asked us to gather all the Jie Laohui. He had something important to say, and I told Qin. Lao and Tang Lao have inquired about it, and Qin Lao and Tang Lao don't seem to know how strong this senior is." Zi Xiaozi said everything he knew.

Zhou Fan put away the sound transmission jade talisman. It seems that no one in the Jie Laohui knows the origin of that person. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, he must go back to see the situation first.

He used the sound transmission jade talisman to tell the insect girl again, took out the small moving ball of heaven and earth, tore open the space and walked in.

It didn't take much time for Zhou Fan to arrive at the Jie Laohui. The Jie Laohui of the Jie Laohui would not be able to arrive for a while, so he went to see Qin Lao and Tang Lao first.

Old Qin and Old Tang were not surprised that Zhou Fan came so quickly. The two of them looked at each other with serious faces. Old Tang snapped his fingers slightly and performed a sound insulation technique before smiling: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, we originally discussed it. Have a good talk with you, I didn't expect you to come first."

"What happened to that person?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It was Daoyou Qin who arrived first, Daoyou Qin, tell Daoyou Zhou." Tang Lao said.

Qin Laodao said: "After that person came out of the teleportation array, I was notified and rushed over as soon as possible. He was very powerful, and just by looking at me, I felt that my whole body seemed to be burning. This kind of It's the first time I've seen an uncontrolled situation, but it quickly disappeared as if it hadn't happened."

Qin Lao said here with a dignified look on his face, "I walked over and politely said to welcome fellow Daoist to the Wild Star Realm... But before I finished speaking, the man was unhappy, he said that a small place is a small place. , My realm is so much higher than yours, why are you worthy of my fellow Daoist?"

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't know that it was not a big problem to call the realm cultivators this way. That person was a little too much. He sounded like a very arrogant cultivator.

"I knew that he might be very strong, and I didn't want to conflict with him, so I called him a senior. Later, Taoist friend Tang also came, and he was very angry. He didn't even tell us the two names, he just asked if we were the biggest. The forces, after we have a certain understanding of our elders, let us arrange his residence and request that all elders gather together, he has something to announce, and it is probably like this." Qin said slowly.

"We don't talk too much about it, because we don't want to cause some elders to worry." Mr. Tang added.

"Did he not reveal the purpose of his coming to the Wild Star Realm?" Zhou Fan asked.

"No." Old Qin said, "I guess he wanted to call everyone together before he said it."

Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "Then what did you say he came for?"

Mr. Tang said: "This is exactly what we can't figure out, because the cost of teleporting once is too expensive, and I was the only one who went to the Xiazhu Star Realm a long time ago in the entire Old World Association, but I didn't stay for too long that time. I've never heard anything about this guy."

Zhou Fan remained silent, things were too rushed, what was the situation on the Xiazhu star realm, and I still can't find out. Mr. Jie knew too little about Xiazhu star realm. He had read some information on Xiazhu star realm and knew Xiazhuxing. The realm is stronger than the other nine star realms, and the monks there are of course stronger.

However, these are general information only, and there is no value worthy of reference.

"Whatever he does, we will find out soon." Qin Lao sneered: "If the visitor is not good, our Jie Laohui will not be easy to bully."

Qin Lao is talking about the defensive formation of the Barbarian Heavenly City. Although this organization is only a loose alliance, the past dynasties have devoted a lot of hard work to the Barbarian Heavenly City. In Zhou Fan's eyes, this can definitely be regarded as the first of the Barbarian Star Realm. Two safe places.

The first safe place is, of course, the Palace of Mirrors.

Now Zhou Fan doesn't dare to say that he can resist the defensive formation of Tiancheng in the barbarian world. Qin Lao's words are not aimless. UU Reading

"It's all about getting ready." Tang Lao also nodded in approval.

Zhou Fan didn't say anything. He wanted to say what if that person could really resist the defensive formation of Tiancheng in the barbarian world?

But he still didn't say it, because it's not very likely, even a cultivator of the Tongxuan Realm might not be able to resist the defensive formation of the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

Immediately after that, Jie Lao continued to return to the Jie Laohui, and soon Lin Wuya also came. With Lin Wuya's strength, of course he was qualified to know about that person.

Another two days passed, and the man never showed up in front of others, but stayed in his room.

The elders of the world waited patiently, and several elders needed a certain amount of time to arrive. During the period, Zhou Fan thought about it and still did not go to the Meteor Realm to inquire about the news through the teleportation array, because the cost of transmission was also expensive for him, and the transmission resources were very expensive. It's important, maybe one more person's life can be saved at the critical moment, anyway, as long as you wait, you should be able to know the news, there is no need to worry too much.

But on the third day, the man directly asked Jie Laohui to send his servant to serve him to find Lao Tang, saying that there was no waiting, so many people would be enough.

So Zhou Fan and these Jie Laos gathered in the meeting room on the top floor of the Jie Laohui White Pagoda. No one was too nervous. No matter how high the cultivation base was from the Xiazhu Star Realm, this was the Jie Laohui's territory after all.

Accompanied by Lao Qin and Lao Tang, the man appeared in the meeting room through the teleportation technique.

Zhou Fan and the others looked over, and found that the man was short and chubby. The most conspicuous thing was his flaming red beard. He glanced at everyone in the room indifferently.

"Senior, these are the elders of our elders' association, allow me..."

But before Tang Lao's words were finished, the man waved his hand and interrupted, "Needless to say, it's just some trash. Don't waste your time."

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