Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1946: I object


Some of the elders in the meeting room immediately turned ashen, but still held back and did not speak.

A man with a red face and a beard sat on the main seat.

Mr. Qin and Mr. Tang didn't say much, just sat silently in their seats. If it wasn't for the unknown situation, the other party seemed to be very powerful, they would have had an attack long ago.

The meeting room was silent, and the man said calmly, "This seat is called Feng Hongyan. From today onwards, I will have the final say."

"Senior Feng, all matters in the Jie Laohui are discussed and dealt with by the elders, but there is no precedent that no one has the final say, let alone that Senior Feng is just an outsider." Qin Lao said slowly.

Many Jie Lao looked at Feng Hongyan with ridicule, does this person really think that he can do whatever he wants? This is the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm!

Before the meeting started, the elders of the world had unanimously agreed to take out the order of the barbarian heavenly city great formation. If this person wanted to force it, the elders of the world would not be easy to bully.

Feng Hongyan snorted coldly, "Did you rely on the great formation in this city to dare to talk to me like this? Do you think I would be afraid of this?"

"If I'm afraid of this, I won't stay in the city. I can tell you that this big formation in the city poses no threat to me at all. If you don't believe it, you can try it, but once you try it, it will offend me. , the consequences are not something you can bear."

The elders of the world are all skeptical, but they are not stupid. The other party dares to sit here and say this, there must be something powerful.

Seeing that no one spoke for a while, Feng Hongyan sneered: "Do you guys know what kind of cultivator I am? Have you heard of the Profound Opening Realm before?"

Several people in Jie Lao changed their expressions one after another, and Tang Lao's face was slightly condensed: "You mean you are in the Tong Xuan realm?"

"Is this surprising?" Feng Hongyan said disdainfully, "Do you now know why I look down on you? Which one of you has entered the Tongxuan Realm? There aren't even a few in the Celestial Realm, right? If you were in the main star realm, you would even I don't even have the right to sit together!"

Feng Hongyan squinted at everyone, "With my strength to take over the elders of the world, who of you would dare to have an opinion?"

As soon as his words fell, the meeting room was like being in an oven, and some pure yang monks were sweating on their foreheads. This was not an illusion, but the temperature of the meeting room was indeed rising. The real essence of the body is hard to resist.

Just when Lao Qin and Lao Tang were about to call in a large force to deal with it, someone chuckled, which broke the tense atmosphere in the room.

Everyone's eyes converged along the laughter and found that it was Zhou Fan.

Feng Hongyan's thoughts changed and the temperature in the room subsided. He looked at Zhou Fan coldly, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Fan said with a smile, "I think it's fine if I want to take over the Jie Laohui with the strength of my predecessors. This is a great thing for the Jie Laohui, but sometimes it's not about strength. Seniors can tell us about you. Why do you want to take over the old society?"

The elders of the world are also puzzled by this. They have been elders of the world for so long, and they have never encountered a cultivator in the Xuanxuan realm who came to say that they want to take over the elders of the world. What good is this?

Could it be that Feng Hongyan wanted to unify the Barbarian Star Realm and become the Realm Lord of the Barbarian Star Realm?

This is simply a joke, not to mention the barbarian star realm, so many star realms have never really appeared in the existence of any realm like a realm.

Feng Hongyan said disdainfully, "Why should I tell you? Don't you dare to object?"

"Actually, you don't need to say this." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "But seniors should tell us what benefits we can get from the elders' association after the seniors take over, and what benefits the seniors want to get from the elders' association. ?"

"If you can't explain it clearly, seniors like us would agree, that's impossible. Of course, the seniors are very powerful, and we are not opponents, but with the help of the great formation in the city, I'm afraid it won't be easy for the seniors to win the elders of the world, right? "

"After winning the Jie Laohui, how many Jie Laohui surrendered to their predecessors. The Jie Laohui of the Jie Laohui are all from the major forces of the Barbarian Star Realm. If the Jie Laohui does not agree, their sects will not agree."

"Or does the senior plan to kill everyone who opposes the barbarian star world?"

Feng Hongyan kept his face cold, and he had to admit that what Zhou Fan said made sense. No matter how tyrannical he was, he would not be able to forcefully take down the Jie Laohui. The result might be a mess, and such a result was not what he wanted. Yes, it seems that it is more difficult for him to take over the old society than he imagined.

"If the Jie Laohui is under my control." Feng Hongyan said slowly: "If there is any serious catastrophe or powerful calamity in the Barbarian Star Realm, I can deal with it."

The elders all listened calmly, which sounded good, but the other party would definitely not help the elders of the Jiehui for nothing, and behind the obligation was often to ask for the corresponding power or benefit.

"Correspondingly, the Jie Lao Association needs to obey my No matter what I want the Jie Lao Association to do, the Jie Lao Association will do my best to do it." Feng Hongyan said indifferently.

"If there is really a very difficult trouble, the senior will pay a certain price to solve it. Will the senior be willing to solve it for Jie Laohui?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It depends on what kind of trouble it is?" Feng Hongyan felt more and more dissatisfied with this young elder, but he still patiently said: "As for how far it is done, I will judge for myself, you can't control it."

Many Jie Laos sneered in their hearts, if this is the case, Feng Hongyan is simply not needed to solve it, and the troublesome and dangerous Feng Hongyan might not be able to help, so what is the use of asking him?

"I don't know what senior is going to ask Jie Laohui to help with? Can you be more specific?" Qin Lao asked.

Feng Hongyan glanced at Old Qin and said, "Don't worry, what I ask you to do is definitely something you can do. At most, I ask you to collect some spiritual materials for me."

The elders of the world immediately understood that Feng Hongyan was here for the cultivation resources of the Barbarian Star Realm, but at the level of Feng Hongyan, he would definitely not be able to use ordinary resources, so Feng Hongyan wanted to collect some precious cultivation resources. Or do you plan to sell a lot of ordinary resources?

The elders were all speculating that Feng Hongyan wanted the elders to do things for him.

"Senior, we may have to discuss it. Can you leave for now and come back later?" Old Qin quickly glanced at Mr. Jie, who was thinking about it, and said to Feng Hongyan.

"You don't need to be so troublesome." Feng Hongyan said coldly, "You all start voting now. I want to see who of you is against and who is in favor?"

The faces of the elders became a little ugly. This Feng Hongyan is too domineering. How do they discuss Feng Hongyan here?

"That's fine." Zhou Fan said with a smile: "Then start with me, I'm against it!"

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