Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1947: challenge you

I object!

Zhou Fan said this, and the meeting room was silent.

Feng Hongyan's eyes turned cold, and the laws he mastered secretly activated, wanting to burn this talkative monk to death, to kill the chickens and show the monkeys, but he soon discovered that Zhou Fan's face was calm and composed, the laws he urged Did not play any role.

This made him feel a little stunned. It must be that these elders borrowed the power of the great formation in the city to protect this person.

Zhou Fan said: "The reason I object is that the obligations of the seniors in the Jie Laohui do not match the gains."

Zhou Fan's subconscious meaning is that you fulfill this obligation, and you want to be the old man in the world, and you want to stand on all the old men, who is a fool?

"Old Zhou Jie is right, and I am against it." Lin Wuya said calmly.

The two most powerful elders in the Jie Laohui were opposed to it. The rest of the elders were displeased with Feng Hongyan, and they all expressed their disapproval. The few elders who did not speak did not express their approval.

Elder Qin looked at Feng Hongyan and said with a stern face: "I'm sorry, senior, but the elders will not be able to agree to your request."

Feng Hongyan stood up, he looked at Zhou Fan and said indifferently: "You're right, I really don't want to kill everyone, because this is not in line with my plan to come to the Wild Star Realm, but if you force me, it's a big deal. I'll kill you all once, and then go back to the Xiazhu Star Realm."

All the world elders tensed up, ready to mobilize the barbarian star realm to fight at any time.

"I'll ask you again, do you really disagree?" Feng Hongyan looked around at the elders present.

Zhou Fan said with a smile: "It seems that Senior Feng wants to kill all of us. I really want to know how strong Senior Feng is. Allow me to make a small request. I want to challenge Senior Feng. Win me, it doesn't matter if it kills me or makes me agree to it."

All the Jie Laos in the meeting room looked at Zhou Fan in amazement. They did not expect Zhou Fan to make such a request. They knew that Zhou Fan was very strong, but no matter how strong Zhou Fan was, could he defeat a cultivator in the Profound Opening Realm?

If you can't win, what's the point of launching such a challenge? Suicide challenge?

"Zhou Fan..." Lin Wuya's voice was low and he was about to say something, but Zhou Fan's eyes signaled to reassure him, so he didn't say much, he knew that Zhou Fan was not the kind of rash person.

Feng Hongyan looked at Zhou Fan silently. Of course he could think of anything that the elders of the world could think of. If something went wrong, there must be a demon. This person dared to challenge him even when he knew that he was in the Xuantong realm. He was either seeking death or being sure. .

But how could a star realm like the Barbarian Star Realm be able to produce a cultivator in the Profound Realm?

How many cultivators are there in the Xia Zhuxing realm?

If there really is a cultivator in the Profound Realm, he should know it. Before he came here, he specially checked that there was no cultivator in the Barbarian Star Realm at all, otherwise he would not dare to do such a thing.

"If Senior Feng doesn't dare to accept the challenge, then go back and forth." Zhou Fan said with a smile when he saw that Feng Hongyan didn't speak.

Feng Hongyan sneered: "I want to see why you dare to challenge me, do you want to stay in this city or go outside?"

He would not refuse this kind of challenge. Even if this person is really a cultivator of the Profound Realm, but he is also a cultivator of the Profound Realm, what should he be afraid of?

The worst result is that he can't win. When he wants to leave, no one can stop him!

If this guy is just bluffing, he'll make him regret it.

"Of course, go outside, the city is too small, and it's not easy to use it." Zhou Fan said without hesitation.

"Very good, then I'll wait for you outside." Feng Hongyan said lightly, he waved his sleeves, a crack opened in the space, and he stepped into it and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Don't go out, just stay here and wait for the result." Zhou Fan said calmly, his body faded and disappeared.

All the world elders looked at each other in dismay, but no one dared to walk out of the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm to watch the battle, because that Feng Hongyan was a cultivator of the Tong Xuan realm, two or three realms higher than them. Just a single finger can run over them outside.

It's too dangerous to go out and watch the fight.

"Is Daoyou Zhou really sure?" Zi Xiaozi couldn't help but whispered, he believed that Zhou Fan would not be so reckless, but he felt that it was impossible to win the Profound Realm, and he couldn't help but feel entangled in his heart.

But no one answered his question.

Zhou Fan used the small movement of the Barbarian Heavenly City to move himself out of the Barbarian Heavenly City. He came out of the Barbarian Heavenly City, swept away his spiritual thoughts, and quickly found Feng Hongyan, who was thousands of feet away.

Zhou Fan took off slowly.

Feng Hongyan stood with his hands behind his back and watched Zhou Fan approaching quickly. His doubts deepened. Ordinary cultivators in the Profound Opening Realm can use the Interrealm to travel, but this person didn't use the Interval to travel here, isn't it the Profound Opening Realm Cultivator, but he is not in the Profound Realm, dare to challenge him?

Zhou Fan hovered his body and said, "I still don't understand, why do you want to come to Barbarian Star Realm? According to common sense, Barbarian Star Realm shouldn't have anything you can look up to."

Feng Hongyan sneered: "When you can survive, talk to me about this issue."

There were cracks in the There were flames of different colors drilled out of the cracks. The flames made the surrounding air hot, and the flowers, plants and trees on the ground were rapidly withering.

Zhou Fan's body seems to be melting. This is not an ordinary flame, but the power of the law. The temperature is unimaginably high, and even the protective cover of the true essence can melt. If it is not for his true essence fused with the power of the law, already melted.

But this is just the beginning. The flames in the air are converging and converging into a fire dragon. The fire dragon slowly flew towards Zhou Fan. The space it passed was burned down, and dark cracks appeared.

Zhou Fan's body shattered with a bang.

Feng Hongyan frowned slightly, showing a look of vigilance. He knew that Zhou Fan was definitely not dead, but his spiritual sense was always on, and he didn't find the person's hiding place.

The spiritual sense will become stronger as the cultivator's realm improves. With his realm, it is very rare to hide his invisibility. Is it a special law?

The seven-colored fire dragon that was dozens of meters long was meandering and flew back to Feng Hongyan.

The Jie Laohui has issued a warning order to tell all warrior monks not to approach curiously when they see any abnormality. The warrior monks outside the barbarian dungeon also saw the huge colorful fire dragon winding in the sky, but they really did not want to approach, because too hot.

The Barbarian Dungeon and Barbarian Heavenly City suddenly went from spring to the hottest summer... The hottest summer is indescribable.

The Barbarian Dungeon and Barbarian Heavenly City activated the defensive formation, and this kind of high temperature was slowed down.

Feng Hongyan glanced around coldly, "Are you going to hide for the rest of your life?"

"I'm very disappointed in you." Zhou Fan's body emerged from the air.

Under the scorching heat, his body was melting, and his flesh and blood fell drop by drop.

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