Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 199: Drilling


Bean-sized raindrops poured down on the ground on the black sky, like a hanging bead curtain.

The raindrops fell on the coconut grove, making the sound of crackling leaves.

Zhou Fan had already put on his mino jacket and bamboo hat.

When he was on patrol, he glanced at his parents and found that they had taken out rain gear to cover the rain. Among them, it was not only the thin monkey who became vigilant. , the one who took the hatchet took the hatchet, and even Xiaoliu pulled out the short blade on her waist.

The short blade in her hand is black iron, with a sharp front, and the handle is about eight inches long.

During the meal, Zhou Fan once asked the origin of this sharp short blade, this is her family's pig-killing bloodletting knife...

Daliu’s family has three generations of pigs slaughtering for a living. I don’t know how many animals have been slaughtered or how much blood has been stained with this knife. I heard that it has already been infected with a bit of fierceness. Daliu gave it to her for self-defense. The cold bone and white stick has a certain effect on strange delusions.

Not only parents and the others were vigilant in the rain, but other households in the village also took up self-defense things. Most people living in this era would prepare some self-defense things to deal with strange things.

They may not be as good as ordinary members of the **** team, but they are not defenseless.

The three villages in the rain were no longer in the shape of a long snake, but surrounded by a triangle. The surrounding coconut groves were cut down by them, leaving a large open space among the dense coconut groves.

In the outermost part of the village are the guards of Sancun.

The torrential rain was like a note, the strong wind swayed the coconut trees in the rain, and the coconut leaves danced wildly like ghost claws.

On the higher sky, silver-white electric snakes roamed in the dark clouds, emitting roaring thunder from time to time.

Zhou Fan scratched the hat on his head. He was in a heavy and nervous mood like many others. The rain was so heavy, and he didn't know how long it would last. The ruler road of Jiwei River.

Spending the night in a field that isn't a footpath... that's better than risking the rain.

It was dark, and the raindrops were getting bigger and bigger, like a white curtain hanging down, and the raindrops slid down the coconut trees.

Shallow water has spread under the feet, and the cows, horses, donkeys and mules tied to the coconut trees are kicking or snorting from time to time in the rain.

Not far away, Lao Wangtou had already taken the dogs to hide in the humble coconut shed, and Zhou Fan asked his brother to take shelter from the rain.

Everything in front of him was blurred by the white mist-like rain.

Zhou Fan wiped the water droplets on his face, but he still tried his best to see the surroundings, to see farther, and pay attention to the sky and the feet. The lesson of being possessed by the mud last time was very profound.

Similar to Zhou Fan, there are Wrinkles Shen Lu Kui and the others. They all understand the horror of rainy days.

But Lao Wang's dogs are often more sensitive to smell than humans. Under the leadership of the old man, the dogs rushed out and kept barking.

The guards of the three villages were shocked when they heard the dogs barking in the rainstorm. These dogs have already proved their role during the journey, especially the ones dominated by old brothers. Smell the strange arrival.

Many people clenched their weapons tightly, put talismans on them, and looked in all directions.

However, under the white rain curtain, they could not see anything. They only saw the leaves on the coconut trees shaking. Occasionally, coconut leaves and coconut palms were blown off by the strong wind. It's rolling on the ground.

Because of the slightly steep **** of the coconut trees, some coconut palms still rolled towards Zhou Fan. Under the heavy rain, this scene seemed very ordinary, but it was a little unusual. This time, there were five or six people who rolled in. .

The dogs were still barking, and the dude came to his feet and barked at the tumbled coconuts.

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, he glanced around, not only on his side, but also coconut fruit rolled in from other places, and some places were still uphill.

"Be careful of the coconuts on the ground!" Zhou Fan suddenly shouted.

But the rain was so loud that his shout might not be able to travel far.

The rolled coconuts reached the front of the guard team, cracked in half with a snapping sound, and each coconut had a fist-sized black shadow bouncing off the ground, hitting the faces of many people.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly cold, and the star frost rust knife slashed out with a choking sound, and the crimson flame front split the black shadow attacking him into two groups.

The two halves that fell on the rainy ground seemed to form a black ball with three slender claws like knuckles.

But not everyone had such a quick reaction as Zhou Fan. Some of the guards had no time to react, and the ball had already caught their faces, three slender claws opened their tightly closed mouths, and then Drilled in with their mouths, the bodies of these spheres can stretch like rubber.

The guards kept strangling their necks and seemed very uncomfortable. They wanted to spit the ball out, but the ball had already slipped down their necks.

Zhou Fan's heart was slightly cold when he saw this scene, and two such **** bounced towards his face, Zhou Fan's right wrist trembled slightly, and the rusty knife seemed to be split in two, splitting the two **** in half .

Master Huang Fu and the others quickly solved the strangeness hidden in the coconut, but it was inevitable that some coconuts slipped into the crowd, and black **** popped out from the broken coconuts, and some of them quickly got into in the mouths of the villagers.

Zhou Fan and the others narrowed their pupils slightly, and instantly killed all the round ball monsters that could be killed. The troublesome thing was the monsters that got into some people's bodies.

"It's a black-swimming worm." The nearby Huang Fushi shouted coldly, he didn't expect these worms to hide in the coconut fruit, "They are no longer saved."

Once the borer worm penetrates, it can instantly destroy the life of a person, thereby parasitic on the corpse.

Just after Huang Fushi said The team members and the villagers who were penetrated by the mouth-boring insects had blood spit out from their mouths and noses, and their faces were covered with black thin tendons.

In the rain, the villagers retreated in fear.

The guards surrounded the members and villagers who were parasitized by the worms. There were fourteen people in the three villages.

"They can't be saved, give them a treat." Di Fushi slashed with his sword with a sad face.

The members of the **** also waved their weapons silently, slashing at the parasitic people, killing them, and using the power of the talisman to kill the parasitic borer.

Bright red blood flowed from the ground, mixed with the rain.

The relatives of these people closed their eyes and couldn't help crying.

It's just that before people can get too sad, the dogs bark again.

In the coconut grove, black shadows flew towards the crowd from the rainy sky of two or three meters.

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