Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 200: Rain blood moth


"Be careful, it's a flying trick!" Huang Fu Shi burst out.

Everyone's heart is stunned, and these monsters flying in the air are the most difficult to deal with.

Lu Kui and other team members who were good at bow and arrow kung fu immediately took off the longbow they were carrying and put on the arrow wrapped around the small flame talisman.

It rained a little bit.

Those airborne monsters were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they swooped toward the crowd.

Until recently, hundreds of flying monsters were clearly visible.

These monstrosities are somewhat human-like, with skinny limbs, but shriveled and bony tan and wrinkled bodies that make them look like mummies, tiny red eyes, and a pair of insect-like tentacles on their foreheads, behind them It also has a pair of butterfly-like brown scaled-pink wings.


At this time, it was no longer possible to save the talisman, and dozens of flaming arrows shot out, shooting through a dozen monsters, and those monsters smashed to the ground with a sharp cry.

But more weirdness has rushed down.

The knife Zhou Fan was holding had already slashed towards one of the monsters flying towards him.

With a bang, the monster was split into two pieces by him.

"Be careful, it's the Black Wandering Rain Blood Moths, they are blood-sucking monsters." Master Mao Fu screamed and reminded.

A large water buffalo was caught by a flying rain-blood moth with its limbs stretched out into the sky. The rain-blood moth looked thin, but its strength was terrifying. It easily caught a cow several times its size. .

In an instant, five or six rain-blood moths flew over like phantoms and stuck on the cow.

This pile of rain blood moths opened their mouths, and slender and sharp fleshy spines popped out of their mouths. The bright red fleshy spines were hollow, which were their mouthparts.

With the sound of puff, the mouthparts of the rain-blood moth pierced into the body of the cow.

This big water buffalo made a mooing sound, and the huge cow body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. Instead, the shriveled bodies of these five or six rain blood moths swelled up, and their bodies were like water filled with water. The bag, the wings spread out even more, and they screamed loudly and excitedly.

Zhou Fan didn't have time to take a closer look. He saw the rain-blood moth flying in the air swooping towards his parents, and he sprinted.

The thin monkey let out a loud shout, and with one hand, he smashed the rain-blood moth that was swooping down with the cold-bone white stick with the small flame talisman.

With a bang, the stick hit the rain blood moth's head, smashing its head directly.

Seeing this, Zhou Fan stopped, turned around and quickly swung his knife, slicing off the limbs of a rain-blood moth that had already caught a man.

Black blood spilled in the air, and the rain and blood flew into the air, and it rushed towards Zhou Fan brazenly.

With a wave of the rust knife, it split it in half.

When Zhou Fan killed these rain-blooded moths, he still kept a part of his mind on his parents' side. Seeing that the thin monkey dealt well, he felt relieved.

The rain continued to fall, and the temporary camp had become a mess. The swarms of rain and blood moths hovering in the air flew down from time to time, catching cattle, horses, mules and donkeys into the air to **** blood.

They seem to have only blood food in their eyes, making a hungry hissing sound, and landing or dodging attacks at the fastest speed.

The members of the **** team and warriors fought against the rain-blood moths with sharp arrows and swords in their hands. There were constantly rain-blood moths being chopped down to the ground, and some of those who fell to the ground and didn't die would soon be killed by supplementary knives. die.

Ordinary people can only gather a bunch of them and use their weapons to drive away the rain blood moths, but they are not spared. Some people are caught in the air, sucked into a mummy and fall down.

The cry of the woman, the angry shout of the man, and the screams of the rain-blood moth were all mixed with the sound of the rain falling.

The scene was a complete mess.

After Zhou Fan killed the rain-blood moth that was swooping towards him, he felt that this would not work. He looked around again, and saw the coconut trees scattered at the edge of the crowd. He had an idea in an instant.

He slashed and rushed to Wushen Shen's side.

Wrinkle Shenshen was tearing apart a rain-blood moth with the sharp sword in his hand, and several of them swooped towards him. These rain-blood moths flew very fast, and some turned to avoid them before the sword fell.

"Come here and help me." Zhou Fan shouted deeply to Zou before rushing to the edge of the camp.

Wrinkle hesitated for a while and followed.

Zhou Fan walked to the corner of the edge, he put away the Star Frost Rusted Knife, his arms instantly became red and bulging, and under the rain, white mist evaporated from the carbon arms.

Wrinkle deeply looked at Zhou Fan's movements and was very puzzled. He slashed out with a sword, forcing away a swooping rain-blood moth for Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan had already picked up two coconut trees, and then his bulging arms threw the coconut trees three to four feet long into the air.

With two loud bangs, two coconut palms shot out at an unimaginable speed under the huge force of the throw, and the wooden shadows were only faintly seen shaking in the air, and six or seven rain blood moths penetrated in the blink of an eye!

The speed of the coconut tree is so fast that even the extremely fast flying rain-blood moths are difficult to avoid. Even if there is no talisman attached, the coconut tree can easily penetrate these rain-blooded moths under the infusion of great strength. Or crushed into powder.

This can only be achieved by Zhou Fan's doubling of 40,000 jin of strength.

Zhou Fan saw that it was effective, and he picked up two coconut trees and shot them out. The coconut trees penetrated the rain-blood moth through the rain screen, and six or seven rain-blood moths were killed. And down.

The group of rain and blood moths in the air panicked, and they all flew up several meters high.

Wrinkle Shen's eyes widened, this freak, but he didn't have time to think much, because the rain blood moth discovered Zhou Fan's destructive power and rushed towards this side.

Wrinkled Shenshen hurriedly slashed at these rain-blooded moths with his sword.

"All the non-guardians leaned towards the middle and then squatted down for me!" Huang Fushi was stunned for a moment and shouted loudly.

The slightly chaotic crowd hurriedly moved closer to the center, and the people from Mangniu Village and Yinbu Village also shouted the same way.

The crowd gathered together, and the rain-blood moths hovering in the sky also narrowed their activity space and swooped down to catch them.

But the crowd gathered close to the ground to facilitate the protection of the **** team members.

The digital talisman even threw three or four iron pellets with explosive flame talismans, which exploded continuously in the air.

Zhou Fan kept throwing coconut trees one by one, killing the rain blood moth.

In an instant, the rain-blood moth turned into layers of shapeless flesh and fell down.

In the end, after the rain-blood moths swarmed the bodies of hundreds of their comrades, dozens of rain-blood moths, whose bodies had been full of blood, let out a neigh in unison, and then began to fly away from the camp in fear.

After they were full of blood, they regained some sanity and chose to retreat.

When Lu Kui and the archers saw that the rain and blood moths wanted to retreat, they all shot arrows.

It's a pity that their well-fed bodies seem clumsy, but they are very agile, and most of them avoid these arrows.

Only one rain-blood moth was accidentally hit by the rain of arrows, its body burst open, and the red blood it had inhaled in its body was scattered.

Just when Lu Kui and the others sighed and put away their bows and arrows, the coconut trees continued to pierce through the flying rain-blood moths. die, fall to the ground.

Zhou Fan picked up a coconut tree in one hand and ran towards the group of rain and blood moths.

The second coconut tree shot out again.

With the support of the huge force, the coconut tree penetrated again, and instantly killed two blood-sucking rain blood moths!

The rest of the rain-blood moths panicked, they let out a neigh, and suddenly flew to the heights.

Zhou Fan's third coconut tree was thrown out, but this time he couldn't hit the rain-blood moth that flew high in the sky.

Zhou Fan could only stop with a look of regret.

His hands and feet returned to normal and turned to walk back.

Lu Kui and the others shook their heads tiredly, not because they were disappointed with Zhou Fan, but because the temporary camp had become a mess.

In fact, if Zhou Fan hadn't killed the rain blood moth first with coconut wood, their damage would be incalculable.

But even in this short period of time, the loss is still not small.

After all, each of the rain-blooded moths has the strength of a black and they are still a group.

The rain gradually turned from heavy to light, and people in the rain had no chance to think about it. They began to run around to help rescue the injured.

Some were scratched by the rain-blood moth, and some were caught at a low altitude by the rain-blood moth, struggling desperately and falling off.

Several elderly people in the crowd center were so frightened that they fainted.

There were more cattle, horses and donkeys who died. Lao Wangtou's group of dogs also died. He was squatting beside the dog. The group of dogs also surrounded their dead companions and made a low whine.

From time to time, low and depressed cries could be heard from the camp, and that was the cry of the bereaved this time.

Zhou Fan listened to these cries. He said a few words to his parents in the past. Xiao Liu, who was beside him, turned pale. It was the first time she had witnessed such a **** scene.

Zhou Fan turned and walked towards the gathered warriors.

The road ahead will continue.

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