Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 202: Laughing Falcon


The cold white mist rose, and a thin layer of frost-like ice gradually formed on the Jiwei River.

The faces of many of the guards became solemn, and they clenched the weapons in their hands.

"Don't worry about it, it was Lord Han who sneezed." The masters smiled and let the guards relax, "Just move on."

Mr. Han?

"It turns out that this is Lord Han sneezing." Lu Kui sighed in relief and untied the talisman on the spear.

Zhou Fan was stunned, he quickly asked Lu Kui for advice, what was going on?

Lu Kui smiled and said: "Don't talk about me, I'm afraid even the bosses don't know what kind of existence Lord Han is. Therefore, according to the old legend, there is a master Han living at the source of the Wei Cang River, the largest river in the Wei Dynasty."

"I heard that this adult is mostly asleep, and sometimes he sneezes, and many of the branches of the Wei Cang River will be frozen, and the Jiwei River is one of the branches. This phenomenon is very normal, but I am also Seeing it for the first time."

The branch closest to the low hills is the Changhe Forest, but no one will go to the Changhe Forest in the wild. Lu Kui said that he has never seen it before.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment and said, "Then is this Lord Han a human being or some strange existence in the legend..."

Lu Kui shook his head and interrupted: "I don't know either, maybe the existence of Lord Han is just a rumor from the Great Wei Dynasty."

While speaking, the thin layer of ice on the Jiwei River had melted away under the scorching sun, as if this scene had never happened before.

Zhou Fan was amazed. If there really lived a strange creature at the source of the Wei Cang River thousands of miles away, and his sneeze could affect the Jiwei River here, how powerful would he be? ?

Wrinkle, who was riding his horse back, heard Zhou Fan's conversation deeply, and he also heard the rumors of Lord Han, but said with a cold face: "It must be fake, if there really is such a Lord Han, call A sneeze can affect the tributaries of Mannan, so if he farts, wouldn't the entire Wei Dynasty be turned upside down?"

Both Lu Kui and Zhou Fan froze and were speechless for a long time.

A whole day has passed, and the migratory team walking on the Chi-Dao along the Jiwei River has once again reached the end of the Chi-Dao.

On this day, except for a few strange people who did not know how to attack the team, it seemed very peaceful.

The key is to look at the tomorrow when you step into the white-haired grass.

As long as you can safely cross the white-haired grassland tomorrow, then this three-village migration will be complete.

However, the last time they crossed the coconut tree **** without a ruler, the loss made the guards feel a little depressed and heavy.

"Don't worry, I think the sky is clear and cloudless tonight, and it won't rain tomorrow. As long as it doesn't rain, there will be no such thing as Coconut Slope." Master Di Fu from Yinbu Village comforted.

"Brother Di, the rain is impermanent in summer, and you don't know how to watch the sky at night, so don't comfort people." Song Fushi from Mangniu Village said with a cold face.

Master Di Fu sneered a few times and did not dare to say any more.

"We still have to beware of the occurrence of rain." Liu Fushi from Yinfu Village said solemnly.

Everyone started talking, and put forward some ideas about what might happen tomorrow.

After a while, the warriors separated and returned to their respective village camps.

"I hope tomorrow will be smooth and smooth." When walking back, Huang Fushi whispered to himself.

Zhou Fan and the others just listened silently, but who didn't hope so?

The night passed in a flash.

After a rush in the early morning, the migration team finally set off and walked out of the footpath. After only half an hour, they stepped into the range of the white-haired grass.

The white-haired grass grows with no end in sight. The mature white-haired grass has an erect stalk about half a leg high. At the top is a spike of columnar white hairs. These trivial white hairs are as thin as down and short and short. soft.

The breeze blew gently, and the white hairs on the grass stalks fell off and fluttered in the wind, like fine white snow scattered in the air.

It looks beautiful, but this white hairy grass does not have any herbivores to eat it, not because it is poisonous, but because it has serrated leaves, which can easily cut the tongue of animals, which is also The reason why it can grow wildly in this area.

The migration team carefully and cautiously stepped into the white-haired grassland.

The guards were looking around, especially at the feet that were higher than the knees, and were most likely to be attacked by small monsters.

Walking on the white-haired grass for half an hour, nothing happened.

Except for the white hair flying in the wind from time to time, there was nothing unusual.

Zhou Fan, who was in the middle of Sanqiu Village, patted the fine white hair stuck to his head, but he was relieved when he looked at the forbidden evil talisman on his left arm.

Because they have been gone for such a short time, according to the predetermined plan, if there are monsters occupying this place, it would be right to take action against these intruders. Now it seems that there are no powerful monsters here. Treat this place as territory.

This endless white grass is obviously not an ideal place to live.

Many people hold similar thoughts to Zhou Fan.

"Look at what is that in the sky?" Someone in the **** suddenly shouted loudly.

Zhou Fan hurriedly raised his head and looked up. Under the blue porcelain-like sky, there were thirteen birds flying towards this side, they were the size of ordinary eagles.

Lu Kui and others in the **** team took off their long bows and put on iron arrows. They were worried that it was a flying monster like the rain-blood moth.

However, these thirteen birds were just hovering in the crowd, and they gradually lowered to a certain height, but there was no tendency to dive.

After they lowered their heights, Zhou Fan and the others were able to see the appearance of these birds. The birds had black feathers all over their bodies and looked as big as an eagle, but their heads resembled human faces with complete eyes, ears and mouth. Nose, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, as if smiling.

Fear appeared on the faces of some villagers.

"It's the Laughing Falcon!" Not far away, Master Mao Fu shouted with his pupils shrunk.

The Laughing Falcon is a kind of white This kind of white wanderer is not a big threat.

But this is a tameable troll, and some special armies keep Laughing Falcons for reconnaissance purposes.

It's just that there is no army nearby, so why do they appear here?

The Laughing Falcon circling in the sky let out a strange human-like laughter, and then flew towards the south where it came.

"All stop!" The two talisman masters Huang Mao looked at each other and immediately ordered.

On the other hand, they rode on horses and ran to Yinfu Village and Mangniu Village in the rear.

Zhou Fan and the others also quickly followed up with the two talismans of Huang Mao.

Just when the Samurai warriors gathered together.

The ground trembled faintly, and there was a rumbling sound from the south. It was a large group of things rushing towards this side.

The faces of all the warriors changed drastically, they dispersed without hesitation, returned to their respective villages, and shouted loudly: "Set up camp, take off the guard drum."

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