Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 203: human leg thief


If there is a group of strange people rushing, then they can only untie the Weigu, and fight against the possible existence of strange things above the blood.

Zhou Fan and Lu Kui's horses rushed out like arrows, and the two quickly ran to the front of the team's Weigu car.

Zhou Fan and the two reined in their horses. They jumped off their horses, carried the Wei drum down with one hand, and sat on the ground.

As long as the Weigu is in contact with the ground, its protective effect can occur.

The rumbling sound of stepping on the ground was getting closer and closer, and the guards all pulled out their weapons and put talismans on them.

Their eyes were all turned to the south.

What appeared in their eyes was a herd of horses. Hundreds of horses spread across the white-haired grass, like a wave of white surging over the rocks on the shore. The momentum was astonishing.

The guards rushed forward immediately, Zhou Fan and Lu Kui had people guard the guard drum, and they rushed out.

"Shield!" Lu Kui shouted loudly.

The guards took out a string of yellow paper talismans and stuck them on their weapons. The weapons were inserted on the ground, and the rectangular earth-yellow light shields at the same height as the people spread out with the weapons as the center.

Mangniu Village and Yinfu Village also adopted such measures.

More than a hundred members of the **** team formed a shield formation. If the horse group really came over, this would be their line of defense!

The rushing horses finally stopped at a distance of thirty feet, and they stopped in a straight line.

They were all thin white horses, skinny and bony, with red-black legs as thick as elephant legs, their bodies covered with heavy black iron armor, and their pupils emitting blood-red rays of light.

The faces of the two talisman masters Huang Mao were suddenly ugly. This was a dead soul horse. This horse was transformed from a black parasitic parasite of a dead soul worm.

It wasn't just the dead horses that made their faces look ugly, but the people in black robes sitting on the horses.

If they just look at the black robes, they may not recognize these people, but there is one or two or even three dried human legs hanging from the neck of the horse, from the thighs to the calves to the soles of the feet, completely air-dried human legs!

The people on the backs of the dead soul horses whined.

The whining sound spread across the white-haired grass.

The guards were a little overwhelmed.

"It's human leg thieves, how could they appear in the white-haired grass?" Master Huang Fu gritted his teeth and whispered.

Zhou Fan and Lu Kui looked at each other, they had never heard of thieves.

Lu Kui has been to Tianliangli, but every time he goes, he comes back. He has never traveled outside, and he has not much more knowledge of Tianliangli than Zhou Fan and the others.

The whining soon stopped.

Among the horses, there was a man slowly pacing on a horse.

"What is he doing?" Lu Kui hurriedly asked Huang Fushi who was beside him.

"He wants to negotiate with us." Huang Fushi has walked out slowly on his horse.

This was the case in Yinbu Village and Mangniu Village, each with a talisman who rode a horse towards the thief's side.

"Mr. Mao, what's the matter with this man's leg thief?" Lu Kui asked in a deep voice. They didn't know anything about the enemy.

Zhou Fan and Zou Shen also looked at Master Mao Fu, hoping to get more information.

Master Mao Fu looked at the backs of the three fu masters riding their horses to steal the man's legs, and he didn't turn his head back: "The man's leg thieves were originally human, but in order to gain power, they have now degenerated into eccentricities and are not tolerated by human beings. ."

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, he was a little puzzled, "Can people turn into eccentricities?"

Lu Kui and Wrinkle Shenshen's expressions changed slightly.

Master Mao Fu almost said to himself: "Of course, the thieves have not only appeared in the cool weather, but also all over the Great Wei Dynasty. Most of them were prisoners who had nowhere to go. They committed many evils and were forced to flee into the wild. Wild thieves, but it is difficult for people to survive in the wild."

"Few of these fugitives who fled to the wild have long lives, but I don't know when, a strange spell has spread among these wild thieves. Just swear by this curse, and then swallow the auxiliary The medicinal liquid, even ordinary wild thieves can obtain powerful power similar to warriors, so that they can continue to survive in the wild."

Master Mao Fu paused for a while when he said this, and said with a livid face: "But this kind of obtained power is not without a price, they can only eat human legs for a living, and can't eat any food, otherwise it seems that they have been poisoned. In general, the body quickly decays and dies."

"That's why they are called human leg thieves. Naturally, such people can't be counted as human beings!"

Zhou Fan's face became ugly. This kind of thing was a little difficult for him to understand, but it was obvious that Master Mao Fu was not joking. It was natural that people who lived by eating people's legs would find it difficult to be accommodated.

It can be said that human leg thieves have abandoned human identity in order to survive.

In the distance, Master Huang Fu of Sanqiu Village, Master Di Fu of Yinfu Village, and Master Zhang Fu of Mangniu Village, the three of them are looking at this man's leg thief coldly.

The blood-colored pupils of the dead soul horse looked a little dull, but the three talisman masters clearly knew how terrifying the dead soul horse's impact was. It was three times the impact of ordinary war horses.

The army of the Wei Dynasty once tried to conquer the dead soul horse, but the dead soul worm parasitized in the dead soul horse can only tame the monsters, and people cannot conquer this kind of dead soul horse.

Human leg thieves can do it, which is also a proof that human leg thieves are no longer human.

The celebrity leg thief lifted the hood of the black robe, revealing his face. His face was so white that there was no trace of blood, and the pupils in the deep eye sockets were also a little bloody. He glanced at the three talismans and slowly Said: "You have four thousand people, you can leave here with a thousand legs."

A thousand human legs is five hundred people, and five hundred people suddenly lose their legs, which is more uncomfortable than killing them.

"What are you, get out of here when you are acquainted, or you will be surrounded and suppressed in the cool weather!" Master Di Fu of Yinfu Village shouted coldly.

The man just chuckled and said, "It's as if the Department of Yiluan in Tianliang didn't encircle us, but can they kill us?"

The faces of the three talisman masters all showed anger. These human leg thieves were originally transformed from human beings. They are not those who have no wisdom They are comparable to the wisdom of people's charms, but they can't be said to be people's charms. .

Just as he said, after Yiluan Division in Tianliang discovered the traces of human leg thieves, he had organized several rounds of siege and suppression, but every time they used the dead souls to run away like the wind.

After doing this several times, Si Luan could only give up the idea of ​​encircling people and thieves.

The low hills are far away from here, and the people are sparsely populated. The thieves have never reached the low hills. They just preyed in some densely populated places, and they are uncertain, but no one expected that they would encounter the thieves here.

"If you want cows, horses, donkeys, and mules, we can give you all, but human legs can't do it!" Master Zhang Fu from Mangniu Village said with a sullen face.

The opponent is powerful, and if they can afford conflict, try not to.

The celebrity leg thief chuckled, "You should know that we can only eat human legs, not to mention that cows, horses, donkeys and mules are useless to us, we don't need gold and silver treasures, we only need human legs..."

Having said this, he paused for a while, and then said coldly: "We don't want old man's legs, the meat is too poor, and we don't want children's legs, too little meat and not enough to eat, the rest is acceptable!"

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