I'm dying……

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed, his hand reached into the talisman bag, and took out a test talisman, he walked quickly, Xiaoliu wanted to dodge, but she was not as good as Zhou Fan, the talisman was still on her arm.

The test talisman didn't work.

Zhou Fan's face was still solemn, "Xiao Liu, what happened?"

"Afan, don't touch me, maybe..." Xiaoliu took a few steps back, but she just felt that she couldn't lift her eyelids, and she fell back.

Zhou Fan couldn't care so much anymore, he reached out and grabbed Xiao Liu's right wrist, pulling her back to hold her.

Xiaoliu smiled helplessly, she should leave quietly, but she was worried that her parents were looking for her like crazy, and she wanted to see him for a while.

Zhou Fan supported Xiao Liu and looked at her bloodless complexion. A nervous expression appeared on his face. He suddenly noticed that Xiao Liu's right fist had been clenched tightly, "What is your right hand holding?"

The dude looked at Xiaoliu and it whined.

Xiaoliu smiled at his brother, then looked at Zhou Fan again, and spread out his right palm.

A red-black scorpion was lying in the palm of the hand. The scorpion's body was already stiff, and the curved scorpion tail stings on Xiaoliu's palm.

If Zhou Fan had taken a serious look at the blind eye of the third child of the Thirteen Thieves, he would have known that the scorpion came from the third eye.

Zhou Fan sullenly pulled out the dead scorpion and threw it into the talisman bag. He said anxiously, "Why didn't you say you were stung by a scorpion?"

Without saying a word, he took off the giant sword, carried Xiao Liu with the giant sword in his left hand, and ran towards the direction where the migration team left.

"There are doctors in the team who can treat diseases and even the elder Huang in the village. You should have said it earlier..." Zhou Fan was not angry, he just felt as if something was pressing in his heart, let him I feel very uncomfortable.

He couldn't let Xiaoliu die.

"Afan, it's useless... Listen to me." Xiao Liu whispered in Zhou Fan's ear, and she became weaker and weaker.

"What do you want to say?" Zhou Fan said in a deep voice, but his pace was still not slow. If he wasn't afraid of what would happen in front of him and couldn't deal with it, he could run faster.

The old man followed Zhou Fan, and it occasionally looked sideways, alerting Zhou Fan.

"It told me it couldn't be cured, so I didn't say it." Xiao Liu rested his head on his shoulder, she just felt that the man's back was very warm.

"Who told you?" Zhou Fan said as he ran. He stepped on the white grass with his feet, and swept up layers of white hair, which flew like light velvet.

"Scorpion, when it stung me, it was like someone was talking in my ear, and then I knew." Xiaoliu thought of the scorpion, and she felt angry and funny.

"Xiao Liu, don't fall asleep." Zhou Fan ran faster, Xiao Liu's consciousness became blurred, and he started talking nonsense.

When people are about to die, their self-consciousness will gradually fade away, and the language center will begin to be out of the control of the brain, so it is easy to talk nonsense.

"Afan, do you think I lied to you? I'm not confused yet, or why didn't I say it, I know that what the scorpion said was true." Xiao Liu was still smiling, "I'm really dying. "

She didn't quite understand why the scorpion told her that the scorpion climbed onto Aunt Guifeng's clothes when they were besieged by leg thieves. Aunt Guifeng didn't know, but she was anxious at the time, for fear that the scorpion would sting Aunt Guifeng, He stretched out his hand and patted it, and who knew it would be stinged.

The scorpion would kill her in one sting.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment. Xiaoliu was a little stupid, but he wouldn't be so stupid that he didn't even want his own life. Is that scorpion really weird?

Zhou Fan thought quickly.

"Originally, I thought you would die before me, but who knew that I would be leaving first, Afan, can you promise me one thing?" Xiaoliu's face was so pale that there was no blood.

"You won't die, don't scare yourself." Zhou Fan became more and more irritable, he was trying to find a way, and he faintly felt that Xiao Liu's life was slowly passing.

But in his field of vision, he still didn't see the migration team. They stayed here for a while, and they might not be able to catch up for a while.

Xiao Liu pursed her lips, "My parents will definitely be sad when they know I'm gone, Afan, will you be sad?"

"No, because an idiot like you can't die." Zhou Fan couldn't keep Xiao Liu from talking. In order to maintain her consciousness, he could only answer casually. He was still thinking about how to save her.

"No way, why do you say I'm stupid?" Xiao Liu was not angry, she looked up at the blue sky, "Before, when I thought that you were dying, I would be unhappy. "

"I'm thinking that Uncle Ichiki and Auntie will be very sad, then I have to take good care of them. I'm gone, you have to take good care of my parents for me."

"My parents take care of themselves, I won't help you."

"Actually, I know that if I don't say it, you will too." Xiao Liu didn't believe it and laughed softly, but she couldn't laugh anymore because she felt a little cold.

She trembled from the cold, and Zhou Fan felt it, and panic surged deep in his heart: "Xiao Liu, how are you?"

Zhou Fan stopped, he put Xiao Liu down from his back, looked at her pale snow-white face, his face wrinkled, those memories he didn't want to remember came back.

Xiao Liu frowned slightly, she shook her head, "Afan, I just feel a little cold, can you listen to me finish?"

Zhou Fan looked up and looked around, his forehead was sweating with anxiety, he could only take off his robe to cover Xiao Liu, and said softly, "I've been listening."

Xiao Liu stretched out her hand and grabbed Zhou Fan's palm. Her hand was as frozen as ice, and her five fingers were shaking. In fact, she was always afraid, but she didn't want to say it. Worry.

"Actually, there's nothing to say~ www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, you haven't married me yet, otherwise those women might dislike you because of this..." Xiao Liu stared at Zhou Fan, her face overflowing again He smiled, "Afan, you were like a goose in my family before you got sick."

"I just treat you as my best playmate. You seem to be a different person after you are seriously ill..."

"What did it look like?" Zhou Fan showed a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"I can't tell you where you've changed, it's just the first time I saw you in good health, I suddenly found that I like you a little bit, but you don't like me in good health anymore, but I can't help thinking about it later. Being close to you..." Xiao Liu's right hand was a little weak and wanted to let go.

Zhou Fan held her hand tightly.

Xiao Liu suddenly felt warm in her heart, and her smile became brighter, but she found that her vision was getting blurry, and he became two in her eyes, she said softly: "The feeling of wanting to be close is like family."

After saying this, she felt that her eyelids were heavy, and she couldn't hold it any longer. She slowly closed her eyes, and the pair of willow eyebrows also fell weakly.

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