Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 211: Know the dead scorpion

"Xiao Liu... Xiao Liu..."

Her breath in Zhou Fan's arms was getting weaker and weaker, and there was no response to his voice.

Zhou Fan raised his head and looked around, but there was nothing but the white grass, and even the Laughing Falcon that was hovering in the sky before flew away with the rout of the thieves.

The man next to him hurriedly stomped its front legs, obviously it also knew that Xiao Liu's situation was not good.

Zhou Fan didn't have time to think about it, he lay directly next to Xiao Liu, "Dude, wake me up if something strange approaches."

The dude let out a low whimper in response.

Zhou Fan closed his eyes, but the anxiety in his heart made it difficult for him to fall asleep. He cursed in a low voice, "Mist, please help, let me get on the boat, and I will give you two little gray worms."

He didn't know if the fog could hear it, but he could only do it.

As soon as Zhou Fan finished speaking, he felt his head dizzy as if the world was spinning. When he raised his head, he was already standing on the ship full of gray fog, and the fog in front of him was the fog.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't bother to ask Wu why he let him in. He just said anxiously, "Help me save people."

Wu's face was calm, and he observed Zhou Fan with great interest, "This is nothing like the usual you, calm down, I know you are in a hurry, so I adjusted the time flow here, and it will pass when you go out. It's a snap of time."

"Can you adjust the time flow rate?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze.

"I can only do it occasionally. Whether it's your entry and exit from the Grey River space or the flow of time here, I can actually control it, but it costs me a price, so I rarely use it." Wu smiled and snapped his fingers. In the air floated the glass **** that store the gray worms.

There are already thirty-one large gray worms and five small gray worms in the glass ball!

The glass ball fell into Wu's hands, and the two little gray worms crossed the glass ball and entered his palm, "This is the reward you said you would give me, but don't think about going back on it, if it weren't for the two little gray worms as a reward, I won't pull you in, and I won't adjust the time flow for you. Speaking of which, I haven't earned you much."

"But you have gained a lot during this period of time. You actually have 31 large gray worms in reserve." Wu's gaze shifted from the glass ball to Zhou Fan and said.

Most of these gray worms were obtained by Zhou Fan after killing the rain-blood moth and the human leg thief. Zhou Fan had estimated it before. Now it seems that the human leg thief is really weird. Otherwise, there would not be so many. Greyworm.

"Don't talk about this, you help me save people, the reward is good to negotiate." Knowing that the flow of time was changed by the fog, Zhou Fan calmed down.

"Oh, let's hear it first. If you ask me to help you at this time, you have to be mentally prepared for the price." A smile appeared on Wu's face.

Zhou Fan sullen, he must save Xiaoliu, no matter what the price is!

Zhou Fan explained the matter in detail, including Xiao Liu's statement that the scorpion would tell her that she would die so strangely.

He also reacted now, what Xiaoliu said might be true, that scorpion might not be an ordinary scorpion.

After listening, the smile on Wu's face disappeared, "You can describe the size and specific appearance of the scorpion to me."

Zhou Fan seriously recalled that he didn't throw away the scorpion. He originally wanted to bring it back to the talisman in the team to see, and then prescribe the right medicine. Before he came in, he didn't take a close look, so he could only briefly describe it.

"That's the dead scorpion, it's just a scorpion at the level of black travel. It doesn't seem to have much attack power, but it has a peculiar ability. It can sting once in its life, and it can exchange life for life. The life it stung knows when it will die, so it is called the dead scorpion."

"Of course, this kind of life-for-life is only applicable to monsters of the same level or lower than it. As for human beings, even a warrior with strong blood energy can't kill it." Wu explained slowly, "This is not poisonous. , but more like a rather special curse."

"Knowing the dead scorpion..." Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, "Then how do we get rid of this curse?"

Wu's face became solemn, and he was silent.

"You can't do anything, right? This is just a strange curse at the black tour level." Zhou Fan said in disbelief.

Wu glanced at Zhou Fan lightly, and he snorted coldly: "I have dozens of ways to unlock the curse of the dead scorpion, but the problem is that you are only a small explosive high-level martial artist. Your level is useless."

"Then come up with a method that I can use." Zhou Fan whispered.

"Understood, don't make noise, I was thinking." Wu lowered his head and pondered, and after a while he raised his head and said, "Considering your situation, there is only one way now."

"What way?" Zhou Fan asked anxiously.

"If you agree to use this method, I will ask for two big gray worms as a reward." Mist raised **** and quoted.

"Deal." Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment. He thought he would bleed a lot, but the price of the fog paper was unexpectedly cheap.

Wu was not in a hurry to receive the payment. There was a hint of embarrassment on his face, and then he coughed: "Didn't you tell me last time that you got the cocoon heart? Is it on you?"

"Yes." Zhou Fan was stunned, but nodded.

"Then use the cocoon heart to let the person who knows the death scorpion evolve. As long as the evolution of life can be completed, the curse of the death scorpion can't threaten her at all."

Zhou Fan had already guessed a few things, but now after hearing the confirmation from Wu himself, he said coldly, "What are you kidding? Cocoon Xin only has a 1% success rate, and if it fails, people will turn into weirdos~www You want her to bet on a one percent chance of success?"

"I'm not kidding, Cocoon Heart really only has a 1% success rate to make a leap forward in life, but I have a way to make it 50% higher!" Wu said with a serious face.

"Can it be raised to fifty percent?"

"Not many people know about this method." Wu just spread out his left hand, and a wisp of mist came flying and turned into a jasper bowl, "This is a spirit gathering bowl, it doesn't have a big effect, its only function is to make the spiritual fluid Such things are quickly absorbed..."

"As long as you put the cocoon heart into a bowl, and then release the blood in your body into a bowl, and wait for the cocoon heart to absorb your blood, you can increase the success rate of the cocoon heart."

"My blood still has this effect?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze.

Wu was silent, he hesitated for a moment and said: "Because you are a deceitful person with the ability to heal, so your blood and cocoon heart mixed have this effect, don't worry, I won't lie to you about this kind of thing. "

Zhou Fan frowned, he did not continue to investigate, but said: "Even if this is the case, there is only a half chance of success, is there any way to increase the probability?"

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