Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 212: cocoon

Xiao Liu had only a half chance of surviving, and Zhou Fan felt that it was too risky, "Is there a safer way?"

Wu held the sapphire bowl, he shook his head, "No, your strength is too low, I only think of this method, if you don't want it, forget it, I also know that this method will take a lot of risks, so I You will only be paid for two big gray worms, and you can think about it yourself."

"If you want to use it, then take away the Spirit Gathering Bowl. If you don't want to, then you can only find a way by yourself."

"Although this dead scorpion is a black wandering monster, this is a life-changing curse, and it is more difficult to deal with than the blood corpse coffin eye curse you have before." The fog face showed helplessness.

Of course, he also wanted to have a 100% safe way so that he could detain more Grey Worms, but for the time being, this was the only way.

Zhou Fan was silent, then he walked over and picked up the Spirit Gathering Bowl, "Let me go out."

"Okay." Wu nodded calmly.

Zhou Fan's body slowly dissipated like a mist.

The first time Zhou Fan opened his eyes was to materialize the Spirit Gathering Bowl next to him.

The guy on the side looked at Zhou Fan's movements, he blinked his confused eyes, why did Zhou Fan open his eyes just after closing them for a while, and suddenly there was a jade bowl in his hand.

Zhou Fan glanced at Xiao Liu who was lying beside him again, Xiao Liu's face and lips were so white that there was no blood at all.

He took out the dagger, cut his left palm, and the blood dripped into the jade bowl along the palm.

The blood flow was not large enough, and he stroked his palm indifferently, deepening the wound on his palm.

It didn't take long for the bowl to be filled with blood. He took out the cocoon heart as big as a chicken egg. The cocoon heart seemed to be able to breathe, flashing with a faint light of blood, and Zhou Fan threw it into the bowl.

The spirit gathering bowl glowed with a faint cyan light, reflecting the red blood.

Only then did Zhou Fan tore off a bandage on the giant knife and simply wrap it up for himself.

The red blood of the Juling Bowl quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, only the cocoon heart was left.

At this time, the cocoon heart no longer flickered with blood, but radiated bright red light, like a small red sun.

Zhou Fan opened Xiao Liu's mouth and put Cocoon Heart into her mouth. Cocoon Heart melted in the mouth and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A layer of white mist appeared on Xiao Liu's body, the white mist condensed into pure white silk threads, and an oval outline began to appear, and the cocooned clothes completely covered Xiao Liu.

She became a chrysalis.

After confirming that the pure white thread was no longer condensed, Zhou Fan stood up the cocoon. Because there was a thick layer of cocoon on the outside, the cocoon looked as high as Zhou Fan.

He took a few steps back with a calm expression on his face and sat down cross-legged.

The dude also followed him back.

Zhou Fan looked at the cocoon in front of him silently, and he would know the result after a while.

The breeze blew, and rolled up layers of white hair, which fell like snow and fell on his hair, shoulders, and cocooned clothes.

He thought about what Xiaoliu said before falling into a coma, and blinked.

"Sorry, I can always see her in you." He whispered to himself.

"I should have understood that she was already dead, you wouldn't be her, but I couldn't help thinking of you as her."

"It would be great if those things hadn't happened." He sighed, his face showing indescribable grief.

"I killed my sister." After a while of silence, his voice became hoarse.

"If I hadn't let that scum run away, he wouldn't have had the chance to take revenge for killing her with a car. She had just graduated and should have had a good life, but it was because of me..."

"Do you think I deserve to die?" He looked at the cocoon and asked with a sigh of relief, "After you died, grandma's body was already in bad shape, and she couldn't stand this blow, and there was not a single night in three months. "

"You and grandma are the two closest people I have in the world. You died. I thought about committing suicide to apologize to you."

"But..." He clenched his fists tightly with a grim expression on his face, "The scum who killed you has not been found, how can I die like this!"

"Ge Yangshu didn't let me touch this case, so I turned against him and resigned from the police station. I went looking for it like I was crazy..." He bowed his head slightly and said that Ge Yangshu was his best partner in the police station. .

"Finally let me find that scum..." His expression softened, "I tortured him hard for you. I know you won't like to hear such **** things, so I won't say it."

"Just when I wanted to kill the scum who had been tortured to death by me with one shot, that kid Ge Yangshu came to him." His face was calm.

"Brother, he actually pointed a gun at me and wouldn't let me shoot, saying that the scum would definitely be sentenced to death... He also said that if I dared to shoot, he dared to shoot." He smiled, " Don't worry, I know him better than anyone else, he doesn't want me to be buried with that scum."

"It's just that he doesn't know..." Tears welled up in his eyes, "You are all dead, what's the point of my life?"

"Ge Yangshu wanted to knock off my right hand, but he didn't expect that I would press the gun down the line before shooting. His gun was empty, and there was a bang..." A smile appeared on his face, "That scum was shot by me. I even fired several shots, and my brain was shattered."

"That guy Ge Yangshu yelled at me. I know he was disappointed and angry, but I didn't want to run away. I kept the last bullet for myself."

"Then I came to this world, and I had parents who were willing to sacrifice everything for myself, and I thought that since I was reborn, I would continue to live. Later, I met you again. You said that you treated me like family. I thought you I'm back, and I don't know if it's you."

"...Whether it is or not, don't die again."

The cocoon, which was as white as snow, began to emit blood light and dark, and the beating of the heart could be faintly heard.

He wiped the tears from his face, pulled out the Star Frost Rusted and affixed two small flame talismans.

The blood light of the cocoon gradually subsided, and the thumping heartbeat inside the cocoon became louder and louder.

"If you become a monster... don't worry, I won't let you live like that monster." Zhou Fan's eyes became cold.

After a while, the heartbeat began to weaken, and cracks appeared in the middle of the cocoon.

The dude's four legs are pressed down, making its body a little low. This is a gesture of rushing out, and it is not quite sure what will come out of it.

Zhou Fan just stared at the cocoon, his face was indifferent, but his heartbeat was accelerating.

The cocoon broke layer by layer, and finally split into two petals and fell to both sides.

The cocoon burst open, and inside was a little girl in a loose long coat.

The little girl was only four or five years old, and she looked very cute with her finely carved jade. Her dark and bright eyes were looking at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, and then he waved the rusty knife covered with crimson lines in his hand.

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