Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 220: golden fishing rod

Mist once said that if he wants to know the news of the golden fishing rod, he will use a year of life in exchange for it, and he will not accept any gray worm transactions.

But Zhou Fan still wanted to try.

Wu did not refuse Zhou Fan's request, but looked up at the blood cell hanging in the air.

Zhou Fan also followed his line of sight and looked over. He still couldn't figure out what the blood ball meant in the Grey River space, and what connection it had with the fog.

"I said I wouldn't accept the gray worm deal, that's because you didn't have enough gray worms as I thought, but now you have." Wu retracted his gaze and said slowly, "But I need five big gray worms to accept this deal. "

"Five big gray worms?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, five more than two small gray worms.

Five big gray worms are enough for him to fish five times with a golden fishing rod on this river, and maybe he can catch something.

Of course, it is also possible, as he guessed before, that there is no way to catch anything here, and the five big gray worms are completely wasted.

The key is to take the risk or not?

Zhou Fan hesitated for a while, but still didn't plan to take the risk. If the five big gray worms couldn't catch anything, they would lose blood, and at least the fog could get the information about the fishing rod.

After thinking about it, Zhou Fan nodded and agreed.

Wu smiled and took five large gray worms from the glass ball before slowly saying: "The golden fishing rod is the most special. It is called the fishing of nothingness. It can catch all the invisible but real things in your world."

"Fish for nothingness?" Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, he was completely dazed by the fog, what is an invisible but real thing?

"You may not understand me when I say this. Let me give an example, such as lifespan. You know it exists, but you can't see it. The golden fishing rod can catch lifespan!" The misty face showed the usual weird smile.

"It turns out that it can really fish for life!" Zhou Fan's face showed ecstasy.

He had some vague guesses before, but he was not quite sure. In his thoughts, if there was an item to increase lifespan, it might be the emerald green fishing rod representing Lingzhi or the light purple fishing rod representing medicinal herbs. It is completely confirmed.

Zhou Fan looked at the golden fishing rod across the table with burning eyes. Increasing his lifespan was too important for his short-lived species. This meant that even if he did not practice to increase his lifespan, he could still use the golden fishing rod to extend his life. .

"Of course it's not just lifespan, there are other things." Wu hesitated.

"What else?" Zhou Fan asked, "I spent five big gray worms, you wouldn't want to hide it from me, would you?"

Wu shook his head and said, "It's not that I want to deceive you, it's just that there are too many things that can be caught by the fishing of nothingness. Anything that can't be seen but does exist is fine. It can't be finished in a moment or three. There are many things that you don't have. I've heard it, it's too troublesome to explain, if you hear something that you can't see but do exist in the future, you can ask me if it's a golden fishing rod, that's all right?"

Zhou Fan hesitated for a while, and he nodded reluctantly. What he cared most about was the lifespan of the catch, "Then why did I catch it before? Or is it that I didn't catch something, but I can't see it?"

After all, if the caught item is invisible and exists, it is normal for him to not see it, so where is the caught item?

Wu smiled and said: "Here, anything you can't see will show its shape. You haven't caught anything, it's really empty fishing. It can be said that the golden fishing rod is the most rare and precious among the seven fishing rods, but it also has a flaw. It can't be said to be a defect, after all, it is nothingness fishing, and empty fishing is a common thing for it."

Zhou Fan was stunned after listening to it. No matter how bad the other fishing rods were, they could at least catch some garbage, but this golden fishing rod didn't give him even a single piece of garbage, which was too miserable.

But when he thought that the golden fishing rod caught something as precious as life, he felt that empty fishing was not an unacceptable thing, the key was the probability of catching something... Zhou Fan immediately asked Wu.

"There is a 1 in 10 chance of catching something." Mist gave a specific number.

Zhou Fan's face turned dark. He finally understood why he couldn't catch anything three times before. With a nine-tenths of the empty fishing rate, it's not surprising that he couldn't catch something three times.

Zhou Fan didn't think much about it. He picked up the golden fishing rod. He always had a sense of urgency to gain lifespan. After all, he still owes Wu's lifespan of Daojue. If this lifespan is deducted, he only has two years left...

His need is lifespan, so it is very likely that those who catch it will be lifespan.

But before swinging, Zhou Fan turned around and asked again, "How long will the lifespan be caught here?"

Wu frowned, "How many years depends on your luck. If you want to ask me about the approximate range, that's another question. You need to pay me an extra gray worm as a reward."

Zhou Fan turned his head back and swung his fishing rod. He was very distressed when he didn't see five big gray worms. No matter how many years the lifespan of the fish would be, he would have to try it.

The golden fishing line sank into the water. After a while, the golden fishing line dissipated and the fishing was empty...

Zhou Fan was not surprised, he threw out the fishing rod again and started fishing for the second time, which was why he did not let the boat go forward.

Because the boat may catch items with higher life expectancy, but the number of gray worms that need to be used as bait will also increase accordingly. He now only has more than ten large gray worms. If these more than ten large gray worms advance ten meters, the The empty fishing rate of Void Fishing, maybe he can't catch anything.

The second time I fished empty... Zhou Fan threw out the fishing rod for the third time with a calm expression, and soon the third time was empty.

Until the fourth time, the golden fishing line submerged in the water suddenly tightened, which made Zhou Fan's face happy. He quickly raised the fishing The end of the golden fishing line was divided into five claws, and only caught it. A sky blue fruit.

The fist-sized fruit is round and round, and the surface of the fruit is a layer of gray and white moiré.

Wu looked at the fruit in Zhou Fan's hand, his face was calm and said: "For the sake of you trading so many big gray worms with me today, this appraisal is a free gift, this is the longevity fruit, which is what you want to increase the lifespan s things."

Zhou Fan's face showed a look of joy. This is the lifespan he tried to get. He looked up at the fog and asked, "How many years can this lifespan increase?"

"Judging from its color and shape, this longevity fruit can increase its lifespan by three years." Wu said with a serious look.

"It's only been three years..." Zhou Fan's excited heart instantly cooled down, as if he had been petrified.

In the previous three times, he invested a total of seven large gray worms. If converted into small gray worms, it would be 28 small gray worms. According to the previous calculation, one small gray worm is equivalent to one year, which means that He invested twenty-eight years' worth of things to catch the longevity fruit that increased his lifespan by three years.

This really made Zhou Fan feel like crying without tears.

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