Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 221: Unable to take out Shouguo

The fog on the side saw Zhou Fan's dejected expression and sneered: "Increasing lifespan is not an easy task. If you go back to the outside world, if you can reach a high enough level, you will understand that every thing can increase your lifespan. Even if it only adds one year of life, some monks are willing to pay a great price to get it."

"After all, it takes one more year to break through the bottleneck and enter a new realm level, with infinite possibilities."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while. He knew that the fog was right. Compared with the number of lifespan, the gray worm was easier to obtain. After all, it was to increase his lifespan.

"How to use the longevity fruit? Eat it directly?" Zhou Fan looked at the longevity fruit in his hand and asked.

With three years of life expectancy, he could live to be twenty years old even if he still had one more year to give to the fog.

"The longevity fruit is different from the rare items that increase the lifespan of the outside world. After you leave here, you can't take it out, so you can only use it on the boat and eat it directly." Wu replied.

Can't take it out? Zhou Fan felt a little regretful. If he could take it out... Of course, he didn't dare let people know about the existence of the longevity fruit. He didn't know what kind of existence would be involved in this kind of item that can increase the lifespan.

But even if you don't dare to let people know, it can have many uses, but it's useless to say anything now.

Zhou Fan ate the longevity fruit in three or two strokes. The longevity fruit had no taste at all. If it wasn't for a certain chewiness, he thought he had bitten into the air.

After eating, Zhou Fan looked at the golden fishing rod in his hand and thought about it.

He still has ten big gray worms. If all of them are put into the golden fishing rod, according to the probability, when the luck is average, he can catch one item. When he is lucky, he can catch two or even three. Possibly none.

According to his needs, it is very likely that it is an item that can increase the lifespan, such as a longevity fruit, and of course it may be other unexpected items.

Zhou Fan hesitated for a while, but decided to save the ten big gray worms. After all, the lifespan of the longevity fruit caught by the golden fishing rod was too small. If you want to get more lifespan, it is the right way to improve your realm.

The improvement of the realm can not only get the lifespan, but also the guarantee of hunting high-level monsters to get the gray worm.

Now that he has supplemented his lifespan for three years, and knowing that the golden fishing rod can supplement his lifespan, there is no need to worry too much.

Reserve as before, step into the resistance section first and then consider what is suitable for fishing.

After Zhou Fan made up his mind, he put down the fishing rod and turned around to practice swordsmanship.

After the time was up, Zhou Fan, who had left the Grey River space, quickly woke up from the straw mat on the ground.

He first glanced at Xiaoliu on the bed and found that she had not woken up, so he was relieved to materialize the crimson bracelet and wooden box that he got last night. Inside the wooden box were the classics of "Purple Gold Eight Armors" that had been turned into a ball of light and curled up into a ball. Golden ball.

Zhou Fan stretched out his index finger and lightly touched the light ball. After digesting the knowledge of "Zi Jin Ba Jia", he looked at the golden ball, and he touched it again with his index finger.

The golden ball stretched out and turned into a small golden dragon with purple scales.

Zhou Fan looked at this lifelike purple spirit golden dragon and couldn't help but sigh, this is not a real dragon, but a kind of blood gold.

Zhou Fan, who had absorbed the knowledge of "The Eight Arms of Purple Gold", just remembered it for a while. He tapped the dragon head of the Purple Spirit Golden Dragon with his fingertips, and the Purple Spirit Golden Dragon curled up into a golden ball again.

Zhou Fan smiled and put away the golden dragon, he walked over to wake up Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu rubbed his eyes with his small hands, and looked at Zhou Fan a little confused.

Zhou Fan didn't speak, just put the crimson bracelet on Xiao Liu's right wrist. After putting it in, he scratched somewhere on the surface of the crimson bracelet with his finger, and the bracelet began to shrink to the size of Xiao Liu's wrist.

Xiao Liu just watched quietly and curiously.

"Xiao Liu, this thing is not allowed to be taken off, do you understand?" Zhou Fan warned softly, in fact, it's fine without warning, this bracelet is difficult to take off without knowing the trick.

Xiao Liu smiled and nodded.

Zhou Fan took her out of the tent to wash her face, and then walked towards her parents with her.

Most of the campers were up early in the morning, and they were busy making breakfast.

"Afan, Xiaoliu." Thin Monkey greeted the two with a smile.

"Xiao Liu." Zhu Chunmei also came over, she looked at Xiao Liu worriedly, but did not dare to approach.

"Auntie, Xiaoliu's problem is solved, you can take her back." Zhou Fan smiled.

Zhu Chunmei was delighted when she heard this, she quickly walked over and hugged Xiao Liu, her eyes reddened again.

Xiao Liu resisted and pushed, and she looked at Zhou Fan in confusion.

"It's okay." Zhou Fan said softly.

It happened that Daliu came back with water, and quickly walked over to see this, Zhou Fan explained a few words to him, and told him that the bracelet is good, don't pay attention.

Daliu nodded to indicate that he remembered.

The three families were very happy that Xiaoliu was safe. After having breakfast together, Zhou Fan got up and said goodbye. He still had a lot of things to do.

But Xiao Liu also stood up and wanted to follow Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan may encounter danger while patrolling, and he can't take care of Xiaoliu. Before, there was no way to bring him, but now he can't always take Xiaoliu, he can only squat down and rub Xiaoliu's hair softly: "Xiao Liu, you follow Your parents, I'm going to work, and I'll be back to see you soon."

"Yeah, Xiaoliu, don't follow Afan, my mother accompanies you to play." Zhu Chunmei didn't want Xiaoliu to follow Afan again, she came over and persuaded her kindly.

Now that Xiaoliu is like this, the marriage contract between the two is dead in name only, and she doesn't want her daughter to follow Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan smiled at Xiao Liu, then stood up and left.

Xiaoliu wanted to follow, but Zhu Chunmei grabbed her and hugged her. Xiaoliu couldn't break free. She burst into tears: "Afan...Afan..."

The first thing Xiaoliu saw when she came out of the cocoon was Afan, who was always with her. In her eyes, Afan was the closest person to her. Now that Afan didn't take her with her, she panicked. , as if to lose the most important person.

Many people nearby watched Zhu Chunmei, Gui Feng and others surrounded Xiaoliu and coaxed, but Xiaoliu cried more and more loudly, and she burst into tears in an instant.

Zhou Fan heard Xiaoliu's cry, and he was a little sad, but he couldn't turn back, and he couldn't let Xiaoliu follow him all the time, it was unrealistic.

The three village warriors gathered again. The new village site was confirmed yesterday, so there are more things to do today.

First, the three villages confirm the location of their own villages, and then they convene people from each village to open up wasteland and build villages.

They only left one guard drum in the camp, and the other two guard drums were brought to the new village site. With the protection of the guard drums on the new village site, the villagers could start building the new village.

The warriors and ordinary members of the patrol team continued to patrol and guard, but not only the camp, but most of the manpower was also assigned to the village site. Those villagers need to be watched when they go to cut wood and move rocks to prevent strange damage. .

Zhou Fan was also transferred to the new village site to inspect, and there was a patrol team helping to patrol and guard. After the day, the work of the new village went smoothly.

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