Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 233: did you see him

Zhou Fan thought about Jian Wu's indifference to him at first, and then he was only willing to make deals with him. He now knows the reason.

Zhou Fan's body began to fall, as did the fog.

During the descent, the wind was howling, and Zhou Fan couldn't even speak, so he could only start to think.

The fog revealed too many things tonight, the fog will fall into a deep sleep tonight, and then a new guide will appear.

He needs to know how this will change him on the boat.

From the fog's tone, the guides have become former guides, and they are unwilling to help the boarding people for free, in case the new former guides...

The two quickly landed on the boat.

"We can't leave the boat for a long time, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. In fact, there is nothing to go there. It's all gray river water." Wu said with a faint smile, "You don't have much time left, so if you have any questions, just ask. Now, next time you come in, you won't see me."

"You don't want to guide the boarding people, doesn't it care?" Zhou Fan took a deep breath and asked.

If the boat is conscious, why would it sit idly by? It should have something to do with it.

"It doesn't seem to care about this kind of thing, and it doesn't punish us for our actions." Mist shook his head, "We are basically free on this ship, as long as we don't violate the basic rules."

"What basic rules?" Zhou Fan asked anxiously, this was very important to him.

"The basic rule is not to hinder the fishing and the boat's progress, but we can only agree to any requests from boarding people to fish or let the boat go forward," explained Mist.

"But you said before that you didn't even see some boarding people, watching them jump off the boat or never show up on the boat again. Isn't this obstructing fishing?" Zhou Fan asked a little puzzled.

There was a weird smile on Wu's face, "They don't know about fishing, how can they ask me? The boat doesn't stipulate that we should tell you about the fishing."

"It doesn't care much about your life and death, and handed over the power of selection to the first leader. If the leader doesn't bother to pay attention to the boarding person, the boarding person can't do anything about it."

Zhou Fan just felt that his mind was a little confused. The ship brought them on board to let them move forward, but it didn't force these guides to guide them well. What kind of thinking was it?

"I advise you not to think too much, some of its behaviors, even those of us who have been on the ship for countless years, can't understand it." Wu shook his head.

"Can you tell me about other guides? How many guides exist?" Zhou Fan sighed lightly, and he didn't think about it any further.

"Other guides?" Mist shook his head. "As far as I know, there will always be only one guide and one boarding person on board. When one guide sleeps or dies, another guide will appear."

"So I don't know the other guides, but I would say that I was the third or second awakening guide a long time ago, until one day I became the first, which means things have changed." A strange look appeared on his face.

"What's the change?" Zhou Fan was slightly startled. What is the effect of the different order of appearance?

"The ship doesn't care what we do, but in order to prevent the crazy guide from constantly playing dead boarding, it will have its own considerations when arranging the guide to appear, usually the first guide will tell you guys to board the ship. The most kind." Wu said with a smile.

Zhou Fan's expression froze, and he looked at the fog in disbelief: "You mean to say that you are already the friendliest guide?"

"Theoretically speaking." Mist nodded.

Zhou Fan was speechless and laughed a few times. Fog is already the friendliest, so how bad are the others?

"There is no way to do this." Wu said slowly, "We have failed too many times, and almost no guides have hope that the boarding people will reach the end."

"Some of us leaders will choose to die after despair, and those who stay on the ship are unwilling to cooperate. Most of us don't want to die like this, but this is all speculation based on my own, or they will have other idea."

"What you have to be careful about is that most of the guides can't do anything to the boarding people, but there is a class of guides who can." Mist's face became a little serious.

Zhou Fan's face showed surprise, "What kind of leader can do us?"

If every guide had the strength like a fog, a guide who could do something to him, Zhou Fan shuddered when he thought about it.

"That kind of guide is originally the sparring team that the ship finds for you. They can act on you in the name of sparring, but you can rest assured that the boarding person dies on the ship and just leaves the Grey River space."

"No matter how neurotic they are, that is, by killing you again and again, to force you boarding people to choose to jump off the ship." Wu said calmly.

Zhou Fan wants to scold people, what is it? Whoever wants to feel death by being killed again and again, only a lunatic would.

Zhou Fan finally has a deep understanding of these guides, that is, the further back, the guides he will encounter will probably be worse.

The boat turned a blind eye to it all, no wonder no one made it to the finish line, and part of it was because these people were doing too much.

Zhou Fan's face was helpless, but he didn't care whether he reached the end or not for the time being. The most important thing for him now is to borrow the power of the boat to survive.

As for the end, who knows what awaits him at the end?

Even if Mizuki said that once the finish line was reached, the boarding person seemed to be able to disembark safely... but the finish line was too far away for him.

Zhou Fan went on to ask a lot of questions. Some of them were answered by Wu, but some of them were I have said enough to you tonight. "At the end, Wu didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Your time is almost up, and it is estimated that there will be no time to meet." "

"Wu, you're going to sleep, let's get to know each other, won't you give me something?" Zhou Fan asked with a smile, but he knew that Wu had a lot of good things on him.

Wu just smiled and said: "I even took away the life you owe. Am I the kind of person who will give you something? I just think it's boring to do nothing, so I will help you."

"We are just a pure transaction. The relationship is not good enough that I will give you something. Next time I wake up, maybe I won't remember you as a person."

Zhou Fan just shook his head at this, he also knew in his heart that Wu would not give him anything, he just talked about it.

"Anyway, thank you for telling me so many things." After a moment of silence, Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I think we will meet again."

There was no emotion on Wu's face, but he suddenly turned his head to the side, looked at the deck, and then looked up at Zhou Fan and asked, "Have you seen him?"

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