Did you see him?

Zhou Fan was slightly taken aback by the headless words, "Who is he?"

"I didn't ask this, it was the boat that asked me to ask." Mist's eyes showed interest, "You are one of the few who can let the boat communicate through me, and the boat is facing us, the guides. It doesn't convey any information."

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, was the boat sending a message to him?

"Who exactly did you ask him?" Zhou Fan said anxiously, "What does it mean?"

"It's useless, it won't answer me if I say anything." Mist shrugged, "It's always been the only one that has spoken to me, and it doesn't say anything now."

Zhou Fan lowered his head and thought quickly, what does the boat mean?

Did you see him?

Who is he? familiar person? stranger? What does it have to do with yourself?

Is he in the outside world?

Wu suddenly turned his head to the side of the deck and looked at the corner of the deck, with a look of amazement on his face, "It's a second message, what did you do? It seems to be very interested in you."

Wu faintly felt that Zhou Fan was not simple in the ship's heart.

"What did it say?" Zhou Fan asked with a slightly changed expression.

"It says that 'he' is the most important person in your heart. The thread of fate has been intertwined. Even if we don't meet now, there will be a long-term reunion."

"This is its second message." Wu sneered, "Where did it find such a hypocritical statement?"

"My most important person..." Zhou Fan muttered to himself, his face quickly turned hideous, he looked at Wu: "I..."

It's just that the feeling that the world is spinning has rushed over, and he was pulled away from the gray river space.

Wu looked calm and watched Zhou Fan's figure disappear into the boat, then he lowered his head and asked with interest, "What do you mean by those two sentences?"

"I'm leaving anyway, and I can't interfere with your affairs, so it doesn't matter if you tell me?"

"It's the first time I see you that you will tell a boarding person twice, especially since he has only just boarded the ship, what's so special about him?"

Wu has seen too many boarding people, those who boarded the ship were stupid, smart, and even amazing people, but they all failed one by one.

Mist also doesn't know what kind of boarding person will get the boat to the end, or it will take more than just extraordinary talent... but also enough luck?

Wu waited patiently for a while, but unfortunately the ship never responded.

"It's really stingy." Wu said with disdain, he didn't bother to ask any more, anyway, these had nothing to do with him.

He looked up at the huge blood ball floating in the sky above his head, and sighed deeply. Life on the boat was really lonely as snow.

Especially every time Shenmian wakes up and encounters a new boarding person, it is really sad.

Zhou Fan sat up sweating profusely, he seemed to have had a nightmare, his face was pale and hideous.

"The most important person in my heart..." Zhou Fan muttered to himself again, he stood up and walked out of the tent.

The sky was bright, and smoke was already rising from many places in the camp.

Zhou Fan was walking in the camp when someone greeted him, and he just nodded slightly.

He walked a little numbly.

Until they arrived at the tent of the Daliu family, outside the tent, Xiao Liu was sitting and watching Zhu Chunmei busy. She would occasionally bring a piece of firewood for her mother and stuff it under the boiler.

The little face was reddened by the fire.

Zhou Fan watched quietly until Xiaoliu turned her head, she saw Zhou Fan, and ran over with a babble, hugged Zhou Fan's legs, and said affectionately, "Afan, why did you come so early today?"

An ugly smile appeared on Zhou Fan's face, he picked up Xiao Liu, and looked at her face carefully, trying to see something from her outline.

Xiaoliu Jingying's pupils were a little puzzled. She just hooked Zhou Fan's neck with a pair of small hands, just hugged Afan, her chin rested on the broad shoulders, she could feel that Afan seemed to be sad, she hoped that A hug can ease Afan's sadness.

Such a gesture is very warm.

Zhou Fan looked ahead and closed his eyes sadly.

Sister, is it really you?

In the past life, the most important thing in his heart was his grandmother and sister. If he was reborn in this world, the only person who reunited was Xiaoliu, who looked exactly like his sister.

But he still doesn't understand, what is the relationship between Xiao Liu and his sister?

Xiao Liu has always grown up in this world, unlike his soul crossing over.

Even if Xiao Liu was reincarnated by his younger sister, why was he so many years earlier?

This matter is too complicated, so complicated that Zhou Fanli is not clear, but there may be a connection between the sister and Xiaoliu that he does not know.

It is very likely that Xiao Liu is the younger sister.

Fortunately... Zhide Scorpion didn't kill my sister.

But the ship... what is it trying to do?

Based on what reason does it tell itself that it wants to threaten itself with its sister?

Zhou Fan's face became a little grim again, no one could hurt her.

It stands to reason that the ship is extremely powerful. He is just a very ordinary warrior. The only difference from this world is that his soul comes from another world.

If the ship can bring my sister to this world, and even bring it here, then it can definitely bring other souls here.

Completely useless for him.

What exactly does it want from itself?

Zhou Fan didn't know, but he regained his calm on the surface, put Xiao Liu down, and rubbed her head with a smile.

What he has to face is a ship that can confine a person of the highest realm such as Mist on the ship, and can erase the memories of the boarding person in this world at will.

In front of such a powerful existence, he is like an extremely humble and inconspicuous ant.

Originally there was no relationship between the two, but such an existence became interested in him, brought him to the ship, and brought his sister to this world.

It doesn't matter if the reason is unclear, but he will do everything to protect his sister.

Before it shows its fangs~www.readwn.com~ he has to become as powerful as possible this ant.

When it is so powerful that it dares to stretch its claws or fangs in front of its sister, it must at least have the ability to perish with it!

Zhou Fan restrained his thoughts and joked with Xiao Liu. He turned around and went back to wash before coming over to have breakfast with his parents, Xiao Liu.

But before breakfast was over, a patrolman came over and whispered a few words in his ear.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, and he nodded, indicating that he understood.

Zhou Fan said something to his parents, then threw down the tableware and followed the patrol.

Soon Zhou Fan saw the return of Yan surrounded by six talismans.

When Yan returned to see Zhou Fan, he smiled at Zhou Fan.

Yan returned to carrying a large, round iron pot.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, he was a little puzzled why Yan returned with an iron pan on his back, why he appeared here, and he walked over.

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