"Is it beautiful?" Seeing that Zhou Fan didn't answer, the woman asked again with a smile. With her smile, a lot of blood spilled out of the flesh and blood that ripped apart her face, and the blood dripped down her cheeks and chin on the deck.

Zhou Fan looked at the woman and sighed, "To be honest, this is really not beautiful."

He was able to divert his eyes on half of his face, but now that this face is like this, he can only say it is beautiful when he is blind.

"You're really boring, won't you lie to me?" The woman smiled again, and the elegant gray mist rushed towards her, covering her face, and gradually the face returned to its original unparalleled beauty.

The woman took a few more steps towards Zhou Fan, her figure was light, graceful and graceful, and she carefully looked at Zhou Fan with those spring water eyes.

It was not until she got closer that Zhou Fan realized that the red dress she was wearing was beautifully patterned, her hair was piled high, and she was inlaid with exquisite golden phoenix hairpins.

"If you flattered me and said something against your heart just now, maybe I'd give you some good things as a greeting." The woman smiled again, "Now it's saved."

"I have no other advantages, the only advantage is honesty, beauty is beauty, not beautiful is not beautiful." Zhou Fan was also observing the woman, and he didn't believe what the woman said.

Anything to give you good things is all nonsense. If you don't cheat him, it's not bad.

"I like Rouge the most, you can call me Rouge." The woman smiled.

"Zhou Fan." Zhou Fan also said his name. He already knew that these guides did not have most of the memory, and I am afraid that he would not even remember the name. This rouge may be a random name.

There is no need to hide his name.

"Young Master Zhou, don't you like me?" Rouge smiled like a flower, she liked to laugh very much, and her smile always carried a thrilling beauty.

But Zhou Fan stared at Rouge's eyes, and those eyes also had no flaws, but it was difficult for him to see any joy in her eyes, he smiled and said, "Miss Rouge is so beautiful, I don't think a man sees Rouge. Girls won't like it."

"Then why do I feel that you are always wary of me?" Rouge asked again.

"I think Miss Rouge has misunderstood. That's what I am, I didn't deliberately target you." Zhou Fan replied in a hurry, he was indeed watching out for Rouge.

He didn't forget that no matter how beautiful this woman was, she was still a former leader.

Rouge smiled slightly, "I should be the second one to wake up, is the one in front of me still a bad old man?"

Zhou Fan nodded lightly without denying it.

"That bad old man is very bad, just listen to what he said, Young Master Zhou, don't believe it too much, I will wholeheartedly assist Young Master Zhou." Rouge smiled slightly, "After all, I am tired of staying in this ghost place."

"I also hope that Zhou Gongzi can take me out." Rouge looked at Zhou Fan with wink.

This look makes people want to sacrifice their own life for her. She is really a peerless creature. Zhou Fan's mind is slightly restrained, and he said with a serious face: "Then thank Miss Rouge first."

"Young Master Zhou, don't be polite. I think that Young Master Zhou's realm is very low. He can only fight the first stage. If this goes on, I don't know what year and month to kill those more powerful and disgusting monsters, so as to push the ship forward." Rouge lightly Frowning her eyebrows, she held a wisp of gray mist in her slender hands.

The gray mist turned into a vermilion porcelain bottle, Rouge glanced at the vermilion porcelain vase, and a smile appeared on her face, "Young Master Zhou, this is Rouge's refining pill, there are ten in it, and one pill can let you enter For the first order, you can only eat one a day, and after ten, you can ask me to take it.”

"This..." Zhou Fan just glanced at the small porcelain bottle in Rouge's hand, with a hesitant look on his face, "No merit, no reward, I don't know what Miss Rouge needs?"

Zhou Fan already knew from the fog that if these guides wanted to deprive him of his lifespan or take away the gray worm, he had to agree to it, otherwise it would violate the rules made by the ship.

"That bad old man must have ruined Mr. Zhou's life, poor Mr. Zhou..." Rouge sighed softly, "He's so irresponsible, of course these things are given to Mr. Zhou for free, I don't want anything, I I just hope that Zhou Gongzi can make the ship reach the end one day."

"Young Master Zhou just take this medicine." Rouge handed out the porcelain bottle.

"If that's the case, then I'll accept it, thank you Miss Rouge." Zhou Fan took over the vermilion porcelain bottle with a touch of emotion on his face.

"To help Zhou Gongzi is to help myself, Zhou Gongzi doesn't have to be so polite." Rouge chuckled, she flicked Luo Xiu.

The gray fog rolled, and the glass ball containing the gray worm bait hung in front of Rouge.

She looked at the twelve big gray worms and six small gray worms in the glass ball, and just smiled and said: "I thought Zhou Gongzi was tricked by that bad old man to steal all the gray worms, but I didn't expect there are so many. Young Master Zhou, let the ship move forward?"

"What?" Zhou Fan was startled for a moment, "Let the ship move forward?"

"Young Master Zhou has my help now, whether it's martial arts, martial arts or talisman pills, everything. This river surface has no effect on Young Master Zhou. In the future, Young Master Zhou will not even need to go fishing. Of course, the boat must move forward quickly. ." Rouge looked natural.

"Let the ship move forward and reach the end, so that we can get rid of the control of this ship, doesn't Zhou Gongzi want it?"

Rouge's words seemed to make sense, but Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Miss Rouge, don't worry, the gray worms are there and won't escape. When I accumulate enough gray worms, I can reach the finish line in one go."

"That's fine." Rouge didn't mean to force Zhou Fan at all~www.readwn.com~ She smiled and said.

Zhou Fan thought for a while and said: "Miss Rouge, can you give me a few talismans, the level doesn't need to be too high, the blue rank top rank is enough, I don't have a powerful talisman on hand."

Rouge shook her head and smiled and said, "My son Zhou, when you take the rank-breaking pill and break the tenth rank in a row, what is the use of this high-rank blue-rank talisman to you? You concentrate on breaking the rank, and wait for you to break the rank. , I will naturally prepare everything for you."

"This rank-breaking pill..." Zhou Fan was silent for a while, "Will there be any side effects?"

The smile on Rouge's face subsided, and she said indifferently: "Of course there will be no side effects. Although the level of this medicinal pill is not high, it is also a rare medicinal medicinal herb that I have tried my best to refine. It is a unique and precious medicinal medicinal pill in the world. Does Young Master Zhou think that Will I kill you? I killed you, maybe it will take ten or twenty years to wake up again."

"If you don't believe me, then give me the medicine pill, and we won't talk about it in the future." Having said that, Rouge showed a pitiful look, and I really felt pity.

"Miss Rouge, don't be angry, how could I not believe you? I just asked casually." Zhou Fan said regretfully, as if he didn't think he should say such hurtful words.

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