Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 240: Po-order Dan

Rouge sighed faintly, "I don't blame Zhou Gongzi, I just blame the nonsense old man for making Zhou Gongzi suspect me."

"That bad old man must have told you about the blood cells in the sky, didn't he?" Rouge pointed to the blood cells in the sky and asked.

"He told me, what's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

Rouge's face showed a sneer, "He must have said that the corpses of the blood spheres in the sky are composed of the corpses of dead boarding people. The corpses of the boarding people can go around the world several times, and they all fail, right?"

Zhou Fan nodded.

"He lied to you." Rouge sneered, "Actually, you are the eleventh boarding person, and only ten failed. There won't be so many boarding people dying."

"It's really hard to get the boat to the end, but it's not that hard, and he says that to blow your confidence and make you feel bad about yourself."

"But why did he do this?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"He did this because he didn't want to leave the ship." Rouge's face was covered with frost, "You may feel lonely on the ship, but for the guide, as long as the ship does not sink, the guide will not He will die, I haven't seen him before, but from the descriptions of the previous boarding people, he is very old, no matter how high his level is, his lifespan is estimated to be coming to an end."

"That's why he will do everything possible to deceive you to trade life with him. Trading can catch the gray worms of life, but he doesn't want to leave, and I still want to leave."

"It turned out to be like this." Zhou Fan suddenly realized, "I didn't expect him to be like this, but where did the corpse of the blood ball come from?"

"I don't know about this either. The Grey River space is not as simple as you think, but this is by no means the corpse of the boarding person. These have nothing to do with us. We just need to let the boat reach the end and disembark and leave." Rouge shook her head and said. .

"Miss Rouge, I still have one thing I don't know, that is how do you confirm that the boat reaches the end so that we can leave? What if the boat deceives us?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown. He asked Wu this question before, and he wanted to hear it Listen to Rouge's answer.

Rouge chuckled softly, "I don't know how that bad old man told you about this, but I want to tell you that we always call it a boat, and only people of our strength level can see that it is actually a boat. It is composed of the laws of heaven and earth, it is a kind of Tao, a kind of rule, it evolves its own spirit, but it will still follow the rules it has made."

"Once it doesn't follow its own rules, it will die out. Its promise to us is that rules are rules. In fact, there are rules everywhere in this boat. If you ask me to fish, I can't stop it, only Take the fishing rod out for you."

"So you don't have to worry about it lying to you about the problem."

"It turns out that this is a ship of the law." Zhou Fan praised softly.

The two talked again, and Zhou Fan began to practice swordsmanship.

Rouge stood and watched Zhou Fan practice the sword for a while, and she frowned lightly: "Is such a clumsy sword technique passed on to Zhou Gongzi by that lousy old man?"

Zhou Fan waved his knife and said, "Is this knife technique poor? I got it back from him with my life span of more than a year."

"It's just unsightly, this year's lifespan is considered a loss." Rouge shook his head and sighed, "But Zhou Gongzi, don't worry, although I don't practice swordsmanship, there are still some hidden swordsmanship. When your realm is stable, I will Just give it to you, it won't be of much use to you now."

Zhou Fan heard a lot of thanks, and then continued to concentrate on practicing the sword.

Rouge didn't stop him from practicing the sword because of the garbage, but turned around and sat in front of the square table again, taking out the tea set like a trick from nowhere, and drank the tea gracefully.

When the time was almost up, Zhou Fan and Rouge said goodbye, and soon withdrew from the Grey River space.

After Zhou Fan left the Grey River space, Rouge hummed an unknown tune, which made her feel very happy.

At the moment of waking up in bed, Zhou Fan materialized the vermilion medicine bottle given by Rouge, and the medicine bottle in his hand felt a warm porcelain feeling.

Zhou Fan's face showed a cautious look, he shook the medicine bottle, and the sound of the medicine pill shaking came from the medicine bottle.

It seems that the inside seems to be an elixir.

Before leaving, Wu told him that the guide would not allow him to lie and deceive the boarding person for any traded items, but this medicinal pill was given to Zhou Fan by Rouge, not a traded item.

Mist and Rouge, if Zhou Fan was asked to choose one to believe, of course he believed in the fog, at least the fog didn't deceive him.

Of course, Zhou Fan also has some doubts about what Wu said. He will not completely believe in Wu, but at least he trusts Wu more than Rouge who met for the first time.

Zhou Fan asked for other talismans and swordsmanship, which were not easy to use, but Rouge was evasive and unwilling to give it to him.

Especially Rouge still wants to instigate him to make the boat move forward quickly. The more the boat moves forward, the greater the number of grey worms needed for fishing. If he uses all the grey worms now to propel the boat forward... With his current strength, I am afraid I don't know how long it will take for the gray worm to save up to fish again.

In Zhou Fan's eyes, Rouge seems to be a lot of nonsense. This medicinal pill is by no means a nonsense breaking-order pill, and Rouge's statement about blood cells is also false.

Zhou Fan left his tent and walked a distance to a secluded jungle. He stopped and continued to observe the medicine bottle. There were no runes on the surface of the medicine bottle.

According to the fog, other than his living creatures cannot leave the Grey River space, the medicine bottle will not contain living creatures.

Zhou Fan's right hand has a thin black and green line spreading covering his palm, he slightly raised his head away from the vermilion medicine bottle, held his breath, and then stretched out his right hand to hold the bottle stopper, It's just that when he was about to pull it out, he suddenly released his right hand that was holding the cork.

There are no living creatures in it, but is it possible that there are runes that will explode inside?

As soon as you open the cork, it will explode and kill yourself?

Every guide's realm is much higher than him. If Rouge moves his hands and feet on this medicine bottle, it will be a very dangerous thing for him.

This rouge doesn't look like an idiot. She will definitely think that she suspects her, and even thinks that she will not take this so-called broken-order pill easily.

According to the usual way of thinking, generally cautious people will carefully open the cork of the bottle, and then use one of the medicinal pills to test, and only take the medicinal pill after confirming that there is no problem.

But if the cork is removed, it explodes and there may be some poisonous gas that can be absorbed by the human body without breathing, then he will be fooled.

The ship's regular item comes out in a safe form, but that doesn't mean the item isn't dangerous.

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