Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 242: Yiluan Division

Judging from the geographical location of the city, Tianliang Street is the center of Tianliang City. Tianliang Liya and Yiluan's Mansion are both located on this street.

No matter which district you reach, it is most convenient to pass through Tianliang Street, so people come and go on the street.

Zhou Fan soon saw an old locust tree planted in front of a mansion. It was blooming season now. On the umbrella-shaped green crown, there were light yellow locust flowers blooming with a faint fragrance.

Zhou Fan walked over quickly. He looked up and confirmed that there was nothing wrong. The three characters of Yiluan Si were written on the plaque.

Zhou Fan stopped and looked up. The guards in front of the door were all staring at Zhou Fan, but they didn't say a word.

After all, many people who are curious about Yiluan Si come and go every day. If they care about everyone, I am afraid they will be exhausted.

But Zhou Fan lifted his foot up the stone steps. This is different. One of the two guards said, "Stop, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Fan stopped and said, "My name is Zhou Fan. I'm looking for Mr. Yan to come back. Please let the two eldest brothers know."

Looking for Mr. Yan?

The guard looked at Zhou Fan's dressing up, and the two of them looked at each other, and one of them said politely, "Then please wait a moment."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly.

One of the two guards walked in quickly, and after a while, he walked out with a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar with a clear face.

The man just glanced at Zhou Fan, and he said with a gentle smile: "It turned out that it was Brother Zhou who came here. Master Yan has already ordered, please come in quickly."

Zhou Fan followed the middle-aged scribe in.

The middle-aged scribe introduced Zhou Fan into a side hall. Along the way, the middle-aged scribe introduced himself a few words.

Lu Boyuan asked Zhou Fan to sit down, and soon someone brought tea, and he graciously entertained Zhou Fan for tea.

Even if Lu Boyuan was just an ordinary person, as an assistant of the Department of Yiluan in Tianliang, if ordinary warriors came, he would not be so polite and eager to entertain him.

The young warrior in front of him has been ordered by Lord Yan Huilai for a long time, and he is fighting against Duan warrior. At such an age, he has become a warrior against Duan. It can be said that he has unlimited potential, and with Lord Yan returning as his backer, if such a person is I didn't die as a wrestler in the Yiluan Division. If I stayed for a while, I might become one of the pillars of the Yiluan Division in Tianliang.

People who can be staff members are talented people, and Lu Boyuan is no exception, so his attitude towards Zhou Fan is so friendly.

It's a pity that Lu Boyuan didn't know that Zhou Fan was a short-lived species, otherwise he probably wouldn't have spent so much effort to befriend Zhou Fan.

"I don't know if Lord Yan is in the mansion?" Zhou Fan and Lu Boyuan responded with a few words. Seeing that Yan had not come back, he couldn't help asking.

Lu Boyuan smiled and shook his head and said: "Brother Zhou is not a coincidence, not to mention Lord Yan, the other two adults are not in the mansion now, but please rest assured, Lord Yan has already explained that Brother Zhou is here this time. Do you want to become a wrestler of the Yiluan Division?"

Speaking of this, Lu Boyuan's face became serious, "If other warriors become fighters, I definitely won't say much, but Brother Zhou is someone that Lord Yan values, so I want to tell Brother Zhou that once they become fighters, under normal circumstances, You are only allowed to leave if you have served for two years, are you sure you want to join?"

Zhou Fan already knew this point. If he wanted to quit the Yiluan Division without serving enough for two years, he would have to use Xuan coins to redeem himself, which would be a lot of money.

Before he came, Zhou Fan thought about it carefully, and he also asked the two talismans in the village for advice. He knew the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a wrestler in detail. Of course he would not back down at this time. nodded.

Uncle Lu saw that Zhou Fan didn't hesitate, he just smiled, "I just asked according to the rules. It seems that Zhou Xiaoxiong has already thought about it, so please come with me."

Lu Boyuan took Zhou Fan to the main hall of the Yiluan Sifu again. There were three chairs above the main hall.

"There is still a lack of an adult in Yiluan Division, so there are only three chairs." Uncle Lu looked at the three chairs from Zhou Fan's eyes, and he explained with a smile.

Lu Boyuan walked to a table, took out a booklet, and asked Zhou Fan to lead his way.

Zhou Fan handed Lu Yin to Lu Boyuan. Lu Boyuan confirmed that there was no problem with Lu Yin. After registering it with Zhou Fan, he asked Zhou Fan to wait for a while. He turned around and walked into the screen of mountains and rivers. He was holding a black paper talisman, and his right hand was holding a page of yellow paper.

"This is the ghost oath." Lu Boyuan handed the black paper talisman to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took the ghost oath with a solemn expression, and the talisman felt a sense of coolness. Before he became a warrior, he had to make a ghost oath.

This is somewhat similar to the eye spell, but there is no upper limit for the oath ghost. The stronger the warrior's strength, the stronger the oath ghost.

The ghost oath should not be taken lightly, this is the truth that everyone understands.

"This is an oath." Lu Boyuan handed a piece of yellow paper to Zhou Fan, "If you want to become a warrior, you must make an oath. Do you have any problems with the oath?"

Zhou Fan took the yellow paper and looked at the oath on it.

The oath is strict, but the scope of restraint can be large or small, and some oaths are the same as if they were not.

The oaths on the yellow paper go around and around, all of which are just requests for one thing. During the period of joining the Yiluan Division, you must not do anything that endangers the Yiluan Division, and it is stated that with the consent of the Yiluan Division, the oath will be voided after quitting the Yiluan Division. .

This oath is very loose. In fact, if it is too strict, such as not disobeying the orders of the superiors, I am afraid that no warrior would dare to make such an oath, and no one would be willing to become a warrior.

After all, in the face of powerful monsters, if their superiors let them die, it would be very difficult for them to survive.

Before he came, Zhou Fan had already read the oaths provided by the talisman masters, which was of great He carefully read it several times and confirmed that there were no language traps before putting the ghost oath talisman. On the back of his left hand, he then began to recite the oath on the yellow paper.

"...If you violate your oath, you will be willing to be swallowed by thousands of ghosts and die." As soon as Zhou Fan finished speaking, the ghost oath on the back of his left hand ignited a black flame.

The black flame burned on the back of his hand without any burning sensation. As it burned, the flame-like jet-black rune line merged into the back of his hand.

Something seemed to bind him.

Zhou Fan's face was calm, and it was mentioned in this oath that if Secretary Yi Luan first committed the betrayal of the warrior's life, then this oath would not be valid.

As long as Siyi Luan doesn't do anything wrong to him, of course he will not betray Si Luan.

If it weren't for this oath being very loose, with almost no binding force, with Zhou Fan's cautious temperament, he wouldn't dare to make a ghost oath.

After the ghost oath was made, Lu Boyuan smiled and said, "Congratulations to Zhou Lishi, we will be peers in the future."

"In the future, I will ask Lu's staff for more advice." Zhou Fan also laughed.

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