Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 243: East and West 2

Lu Boyuan and Zhou Fan joked a few times before turning to the main topic: "The title of a newcomer to become a cleric of Yiluan is temporarily a cleric of wood seals. Once they pass the assessment, they can be graded according to their strength."

"How to assess?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze, he really didn't know this.

Lu Boyuan smiled slightly, "It's very simple, as long as you complete the task of the Division of Yiluan once, you can be graded, but don't worry about this, Lishi has always been a team of two, come tomorrow to arrange a partner for you, do you know if Zhou Lishi has a place to live? No, Yiluan Si can also arrange a place for you."

"Then it will trouble the staff." Zhou Fanzheng was worried that this problem could not be solved.

"This is what I should do." Lu Boyuan just smiled and shook his head.

Soon Lu Boyuan took Zhou Fan away from the Yiluan Sifu, walked out of Tianliang Street, crossed an east-west avenue, and stepped into the road that Zhou Fan had walked from the North City Gate before.

"This is North Street." Lu Boyuan explained to Zhou Fan, "On the east of North Street is Dongfang, where most of the common people live in Tianliangli, while on the west of North Street is Westfang, where merchants and adults live."

Zhou Fan had been in the neighborhood before he came, and the structures of the houses on both sides were very different. Most of the west side was a courtyard with a wall, while the east side was a single-family house. The houses were all crowded together, leaving only one room A small alley that one person passes through.

A north street separates the two sides into two different classes.

Originally, Zhou Fan thought that Lu Boyuan would take him to the North Street and Dongfang to find him a small house, but who knew that Lu Boyuan would lead him to the North Street and the Westfang.

Zhou Fan's eyes showed surprise. Could it be that Lux's welfare is good enough to live in Xifang, which has a courtyard?

Even if he felt strange in his heart, Zhou Fan didn't ask much, just walked with Lu Boyuan.

The two walked into Xifang. The streets and alleys of Xifang were much wider. They walked on the edge roadway closest to North Street.

Zhou Fan found that there were small houses with only one small courtyard next to the alley.

This kind of house is far worse than the house with the compound in it, but it is much better than the residential house in Beijiedong.

"Most of these small courtyards live in the division of Yiluan, the Master Fu, and the captains of the Tianliang City patrol team. Considering that all of you warriors have some secrets of their own, it is one person, one courtyard." Zhou Fan explained.

"But after all, the place is a little smaller, and it is only suitable for warriors who have no family to live. If there is a family, you can only find another way. The Yiluan Division can only appropriately subsidize those warriors who have families."

"Are all these courtyards built by officials?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

Even if it is the official family's own land, it may be worth a lot of money if it is sold to some merchants in need.

"No, the land was provided by the officials, and these courtyards were built by the merchants inside." Lu Boyuan smiled, "Does Zhou Lishi know why those merchants who can't afford to pay early are willing to pay this money?"

"These marginal courtyards are populated by warriors. If there is any danger in Xifang, I can help them solve it as soon as possible." Zhou Fan understood after a little thought.

"Zhou Lishi is really smart, that's why." Lu Boyuan nodded, then stopped in front of a small courtyard, and while he took off a key wrapped in iron coils from his waist, "Even if you have a lot of time to Busy business, not living here, but they are still willing to pay the money.”

"Sometimes, as long as there is an accident in Xifang, there are a few fighters who happen to be there, and maybe they can save their lives. This kind of investment is undoubtedly worthwhile for them. Compared with money, their lives are more precious. "

Zhou Fan was silent. The luxuries were supposed to protect the safety of Tianliangli. If there was something strange in Tianliang City, they would rush over nearby.

It can only be said that these merchants are very smart. If the warriors live closer, their lives will be more secure.

"Does Tianliang City often appear strange?" Zhou Fan asked, looking at Lu Boyuan who was identifying the key.

He had heard the stories of businessmen told by Renmei Wuyan, but it didn't mean that Wuyan could disguise and sneak in.

This is a Tianliang City with four walls of talismans. In the city, there is the Yiluan Sifu, Luxurious talismans and patrols, etc. How many monsters can such a defensive force come in?

Lu Boyuan paused when he picked up the key, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Neither the talisman nor the warriors can completely prevent the intrusion of monsters, and most of the monsters that can come in have a way to escape, so every time it's cold. There is a strange invasion of the city, and it is all rumbling."

"How did they get in?" Zhou Fan asked strangely.

"There are many ways, some come in through possession and disguise, and some come in from the sky. Zhou Lishi is new to Tianliang City, and he doesn't know enough about Tianliang City. Apart from those two, the most common way to invade is Underground..." Lu Boyuan picked out the key and tried it. No, he picked another key.

"Underground?" Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, did he come in through a tunnel?

With a click, the brass horizontal lock was opened. Lu Boyuan took off the horizontal lock, pushed open the door and nodded and said, "It's underground. The shape of Tianliang City is like a big iron pot. It's just because of the underground drainage ditch. After all, the bottom can’t be made too thick, and there are many monsters who are afraid of the wall of talismans and sneak in through the defense of the underground in this way.”

The wooden door was pushed open, and a small almond tree and a small house were planted in the small courtyard.

Lu Boyuan opened the door of the house again. Inside, there was a bed, a chair, and a table, which seemed a little cramped.

In fact, if there is no, the house space should be larger, but martial artists all need to cultivate, and having a small courtyard that can be moved around is more important to them.

"The conditions are a little rough, and I hope Zhou Lishi will not take offense." Lu Boyuan said with a smile.

"You're welcome, it's already a good place to have such a place." Zhou Fan was alone, and he was really satisfied to have such a free place to live.

Lu Boyuan was still on official business, so he explained a few more words to Zhou Fan, and left in a hurry.

Zhou Fan simply tidied up his place of residence, then went to the store on North Street to buy some daily necessities, and bought some food by the way, and then turned back to the small living courtyard.

Locking the wooden door and sharing some of the food with the old man, he began to eat himself.

Less than a day after he left home, he began to miss his parents, Xiao Liu, and the others.

Speaking of which, since arriving in this world, this is the first time he has traveled far.

However, Zhou Fan quickly shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, pressing down these thoughts in his heart. After eating, he began to practice after having nothing to do for a while.

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