Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 264: Fight the midsection

But tonight was different after all, Zhou Fan thought about it and said, "I want to go fishing."

Rouge didn't even look at Zhou Fan, she just put down her eyebrow pencil and snapped her fingers, and the fishing rod, hourglass, and glass ball with gray worms appeared on the boat.

Zhou Fan picked up the light purple fishing rod. The last time he caught the slushy water, the stagnant water was very useful, but what he wanted most was the medicine pill to break through the bottleneck of the fight.

Now Zhou Fan has twelve large gray worms and one small gray worm. He decided to fish twice in a row, hoping to catch the elixir to break through the bottleneck.

The first time he fished, Zhou Fan caught a pill bottle.

He opened the elixir bottle, which contained three vermilion red elixir.

Zhou Fan did not continue to fish, but shouted at Rouge: "Help me identify the medicine pill."

"Put the table first." Rouge was still putting on makeup.

"This woman..." Zhou Fan murmured, he put the medicinal pill on the table, and then began to practice swordsmanship.

After a long period of time, Rouge finished dressing, she stood up, picked up the white porcelain bottle, poured out the medicinal pill and looked at it seriously.

Zhou Fan stopped waving the knife and looked at her.

The makeup of this woman is different every time, which makes her image different.

Tonight's Rouge put down all her blue silk, and she wore light makeup on her face, giving her a pure feeling.

"Is it beautiful?" Rouge raised her head and saw Zhou Fan was looking at her, her eyes were crystal clear.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, but asked, "What kind of medicine is this?"

"Blood Dragon Pill, which can greatly increase your blood qi, is a kind of elixir to fight against Duan." Rouge put the elixir back into the bottle and said.

Zhou Fan's face showed joy, as long as the fighting section spreads blood in the skin, and the growth of blood is slowly tempered by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

Only if he has enough blood energy, he can break through the advanced stage. Now that the blood dragon pill can directly increase the blood energy, then he does not need to worry about breaking through the advanced stage.

Zhou Fan also seriously asked about the usage and precautions of Qixuelongdan.

Rouge answered one by one.

Zhou Fan put away the Blood Dragon Pill, and his goal was achieved, so he doesn't need to fish for the time being.

"There are still two small questions, please ask them quickly." Rouge said impatiently.

Zhou Fan pondered for a while and then asked two small questions that he wanted to know and Rouge was willing to answer.

After asking, Rouge ignored Zhou Fan and did her own thing.

While Zhou Fan continued to practice swordsmanship, the two were considered irrelevant.

Zhou Fan thinks this is good, as long as Rouge is willing to help him identify what he caught, then he doesn't really need Rouge to do anything else.

Silent all night.

The next day was still in the Yiluan Sifu with Li Jiuyue, occasionally going out to deal with strange incidents in the city.

The day went by in such a hurry.

In the evening, Zhou Fan returned to his room and confirmed that no one was bothering him before continuing to practice. He swallowed a blood dragon pill, and the blood gold purple spirit golden dragon circled and flew around his body.

Zhou Fan's body became blood red, and thin blood smoke escaped from his skin.

With a click, Zhou Fan's blood-red body was covered with a layer of purple gold, and the purple gold lines were looming.

The purple-gold mist emitted by the blood-gold purple-spirit-golden dragon was continuously inhaled by Zhou Fan, and the dragon's body shrunk by another round, becoming very small.

After about ten breaths, the purple-gold color began to fade, and the blood-red skin began to return to its normal color.

Zhou Fan could feel that his body was further strengthened, his skin became tougher, and he finally stepped into the middle of the fight!

In the early stage of the fight, he could only condense the basic double armor of purple and gold eight armors. The first one was light armor that did not affect his body's mobility. He had already used it today, and the second one was heavy and solid heavy armor.

The defensive power of Zijin Heavy Armor is several times higher than that of Zijin Light Armor, but the heavy armor is too bulky. Once it is used, it will definitely affect his speed of swinging and running.

Both light and heavy double armor have obvious advantages and disadvantages, and this can only be used according to the situation.

The advantage of stepping into the middle of the fight is that he will be able to condense three more armors with different functions!

Zhou Fan practiced Yan Yang Qi for a while, and the Cold Flame Wine had already been consumed by him. Now the Yan Yang Qi has also changed a lot. The crimson flame has turned into a cold blue flame, and its power has been improved more than one step. , which is completely comparable to the talisman of the middle grade of the yellow level.

After cultivating, Zhou Fan fell into a dream again and returned to the Grey River space without Rouge.

Zhou Fan just raised his eyebrows and didn't care too much, after all, the fog was occasionally absent in the past.

Moreover, this rouge is more difficult to communicate than fog, and its presence or absence has little impact.

Zhou Fan continued to practice the basic swordsmanship of Liuguang Quick Silver Swordsmanship on the boat.

Before Rouge said that he had more powerful swordsmanship, it was completely flickering.

Zhou Fan's time passed in his practice and the work of the wrestlers of the Yiluan Division.

Tianliang City has become quiet since the loud noise that night, and the strange incidents have also been greatly reduced. This situation is very abnormal.

The Secretary of Yiluan was also keenly aware of this, and transferred back a lot of detectives to monitor Tianliang City, and kept a Si'an envoy to guard at the Office of Yiluan at all times to prevent any accidents.

After a few days like this, Li Jiuyue was sitting on the side, looking at Zhou Fan, who was scrutinizing the books of the Yiluan Sifu, he shook his head a little bored and said, "Brother Zhou, do you want to become a talisman or do you want to read so many books? Abandon Wu Congwen to be a sour scholar?"

Zhou Fan didn't answer. When Li Jiuyue was bored, he always wanted to do something. It would be fine for such a person to just ignore him.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, we should be able to take a vacation soon, but we agreed, I'm going to play in the Burning Valley, then don't run away secretly by yourself." Li Jiuyue said expectantly.

"When did I promise to take you there?" Zhou Fan said helplessly.

"If you don't take me, then I'll go by myself." Li Jiuyue said with a smile, "The legs are on me, can't I go by myself?"

"Then you can go by yourself, why do you have to follow me?"

"I went alone, and I definitely have nowhere to stay. Maybe I have to sleep in the open a young man like me who only enjoys happiness, can't stand this kind of crime." Li Jiuyue explained.

"My family is poor, and I can't afford a eldest son like you." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"It's okay, why would I despise my friend's poverty?" Li Jiuyue's face was serious, "If you dare to sneak away, then I will invite a group of singers from Tianliang City to your house and ask them to ask you for overnight fees. …”

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly, "Don't hurt me, I'll take you there."

This Li Jiuyue's behavior is sometimes naive like a child. If he didn't take him, he might have done such a thing.

"It's not too bad." Seeing Zhou Fan finally agree, Li Jiuyue smiled, "By the way, what do uncles and aunts like? When I first came to the door, I couldn't leave empty-handed."

"Rural people don't pay so much attention, it's enough for you to bring two chickens." Zhou Fan said without raising his head.

"Will the gift of two golden roosters made of pure gold be too light?" Li Jiuyue asked a little nervously.

Zhou Fan: "..."

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