Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 265: really

Just as Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue were chatting casually, a clerk from the Department of Yiluan hurried in.

Zhou Fan and the two are used to this, which means that there is a task to come.

Zhou Fan put down the book, Li Jiuyue stretched and looked at the little official.

"Liu Zhaotou is looking for the two adults." The little official bowed slightly and replied.


Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue met the victim in Tianliang Liya's small room.

She is a woman, but her face is completely covered with white gauze, only a pair of eyes and lips are exposed.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue sat opposite her, and they didn't let the woman untie the white gauze when they knew something on the way, Zhou Fan said solemnly: "In general, we heard Liu Zhaotou say it, but we still want to hear it. You talk about it."

The woman's eyes showed horror, she swallowed, and then began to tell.

Her name is Wei Zhenzhen, a maid hired by Mr. Liang's family in Xifang, who lives in Dongfang.

Mr. Liang is not a big family in Xifang. He didn't buy a few maids at home, so he hired four or five maids to help, and she was one of them.

Every morning before dawn, she would go from Dongfang's house to Xifang Master Liang's house to work for him, but at night, when Master Liang had no place for them to live, he would let them live. Go home on your own.

From West Square to East Square, if the place is far away, it is likely to take half an hour to walk.

It is very hard to be a maid, and it is already night after the busy work. For the sake of safety, they usually go back together.

But sometimes it is an exception. After all, it is impossible for everyone to complete the work at hand at the same time, so sometimes they can't wait and have to go separately.

At the beginning, they were very worried, but after a long time, they didn't care too much when they saw that there was nothing to do.

Just last night, Wei Zhenzhen was careless during the day and forgot to starch the bedding and clothes she was in charge of.

It wasn't until late in the evening that she remembered it.

These futons and clothes were all replaced by Mr. Liang's house. If she didn't wash them today and the quilts and clothes were not dried in time, she would be fined half a month.

Wei Zhenzhen could only let those hired maids go first, and she stayed alone to starch the bedding and clothes.

By the time she washed the bedding and clothes and hung them on the bamboo poles, it was already midnight.

She seldom goes home at such an hour, but she can't stand in Liang Mansion overnight or sleep on the floor, so she will definitely not be able to work tomorrow.

She picked up the butter paper lantern, said goodbye to the old concierge, and left the Liang residence.

There are red lanterns hanging in front of each house in Xifang, but the surroundings are so dark that you can't see your fingers.

It was so silent that only the occasional barking could be heard.

Just in case, she put the small lamp talisman that she had put away on the yellow lantern, and went around the streets of Xifang.

After finally coming out of Xifang, Tianliang Avenue was deserted, and no lights could be seen.

It looks pitch-black, like a dark beast that devours people.

She suddenly had the urge to go back to Liang Mansion.

It's just that she stopped and thought about it, but she still mustered up the courage to move forward.

As she walked, she told herself not to think wildly and scare herself.

Tianliang City has Yiluan Division and patrol team, which is very safe.

But her thoughts couldn't help but spread out, thinking about all kinds of weirdness that might be lurking in the dark night.

There is a strange name called Suijou, which often appears in the dark and follows behind people.

The old people in the city always say that if you walk at night and something hits your shoulder, don't look back, just go forward.

Because that was Sui Jing slapping his shoulders, once he looked back and saw Sui Jing's appearance, he would definitely not be able to survive.

Thinking of this, she began to feel that her shoulders were slightly numb, as if she would be patted on the shoulder at any time.

If there was a pat on the shoulder, she silently told herself not to look back, but she thought that she might not be able to help but look back.

Then I heard that no one has seen it and survived.

She didn't dare to think about it any more, she glanced at the flame in the lantern, her fear a little lessened.

The cool wind was blowing slowly, making her feel a chill in her heart again.

In addition to the gossip, there is an even more terrifying night-night gossip, which people call the barking dog.

It is said that the dog can easily smell people's fear. The more afraid a person is in the dark, the easier it is for the dog to smell the person's position in the dark night.

Once found by the dog, it will bark and drag the man into the dark to eat it alive.

Wei Zhenzhen's face turned pale in the dark night, and her calf was shaking.

When she was a child, her leg was bitten by a local dog, and a piece of flesh was bitten off her calf, and the pain was so painful that she almost thought she was dead.

At the thought of being dragged into the dark by the dog, she would cry and cry for mercy, but the dog would not let her go because of her cry, it would sizzle the flesh on its body with its sharp teeth If you bite down, maybe you will bite your own throat first in order to avoid struggling to escape...

Wei Zhenzhen felt that there was a chill in her neck, which made her mentally stunned, and she told herself to stop thinking about the dog.

The more afraid, the more the dog will find her.

She kept reminding herself that this is Tianliang City, which is protected by the Talisman Wall, and even the dark and strange can't get in.

No matter whether it is a stalker or a dog in the dark night, no one can get in.

She quickened her pace a lot, walked to the North Street at the junction of the East and West Square, glanced at the North Street without a trace of lights, and hurriedly walked over.

But at this time, she heard the sound of dogs barking, which came from the North Street.

There was also the rustling of feet running in the darkness.

It's a dog... a dog...

She just felt a shiver all over her body, the cold spread from her head to the soles of her feet, and she ran frantically with the lantern in hand.

"Don't chase me, don't chase me..."

She only had such thoughts in her mind, she even wanted to blow out the candles in the lantern to avoid the dog behind her.

But what little sanity she had left prevented her from doing so, and if she blew out the lantern, she might have lost herself completely in the dark.

As she ran, she regretted Just now, she should have run towards Tianliang Street on the right. There are Yiluan Sifu and Tianliang Liya there, but strangely, she dared not go to Tianliang Street.

She ran out of breath, and had to stop until she couldn't run anymore.

"Cough cough..." She couldn't help coughing as she ran too fast.

She coughed twice, then quickly held back her cough and listened to the movement behind her.

The 呲dog didn't seem to follow, and there was no rustling sound behind him.

Or maybe there wasn't a dog at all, but she was too afraid to imagine it.

After a false alarm, she gasped for breath and felt a lot more relaxed, and was about to go home.

'Don't tell them this kind of shameful thing tomorrow, lest they laugh at themselves. ’

She took a few steps with the lantern in hand.

A hand stretched out from the darkness and placed it on her left shoulder.

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