Zhou Fan woke up from the bed, opened his eyes and shook his dizzy head.

He lifted the white quilt and sat up.

He sat on the edge of the bed and surveyed the room.

Directly facing the bed, that is, in front of him, there was a wooden table with candlesticks, a half-length mirror, a water glass, and a small bookshelf with several books on it.

Next to the end of the bed was a mahogany double-door wardrobe, which contained his clothes.

There is a window in front of the wooden table, and the gloomy sky can be seen faintly, which also makes the color of the room dark.

As soon as I woke up from the bed, the thoughts of memory finally poured into my mind.

He is the son of the owner of the house. The owners of the house, his parents, have left home to work at this time, and he is the only one left at home.

Why did he wake up just now?

Because today he happened to have a rest and didn't have to work.

Thinking of this, he lay on the bed again, ready to sleep for a while.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, a strange thud sounded.

He opened his eyes and was stunned. Where did the voice come from?

The duo sound just rang twice and then disappeared.

He thought it should be a hallucination, so he didn't think about it, but felt very sleepy and closed his eyes again.

But the duo sound rang three times in a row.

How is this going? This time he confirmed that he heard correctly.

Zhou Fan sat up, his eyes moved to look at the room, but there was no one in the room besides him, where did the voice come from?


A series of strange noises made Zhou Fan stand up.

He felt very wrong: "Who is it?"

Who is hiding in his room?

He thought about it, and the voice seemed to come from under the bed.

He lifted the mosquito net and looked under the bed.

Some dark beds have nothing but some white cobwebs under them.

not under the bed...


The voice sounded again, and his pupils shrank to look around the house, and then stared at the double-door wooden wardrobe.

The wooden door of the wardrobe seemed to sway faintly.

Zhou Fan walked to the table and picked up the candlestick on the table.

The iron candlestick has spikes, and if the person hiding inside dares to push the door and come out, the candlestick is his weapon.

He could feel that it was no prank, that his parents would not be so boring, that someone hid in his sleep.

Thinking of this, his palms were all sweaty.

But he suddenly thought of why the person hiding inside made such a strange noise at this time?

Is it not a human being hiding in the cabinet, but some monster?

There was no movement in the cabinet anymore.

After standing in silence for a while, he tried his best not to make any noise and walked to the edge of the wooden cabinet, raised the iron candlestick in his right hand, and pulled the wooden door with his left hand.

The iron candlestick in his right hand smashed halfway into the cabinet and hung there.

There was nothing in the closet except for clothes.

The sound of duo duo duo duo sounded again in the room, one more sound than before.

He felt a chill rise from his heart, and there seemed to be something unknown in his room.

No matter what is in here, Zhou Fan doesn't want to stay in the room anymore, he wants to leave here.

He walked quickly and put the iron candlestick on the table.

With a 'squeak' sound, the closed door suddenly opened slightly.

There was fear on his face. He remembered that the door was obviously locked. He quickly picked up the candlestick and stared at the wooden door.

Wanted to see what would come in through the door.

But what if something unseen has come in?

When he thought of this, tiny pimples formed all over his body.

He didn't want to stay here any longer, and he glanced at the half-length mirror on the table. He had been paying attention to the wardrobe just now, and then he looked at the wooden door, but he did not take a serious look at the half-length mirror.

He had heard people say that if there was something dirty, it would show up in the mirror.

Seeing him, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

There is nothing in the mirror, there is no bleeding face, there is no face of ghosts and ghosts, there is nothing, not even his appearance can be reflected!

The mirror only reflected his bed, wardrobe and corner, but he didn't look like him.

His mind was blank and he couldn't think at all. He stared at the mirror, and suddenly found that something was crawling in the corner of the room blocked by the white mosquito net on the bed.

He subconsciously raised his head.

At some point in time, countless broken hands were crawling on the ceiling, and the pale and bloodless hands tapped the wooden ceiling with their hands from time to time, making a rattling sound.

Such a scene made his head buzz, as if blood was shaking in his head.

He could no longer control what was hiding outside the door, and rushed straight towards the door. He was still afraid that the door would suddenly close and could never be opened again. At that time, the broken hands that fell down would grab him. neck, strangled to death.

Fortunately, the door was not locked, he opened it, rushed out, and slammed the door shut.

He rushed down the wooden stairs desperately.

He just wanted to get out of here and tell his parents that there was something unclean in the house.

The stairs were winding, so dark that the bottom could not be seen.

He walked down dozens of steps, and stopped until he could barely see the stairs.

No, it's really not right. He clearly remembered that there were only two floors in the house. Why were the stairs so long?

He quickly looked up and looked up, and it was completely dark above.

In the dark staircase, only a beam of light fell on him, and it was so dark that nothing could be seen.

His legs trembled slightly, and he raised his feet to run up, but after climbing more than a hundred steps, he still couldn't see the end.

He stopped to gasp for breath, and it was so quiet that he could even hear his own thumping heartbeat.

He was so frightened that something seemed to be watching him in the endless darkness, ready to jump at him and kill him at any moment.

Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!

He kept comforting himself in his heart.

He took a break to calm himself down as much as possible, looking at the seemingly infinite stairs.

He thought about going up and seeing no hope, so he could only go down, just hoping that the connection below the end of the stairs was not a horrible hell.

But even in hell, he never wanted to be trapped in these stairs.

So he started to walk down.

It is always easier and easier to go down than to go up.

He began to count the stairs silently, dispersing the fear in his heart.

One...two...seven...thirteen...forty-eight...one hundred and twenty-eight...three hundred and forty...four hundred...

At the end of the count, he also forgot how many steps it was~www.readwn.com~ But as he descended the stairs, he gradually got used to it, and the fear in his heart began to diminish.

The stairs came to an end.

It was pitch black all around.

Can't see anything.

He was stunned for a moment, and mechanically stretched out his left hand and pressed it to the left.

With a click, the white light came on.

This is a basement.

The strong smell of blood first penetrated into his nose.

There were two corpses lying on the floor, a man and a woman. The old faces stained with blood were his 'parents'.

He suddenly remembered that these were not his parents, but the owner of the house. He was not the son of the owner of the house. He was the evil spirit who killed the poor couple.

Only ghosts are not caught in the mirror.

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