The moment he realized that he was a ghost, Zhou Fan felt that his breathing had stagnated, and his heartbeat began to slow down.

He kept replaying in his head how he used brutal means to kill the poor couple who moved in.

His body seemed to be disintegrating.

His face was tense and his throat was choked. He opened his mouth and coughed a few times, "What if it's a ghost? I need to breathe and my heart to beat again."

Zhou Fanqiang was self-supporting, and the huge sense of fear came and disappeared quickly.

As if he knew that Zhou Fan could not be killed, the surrounding scene began to collapse.

Zhou Fan's real memories came back, and those false memories exited his mind.

However, his consciousness gradually became blurred. Just when he was about to be moved out of here, the dream catcher with dark green light came out of nowhere, and the light reflected on his whole body, making his consciousness awake.

Zhou Fan looked at the Dream Catcher, and he understood that if he wanted to leave, he could leave as long as he put the Dream Catcher away.

He weighed it in his heart, and looked at Dream Catcher's eyes gradually firmed.

After a while, Dream Catcher and him were covered by the tide of darkness and disappeared in place.


An hour passed, and in front of Zhou Fan, all he could see were huge and towering walls.

Between the wall and the wall, there is a distance of ten feet.

He can only go forward or backward, and when he encounters a turn, he can only follow the turn. Occasionally, there will be several forks, no matter which one he chooses, there is no end in sight.

Looking up, I can vaguely estimate that the wall is at least several hundred feet high.

The wall was strong and smooth, unbreakable, and even if he wanted to climb it and see where the damned place was, there was absolutely no way he could do it.

He felt as if he was in a huge maze, but he didn't know where the exit was?

The thought of being trapped in the labyrinth until he was starved to death made him shiver as if being poured down by a bucket of cold water.

This is also the reason why he kept walking and refused to stop.

During this hour, he used the grey stone he picked up to make marks on the wall, so as not to walk the same way without knowing it.

But the labyrinth was too big, and he kept walking like this, never seeing the end, not even meeting a dead end.

He suspects that he has been going in circles, but only doubts.

Because everything looked very similar, he couldn't really tell them apart.

He felt more and more depressed in his heart, as if there was a big stone pressing against his heart, making him feel very uncomfortable.

He thought about all the ways he could think of, but he still couldn't get out.

He felt a little tired, his legs were as heavy as lead, and he could only sit down and rest.

He sat down and pondered silently, he still didn't know why he appeared here.

He felt as if something was wrong with his body... a pain in his left toe.

It should be caused by walking too tired, he took off his shoes and prepared to rub it himself to relieve the pain.

As soon as he took off his shoes, he looked at the soles of his feet with fear in his eyes.

The little toe of the left foot became transparent, and it looked like he had only four toes left.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, he quickly took off the shoe on the right, and the sole of his right foot also had a little toe that was barely visible.

How is this going?

Why did his toes disappear?

Could it be caused by walking too much in this maze?

But if you sit here all the time, you will starve to death.

There was an uncontrollable look of fear on his face, but he put on his shoes and stood up.

But before he could move, he felt a sharp pain in the little finger of his left palm.

He quickly raised his hand and saw that the little finger of his left palm was also becoming transparent and disappearing.

Next is the little finger of the right palm.

He shuddered inevitably, and he vaguely understood that it was not because of walking, but the reason for staying in the maze.

The longer he stayed in the labyrinth, the more his body would gradually dissipate until he died completely.

Thinking of this, he just felt that the mouthpiece seemed to be frozen, and he ran quickly.

He has to get out of the labyrinth quickly, or he will die.

As he ran, he tried to identify the direction, trying to find a lifeline.

But there are walls everywhere, and there is never an exit in front of you.

The second toes of his feet started to hurt so badly that he didn't even have to look to know that his two second toes were gone and he ran faster.

Before running far, the two ring fingers of his hands were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He ran forward like crazy.

But soon he fell to the ground and he couldn't run anymore because his feet were gone.

Looking at the soles of the feet that had disappeared, behind them were the shoes that had been turned over.

His hands also ached sharply, as if cut by a knife, and then began to become transparent and dissipate.

The fear in his heart gradually deepened, and the fear of seeing his body dissipate made his breathing a little stagnant, as if every bone in his body was shaking.

But the changes in his body did not stop because of his fear.

His limbs are gone.

He raised his face and looked at the tall wall, even the sky was covered, he knew that his body was gradually becoming transparent and disappearing.

The fear of death made him so terrified that it became difficult to breathe.

Slowly, he could feel himself disappearing from the neck down.

He only had one head left.

It was as if he was in the deep sea and couldn't breathe until he still had one breath left.

Do you have any breath left...

It's just that he slowly thought about why he was so afraid?

The big deal is death, and besides... whoever said that the body becomes transparent will die, maybe he just went to another place.

Thinking of this, he laughed, and most of the fear in his body began to recede.

The labyrinth forged by the walls began to collapse.

Zhou Fan's memory came back, and then he remembered why he appeared here, it was just a nightmare.

The dream catcher came out of the radiating dark green light shining on Zhou Fan.

"Haven't caught the dream pup yet?" Zhou Fan murmured to himself.

He carefully recalled those two dreams, and after thinking about it, he felt that he was still sure, and that they were all here. If he left like this, he would not be reconciled.

"One more time, no matter if it works this time or not, I won't continue." Zhou Fan gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

He waited quietly with Dream Catcher Beads, and it didn't take long before darkness enveloped him and Beads together again.


Zhou Fan opened his eyes. All he saw was the boundless darkness. He turned his head sideways and listened to some noisy sounds outside.

He just felt uncomfortable in his eyes, his eyes were covered by some cloth strips or something.

He reached out to remove what was covering his eyes, but a voice came.

"Afan, are you awake? Remember not to fall asleep and try to pull off the blindfold, or you will die."

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