Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 702: Mark the papers

"Brother Zhou, can you read that poem to me?" Li Chungniang asked curiously with a slight wink.

Zhou Fan is so confident, she is inevitably curious, so she can also identify for Zhou Fan to see if it has appeared in the poetry collection.

Although the exam is over, it doesn't make much sense to do so, but it can also make Zhou Fan a little mentally prepared.

Zhou Fan smiled and nodded, and recited the poem again.

After listening to Li Chungniang, she was a little distracted. After she regained her senses, she smiled and said, "This poem is really well written, but what does the name of the poem mean, and what is Chang'an?"

"I'm not too sure about that." Zhou Fan smiled and shook his head without explaining much.

Li Chungniang read this poem silently again, and she affirmed: "This written so well, if it appeared in a collection of poems, it could not be unknown. It should be a good poem that few people know about."

"How many points do you think you can get?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"I'm not sure, but Big Brother Zhou is better at writing than me. Even if you don't get all the points, it's not much worse. This is probably the best domineering chrysanthemum poem in Gaoxiang Academy." Li Chungniang chuckled. Said, she was happy for Zhou Fan.

Domineering chrysanthemum poems... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, that academy sage was really an unpopular exam question.

And the worm girl's smile is really nice, no, it's the laughter that's really nice... Zhou Fan thought in confusion again, he looked away and looked at the countryside scenery where the curtains were drawn.

Li Chungniang and Zhou Fanjing sat outside the window, she thought for a while, and said, "The academy said that it will take three days to mark the papers for the literary test, and the detailed rules of the martial arts test will only be announced after the results of the literary test are released. This Big Brother Zhou knows it. ?"

"I heard the invigilator say it once." Zhou Fan nodded.

"Is Brother Zhou free tomorrow night?" Li Chungniang asked softly again.

Are you planning to make an appointment with me... Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "I'm going to practice behind closed doors for the past three days to prepare for the martial arts test."

"So it is." Li Chungniang sighed lightly, "Then the worm can only go alone."

"Where are you going?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"There was a woman who I met in the examination room. She invited me to attend a tea party in Gaoxiang City tomorrow night. When it was said that most of the geniuses in this A-class class would be there to communicate with each other, I found it quite interesting. I plan to take a look." Li Chungniang said with a smile.

"But I'm a little worried. When I meet some rogues who entangle me, I'm not afraid of Big Brother Zhou's jokes. In the past, when I encountered such things, most of them were blocked for me in September. I called them Big Brother Zhou, and I wanted to keep those rogues away from me. Dare to be too presumptuous."

You are beautiful, and if you don't attract bees and butterflies, it would be a miracle... Zhou Fan was silent in his heart, he understood, Li Chongniang was going to use him as a shield, if Li Chongniang didn't say it directly, He might feel unhappy, but Li Chungniang said so, but he hesitated.

"But I'm not a weak woman who can be bullied in Gaoxiang City. There are still some forces in my family in Gaoxiang City. As long as I report my name, they don't dare to go too far. Brother Zhou doesn't have to accompany me if there is anything. I will. Take care of yourself." Li Chungniang added again, but her eyes like winter lake showed a look of loss, and she looked pitiful.

You said so much, I didn't want me to accompany you, if it wasn't for the sake of Brother Li, I wouldn't be bothered to care about you... Zhou Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, and could only open his mouth and said, "The practice will be postponed for one night, It's nothing, I'm also very interested in this tea party, and by the way, I can understand the opponent."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang said with joy.

"You're welcome." Zhou Fan smiled slightly. He felt that Brother Li, his fiancee, was not so simple.



If it's a regular class, it's better, but it's not that simple if it involves the A-class exam.

Under the fixed process, even the director of Gaoxiang Academy, Zhong Tian, ​​could not interfere and destroy the process.

The correction of the paper is also divided into two batches, and the paper of the general class is handled by the Ziyuan College itself.

The Class A class is under the supervision of the special envoy sent by the imperial court, and conducts a streamlined batch of documents.

The name of the test paper was re-transcribed, and it was already evening, and the lights of the academy were still lit to begin grading the paper.

The academy should review the grade A test papers as soon as possible, then save them, and report the results.

For this reason, we can only work overnight. Class A only has more than 300 exam papers. Excluding those who were found to have cheated and were disqualified, there are still more than 200 papers left, but more than 200 papers are required because the process is quite complicated. Strictly review whether there are similar test papers, and the correction is not much faster than that of the ordinary class.

The objective questions are better, and the approximate scores can be obtained quickly, but the subjective questions are not so simple, and can only be cross-marked by knowledgeable teachers or even professors, and then take the two closest scores, and then take an average score.

If the difference between the three scores is too large and exceeds the allowable range, it will go to the next process.

The poems in the last question are the most troublesome and tricky.

To this end, Nakata personally brought two old academy professors who were very familiar with poems to review the scores of poems.

The revision of the Grade A class is also in a streamlined manner. After a part of the revision is completed by the same fixed teaching, it will be quickly passed on to the teachers around.

Pieces of test papers printed on yellow paper were circulated in the hands of teachers. Zhongtian and two old professors were the penultimate link, and the last link was responsible for the teaching of unified scores.

Also because it was a stream-style revision, not long after the three of them sat down, each test paper came into the hands of the three of them.

Zhongtian was the first person in the poetry group to correct the book. He frowned while looking at the test paper.

Some blank ones can be directly given zero points, but some are simply crap.

Like this one:

Domineering chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum.

How domineering you are, how domineering you are.


Zhongtian looked at this poem, and really wanted to commit suicide. He raised his eyes, made a cross, and gave it a zero.

Then he handed it to the two old professors next to him. The two old professors were also amused when they saw it, and then gave them zero points.

"The saint doesn't know what to think, it's really hard for these warriors." One of the professors was dumbfounded.

However, the professor quickly smiled apologetically at He knew that Zhongtian was a disciple of the sage, and it was really impolite to complain about this in front of other disciples.

Zhongtian twitched the corners of his mouth, he thought to himself: I don't know why the teacher did this, is it because Yan Ruyu has a bad mind?

The three of them silently revise the book, not to mention good poems, even if they are barely qualified, there are very few.

This domineering chrysanthemum poem question will make many warriors cry until dawn tonight.

It's just that after Zhongtian got a test paper, his eyes immediately lit up at a cursory glance.

"Okay, really well written!" He slapped the tabletop and laughed.

The two old professors couldn't help but look over, only to see the answer written on the scroll:

chrysanthemum table

When autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom.

The incense in the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is covered with golden armor.

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