Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 703: tea party

"When autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom. The fragrance will spread through Chang'an, and the whole city will be covered with golden armor." The two old professors also read it a few times in a low voice, with surprised expressions on their faces.

"This poem is magnificent, imaginative, artistic, majestic, but it doesn't contain the word 'chrysanthemum', but we can tell that it is written with chrysanthemum. It's really wonderful." The old professor sucked He sighed in praise.

"The most wonderful thing is the two sentences, 'I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom' and 'The city is full of golden armor'. They are powerful and strong, showing the majesty and domineering of chrysanthemums." Another old professor also sighed.

"It's really hard for me to imagine that this is actually a poem for the exam." Zhongtian also smiled in surprise: "Could it be Du Ni's work?"

"It's possible." One of the professors laughed.

"Apart from Du Ni, no one else has the talent to write test-taking poems so well. This is a poem that can be handed down forever." The second professor nodded again and again.

Du Ni is an academy candidate who has high hopes for Gaoxiang Academy this time. Even if a student of the academy wants to enter the Class A, he can only take the big exam.

Because the paper was transcribed, the three of them could not tell from the handwriting whether they were their proud disciples.

"Just where is Chang'an? And the title of this poem is a bit strange. Why is it called "Chrysanthemum Terrace"?" A professor asked.

Zhongtian thought for a while and said: "This Chang'an may be a fictitious place name. After all, we have regulations in our big exams, and we are not allowed to disclose too detailed place names. Make up a place name."

"As for the chrysanthemum terrace..." Zhongtian pondered for a while and shook his head. "I am also a little puzzled. Could it be that the poet imagined himself standing on a pavilion full of chrysanthemums and wrote it?"

The three discussed a few more words, and felt that these two points were innocuous.

"Two, I think it should be fine to give this poem full marks." Zhongtian finally smiled.

Whether this poem is written by Du Ni or not, it deserves full marks just from the wording and domineering intention of the poem.

"We think so too." The two professors laughed.

If a poem title is given full marks, it will definitely attract the censorship of the imperial envoy, so it is a very cautious thing, but this domineeringly written "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is definitely a poem that can give full marks, so there is no need to worry about any censorship.

After the three reached a consensus and gave full marks on the paper, they continued to correct the poems on other papers.



Why not change the name of Chang'an in the poem to the familiar county seat of this era?

The reason is not just what Zhongtian thought, but to a large extent Zhou Fan doesn't understand poetry, and he doesn't know much about rhyming.

As for the title of the poem "Chrysanthemum Terrace"... that's because the title of the original poem is "Fu Ju after the No. 1". Bad taste psychology, Zhou Fan simply changed it to "Chrysanthemum Terrace".

After the literary test, Zhou Fan has been hiding in the inn room to cultivate.

He also used Yi Qi Dan to connect six qi meridians, so that his number of qi meridians reached as many as seventeen!

When the evening of the next day came, not long after Zhou Fan finished washing and changing his clothes, a second knocked on his door: "Guest officer, a black-faced man came to you and said he was inviting you to an appointment."

"I see, you tell him I'll be right here." Zhou Fan said while picking up the rusty knife and talisman bag on the table.

Even if it is a so-called tea party, as a warrior, it is impossible not to carry a weapon. After all, all the warriors at the tea party must avoid some accidents.

Of course, the German word knife was too big, so he still put the German word knife in the storage book.

Zhou Fan went downstairs, and when he arrived at the entrance of the inn, he saw the luxurious talisman car.

"Master Zhou, please." The black-faced Han Dynasty smiled at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan got into the talisman car, and Li Chungniang, who was in the car, smiled at him and said, "Big Brother Zhou."

Tonight's Insect Girl is wearing a light yellow gauze Changjun, her jet-black hair is combed into a bun, with gold and jade ornaments on her bun. .

The inside of the car is engraved with a special fire talisman, which is warm.

In fact, even if there is no fire talisman, in terms of the martial artist's physique, even if he wears thin clothes, this chill will not make the martial artist feel cold.

Zhou Fan and Zongniang sat down and chatted with each other. It was only the third time the two met, but the topic of chat was very broad. She could say casually about the customs and customs of the Wei Dynasty.

This woman's knowledge is no less than that of brother Li. After she wants to marry brother Li, she will have a good conversation. Qin Se and Ming should have no problem. It's not like I'm still a poor single dog. No, I'm not even a normal single dog. Not so good, because I am now a single dog with a child, even if the child is an egg that cannot hatch... Zhou Fan thought a little divergently.

It was also through this chat that Zhou Fan learned that Insect Lady lived in a large house left by the Li family in Gaoxiang City. There were a large group of servants, but they only served her. She persuaded Zhou Fan to move to the house as well.

Zhou Fan declined with a smile.

The talisman quickly stopped in front of a manor.

In front of the gate of the manor, there are already more than ten talisman cars parked in front of the gate.

Zhou Fan and Insect Niang got out of the car together, and the two walked towards the gate of the manor together.

As for the black-faced groom, he stayed and guarded the carriage.

According to Li Chongniang, the black-faced groom is the loyal servant of the Li family, named Liu Sanhuo, and is a powerful warrior. Usually, he protects the safety of Chongniang.

As for the realm, Zongniang didn't say, and Zhou Fan didn't ask.

The two walked to the door, and there was a man and a woman standing at the door. The men and women didn't look more than 20 years old.

But the most unique thing was that the woman was wearing a man's white clothes. Her face was slightly pointed, her long and narrow eyes were slightly raised, and her eyes were very charming. She had a natural fox Welcome to the two of you. "The young man said with a smile on his face, "I don't know what to call him?" "

This tea party is mainly for the candidates of Class A of the family businessmen or the candidates with strong strength, only to be invited to participate.

"Li Chongniang." Li Chongniang smiled, "This is my righteous brother Zhou Fan."

Zhou Fan also clenched his fists slightly towards the two of them.

"It turned out to be Miss Li. The last time I saw her in the examination room, I was truly shocked." The young man smiled with a smile on his face: "I was just wondering if I could see Miss Li tonight, but I didn't expect Miss Li to come here. I'm Bai Xuanyu from Gaoxiang Bai's family, and next to me is Zhang Li, Xiaohu, Zhang Li, the famous first son of our Gaoxiang City."

"Hello, you two." Zhang Li Xiaohu said lightly.

Zhou Fan and Li Chongniang were both stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that the fox-faced woman was actually a man, and the surname Zhang Li was very rare. It was obviously from the Zhang Li family, the first family in Gaoxiang County.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang quickly restrained the consternation on their faces, and nodded their greetings to the first son of Gaoxiangcheng.

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