Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 711: Scholar and Monk

Second place is Du Ni?

The three of Zhou Fan looked at each other, none of them had heard the name of Du Ni.

Yelaitianxiang said displeasedly, "Did you read it wrong, scholar?"

The scholar said angrily and indignantly: "Girl, don't want to humiliate people, Du Ni, this idiot, didn't take the first test, he just passed the second test. I've watched it back and forth a dozen times, and I can't go wrong."

"How can you talk like this? Calling the first place a bastard, and the second place is an idiot in your eyes, so where did you take the test?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and asked.

The scholar said with a bitter face, "I am second in the exam."

"Are you Du Ni?" Zhou Fan said, and at the same time he was a little guilty, thinking: I'm a scumbag who won the first place in the school by cheating, right?

"I'm that idiot Du Ni." Du Ni admitted with a sigh.

"Is the third one a woman named Yelaitianxiang?" Yelaitianxiang asked nervously.

Du Ni smiled bitterly: "The girl is wrong again, the third one is a very annoying monk, since I met him, his martial arts is better than me, and his literary talents have been chasing my ass. This time it's the same. , he followed me again."

"Amitabha, I haven't seen him for a few days, and Lord Du still has such a bad mouth." A voice sounded from behind Du Ni.

Zhou Fan and the others quickly looked around, only to find that it was a monk in white with his hands folded. The monk was very young, and he nodded slightly towards Zhou Fan and the others.

Du Ni's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't turn his head and said, "Okay, can you stop getting out from behind me all the time without saying a word, I'll scare you to death sooner or later."

A line of calm said: "I have never done anything wrong in my life, and I am not shocked when I knock on the door in the middle of the night."

"This is not a Buddhist verse." Du Ni said.

"As long as there is reason, what if it is a Buddhist verse? Even if it is not a Buddhist verse, it can be a Buddhist verse." Xing Xing smiled.

"You are full of delusions, and sooner or later you will fall into the devil's way." Du Ni snorted coldly.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? If there is a day, it must be to practice Buddhism, and it is not scary to enter the devil." Xingyi's face was slightly condensed.

"The poor thing is Lord Du Shi. You claim to be talented. This time you should understand the truth that there are people outside the sky, but don't be arrogant."

"Bah." Du Ni said with an indignant expression: "It's just a loss, how can you prove that Zhou Fan's writing is better than me?"

"Three, do you think I'm right?" Du Ni turned his head again to seek the approval of the three of Zhou Fan.

"You're right." Li Chungniang couldn't help laughing.

One line, however, said unhurriedly: "You and I should know that it is difficult to draw a gap between the previous questions this time, and the difficulty is to write a poem at the end, and writing a poem can better reflect a person's talent, only Afraid that we will lose in that poem, why should you be stubborn?"

"You monk, shut up for me, that's my poor performance." Du Ni's face flushed, he didn't pay any attention to the party, but bowed to the three of Zhou Fan: "After talking for so long, I still don't know the three Gao is a big name, but I think..."

Du Ni looked at Yelai Tianxiang and said with a smile: "This must be the Yelaitianxiang Yelai girl."

Because Ye Lai Tianxiang asked about her grades just now, Du Ni would guess like this.

"You guessed it right." Ye Lai Tianxiang's face was slightly stiff, she didn't expect that she would not even be able to enter the top three.

"I'm Li Chongniang." Li Chongniang smiled and said, "This is my righteous brother Zhou Fan."

"It turned out to be Miss Li, the girl ranked fourth this time..." Du Ni smiled, but soon his smile froze and looked at Zhou Fan: "Your name is Zhou Fan? That Zhou Fan who ranked first?"

A group of monks also looked at Zhou Fan with strange expressions.

Don't look at me like this, in fact, I'm cheating... Zhou Fan thought to himself, but said calmly and indifferently: "It's right here."

"I didn't expect that I would lose to a bald man." Du Ni showed grief and indignation: "I didn't expect you to be such a scheming villain who secretly stood by and watched the jokes between me and the monk!"

When did I become a villain, I'm just embarrassed to admit it, and you have a little demeanor? To actually call me bald... Zhou Fan was a little stunned, and just wanted to open his mouth to explain.

Du Ni snorted coldly and walked away.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be the benefactor of Zhou." A group of monks had solemn faces, folded their hands in eleven salutes, and also turned away.

"Two idiots." Yelaitianxiang said angrily, "Am I the fifth?"

When she saw that there were few people, she walked towards the wooden sign to see where she was.

"Big Brother Zhou, it seems that they treat you as the strongest opponent." Li Chungniang chuckled.

She became fourth, but she didn't care much.

"I didn't expect that I would be the first." Zhou Fan sighed.

"The scholar and monk should be the secret disciples trained by this session of Gaoxiang Academy and Baixiang Temple." Li Chungniang thought for a while.

"It should be the two of them." Zhou Fan nodded lightly, he knew in his heart that these two should not be underestimated.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang saw that the people in front had spread out a lot, so they went to see the results on the wooden board.

Yelaitianxiang was a little lost, because she was not even the fifth place, the fifth place was Zhang Li Xiaohu of Zhang Li's family, and she was the sixth place.

The sixth place is actually pretty good, but Yelaitianxiang went for the first place. She sighed, is she so strong? It seems that she has to work hard in the future.

Zhou Fan looked at the wooden sign, there were seven to ten, he knew the tenth, and the tenth was Bai Xuanyu.

He squinted and searched carefully, only to find the name of Wrinkle Shenshen, which was ranked twenty-ninth.

Twenty-ninth place. If this result was obtained by cheating, it would be considered good, but there are only ten places in Class A. Even if the score in the literary test only accounts for 30%, it is still somewhat difficult for Wrinkle Shenshen to enter the top ten. dangerous.

The rest of Zhou Fan did not take a closer look.

Clang clang three beeps.

All the candidates in the square looked towards the voice, only to find three old men standing on the white jade high platform.

The one in the middle is Zhong Tian, ​​the vice president of Gaoxiang I believe you already know your respective literary test scores. "Nakata's voice echoed in the square.

All the candidates in the arena listened calmly.

"If you have any doubts about the results, you can say it now." Zhongtian said slowly again.

These words made some candidates show their emotions, but they wanted to check their exam papers.

"However, whether it is reasonable or not, the academy will not modify anyone's score again." Zhongtian added another sentence.

What's the use of saying that? Many people thought helplessly in their hearts.

"Does anyone have any questions? If not, then go to the next link." Zhongtian said with a light smile.

"Yes." Du Ni raised his hand and shouted loudly.

All eyes in the field immediately converged on Du Ni.

Is this person trying to report me for cheating? Zhou Fan felt very flustered.

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