Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 712: unreasonable rules

"Du Ni, do you have any questions?" Zhongtian asked with a smile.

"Teacher, I want to know what poem the first Zhou Fan wrote?" Du Ni said.

He knew he must have lost in writing poetry.

Zhongtian thought for a while and said, "It's okay to tell you, Zhou Fan's poems are indeed the best works of this year's Gaoxiang Academy, and they won the only full score. I and two old professors reviewed them together."

"Originally, the three of us thought it was Du Ni who wrote it." Zhongtian's face showed regret.

They learned the truth only after they had completed the revision.

"Teacher, don't talk nonsense, hurry up." Du Ni said anxiously.

"What are you in a hurry?" Zhongtian smiled and shook his head, "The poem is called "Chrysanthemum Terrace", and the details are as follows: Until autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill all the flowers after the flowers bloom. ."

After listening to the audience, everyone in the audience fell silent, and the candidates who knew poetry were even more complicated.

Du Ni sighed and said, "I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom... I am so domineering, I am not as good as Zhou Fan, I am convinced that I lose, such a romantic person, even if he does not learn martial arts, he is also the number one talent."

Zhou Fan, who was hiding in the corner, felt ashamed and begged you not to flatter me, or I will commit suicide.

No one suspects Zhou Fan of cheating. The person who can write this poem is definitely a talented person. He can cheat? Stop making them laugh.

Besides, this is the first place, who can copy it?

Number one never cheats.

There were even people who knew Zhou Fan, such as Zhang Li Xiaohu, Sun Yuanqing, Bai Xuanyu and others, who couldn't help but look at Zhou Fan.

Faced with so many gazes, Zhou Fan could only have a calm face, as if there was nothing in the world worth his attention.

Wrinkle outside the crowd was deeply puzzled. He found that he could not see through Zhou Fan more and more. Zhou Fan and he were obviously from the same village, even the same teacher, who was taught by the deceased Lin Shusheng in the village.

Could it be that Scholar Lin secretly opened a small kitchen for Zhou Fan back then?

The same people, why is there such a big difference? Wrinkle sighed deeply.

However, there are all martial artists in the field, and the literary talent is not worthy of their attention. In their hearts, Zhou Fan is lucky, and it happened to increase the literary test, which gave him a lot of points.

But the martial artist still has to rely on his own cultivation realm martial skills to win!

After the candidates calmed down a little, Zhongtian said slowly, "That's it for the literary test. Now let's talk about the rules of the martial arts test for the Class A class of the big test."

Everyone fell silent and listened carefully.

"The martial arts test of the Class A class is divided into three items." Zhongtian raised three fingers, "Each item is based on the elimination system, which means that no matter how good you are in the literary test, if you are eliminated in any of the martial arts test, you will be eliminated. That would be eliminated."

The faces of the candidates all changed slightly, they did not expect that it would be an elimination system.

"Only the first item of the martial arts test will be announced now, and the latter two will not be announced for the time being due to the principle of fairness." Zhongtian said calmly, "The first item of the martial arts test is the cross-country test."

Off-road test?

Everyone looked bewildered.

"In detail, it's an exam that crosses the wilderness." Nakata smiled. "Three days later, all the candidates will come to the academy to gather and set off."

"As for the place of arrival, it will not be announced for the time being. In fact, I don't know either. The specific rules are as follows. First, each candidate is allowed to bring two squires."

"Second, you can only walk, but you can borrow small items such as talismans to travel. There are no restrictions on supplies. You can bring as much as you want."

"The third group is allowed, but the number of people in the group cannot exceed three, including the squires."

"Any form of battle can occur between the fourth team and the team, including killing opponents, but when the two teams are fighting, the third team cannot intervene, and can only wait for the two teams to have a clear result of the battle before the third team can deal with it One of the squads."

"Fifth, there can be no help in any form between teams."

"Sixth, if it is found that the above rules are violated, it will be eliminated."

As soon as the rules were announced, there was an uproar in the field. Immediately, some candidates raised their masters and shouted indignantly, "There is no problem with the cross-country test, but which mental retardation rule made this?"

"I'm sorry to tell you, it's my teacher Lin Wuya." Zhongtian said with a light smile.

Zhongtian doesn't mind if others call his teacher mentally handicapped, because he sometimes wants to call his own teacher mentally handicapped.

The candidate's face was ashen, and he couldn't say a word.

"Is there any realm restrictions for the servants?" A student asked anxiously.

"No, it's fine for you to ask any powerful cultivator to help you." Zhongtian explained.

"Why does the saint do this? It is allowed to bring squires with high realm, and also a large amount of materials. Does this still depend on our talent? This is a fight for who has more money." Someone shouted angrily, "This is not fair. "

Such a rule can be said to be completely inclined towards those powerful aristocratic families, and those aristocratic families or merchants can completely ask for their juniors to have extremely powerful warriors to lead them to lie down and win.

"Yeah, it's not fair." Zhongtian sighed and said, "But what is fair in this world? Is it fair that you are more talented than others?"

"My teacher once said that death is the most fair thing between people." Zhongtian said with a serious face, "Do you think you can go farther than people because of your talent? , the road of martial arts is no exception!"

"How many young geniuses with amazing talents can really grow up and stand at the top? Less than one ten thousandth!"

"And that 1 in 10,000 and 99% are from aristocratic clans or have other major forces as their backers. It is the clan clan's major forces that use a lot of resources to cultivate and dispatch experts to protect them, so that they can grow up."

"You have no resources and no connections behind you, so why should we believe that you can make it to the end?"

"If you die in the process of growing up, it would be a waste to occupy the resources of the Class A class!"

"You are right, the cross-country test is not a competition of talent, but a competition of family background and financial Regardless of whether it is fair or not, the rules are like this!" Zhongtian said solemnly, "So don't feel sorry for yourself here, and when you go back, Think about how to get through this!"

All the candidates were silently thinking about Nakata's cruel words.

"Is there anyone else to ask questions?" Zhongtian asked again.

"Does this mean that there are no grades?" Another examinee asked.

"Of course, the cross-country test accounts for 30% of the total score. The first person to arrive at the location is the first place, the first place gets a full score, the second place score drops a little, and so on. What I said above is just the general rules. There are still many detailed rules for this cross-country test, which will be posted for you to watch later." Nakata explained.

"Will you protect the Taoism for the academy candidates participating in the Grade A class?" A candidate asked with a look of fear.

"I won't." Zhongtian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Because they won't let me, but whether other teachers or professors of the academy will protect the students for the academy, that's their business, and it's allowed by the rules."

There was an uproar at the scene again. So, wouldn't the forces like Baixiang Temple also dispatch experts to protect the Dao for their own disciples?

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