Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 713: 1 cut plum

All the candidates will soon have the answer in their hearts. The academy will do this, and the White Elephant Temple will definitely send experts.

Not to mention the big businessmen of the aristocratic families.

This is really an exam that competes for money and contacts. Some candidates from the poor family are angry, but they are helpless. Obviously, the rules will not be changed because of their anger.

After that, people kept asking questions, and Zhongtian answered them one by one. When it was almost time, he opened his mouth and said: "I have told you everything that you have to say. Figure it out for yourself"

"Remember, after three days, please gather at the academy on time, and those who fail to take the exam will be discarded."

Zhongtian and the two old men quickly got off the white jade platform and turned to leave.

Several large pieces of paper detailing the rules for the cross-country test were soon posted on the wooden sign.

The students rushed to study and write down.

Zhou Fan frowned, he didn't expect such a bizarre exam, which made him feel very difficult.

"Is Big Brother Zhou worried about the cross-country test?" Li Chungniang asked softly, "Actually, Big Brother Zhou doesn't have to worry about it. We have both money and people."

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly and did not answer.

"Hahaha, I like this kind of off-road test, isn't it made for me?" A little boy who was only seven or eight years old in a brocade clothes was laughing wildly.

There are many candidates who are looking at this little boy with hatred.

But the little boy ignored the candidates. There was an old man standing beside him, and the old man also smiled and said, "Young master must be the first place this time."

The little boy crossed his hips and glanced at all the people looking at him, and said with a sneer, "Why, aren't you very upset? Who is upset? This young master wants to make him even more upset in the cross-country test!"

At first glance, this child came from a big family, and those candidates who didn't want to cause trouble looked away one after another.

The only one who didn't look away was frowning slightly, but no one stood up to care about the child.

The little boy muttered something, then turned and left, the old man followed behind him.

This little brat is so savage. After the cross-country test, it is better to avoid him. He is too confident, and it is estimated that the background is not small... Zhou Fan shook his head.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang went to copy the detailed rules of the cross-country test before leaving the academy.

When he got into the talisman car, Zhou Fan looked down at the detailed rules of the cross-country test. He knew that for an test, the first thing to do is to understand the rules clearly. It is not that if you don't understand the rules, you can't get good grades, but because you may violate the rules. ruled out directly.

Seeing that Zhou Fan was reading the rules carefully, Li Chungniang didn't bother, but made a pot of tea and poured a cup for both of them.

After Zhou Fan read it, he raised his head and thought.

"Big Brother Zhou, do you think it's better to lead a squire or find candidates to form a team?" Li Chungniang asked.

"You can bring two servants, and there is no age limit. If there is no way, there should be no candidates willing to team up with other candidates." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

No matter how strong the candidates are, because of age restrictions, their cultivation realm is limited. If they are looking for squires, it is very likely that they will be able to find a warrior who is stronger than the candidates who participated in the Class A class to protect them.

"Insect Girl, do you have a way to find a powerful squire?" Zhou Fan thought about it and asked.

If Insect Girl can only find one or none, then Zhou Fan can only team up with her.

"Of course, Brother Zhou should know that my family and I are very rich in Jiuyue. Although money is not everything, we can still hire powerful warriors as squires. Brother Zhou, don't worry about it, I will try my best to do it. Look, find all four squires." Li Chungniang said with a smile.

"No, you don't have to think about it for me, I'll find a way myself." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"Big Brother Zhou, you and Jiuyue are brothers. If there is trouble in September, I don't think Big Brother Zhou will sit back and ignore it. The squire can be found by just spending some money. It's nothing at all. Refuse." Li Chungniang said anxiously.

If it's Li Jiuyue, then I might think about it, but I can't promise your help. You've helped me pass the essay test. I can't let you help me all the time. It's inappropriate... Zhou Fan thought silently, he He smiled and said: "I don't want you to help because I want you to concentrate your resources to find two stronger squires, and I already have a better way."

Li Chungniang was silent for a while and said: "In case Big Brother Zhou can't find a suitable squire, please don't force yourself too hard, I will continue to pay attention to the squire's affairs for Big Brother Zhou, Big Brother Zhou can come to me at any time, Zhou My eldest brother entered Class A, it will be a great help for me and September, so don’t have any psychological burden.”

"This is an investment for Brother Zhou and I in September."

The talisman quickly arrived at the inn. Just as Zhou Fan was about to get out of the car, he suddenly remembered something very important and said, "Does the worm know someone who can distinguish medicine pills and break the ban on runes?"

"Our business has them, but Big Brother Zhou wants to use them. I'll have someone call them here." Li Chungniang said immediately.

"Is it reliable?" Zhou Fan asked solemnly.

There are two things in his hand that he got from the owner of the carriage killed by the black dragon, and he has not had time to identify them.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, it's absolutely reliable." Li Chungniang smiled.

"You don't need to call them here, I'll go with you, you wait."

Zhou Fan got off the talisman and went back to his room. After he closed the door, he took out the book of storage and said softly, "Open the book of storage."

"Xiaoshu is honored to serve those who love books, please listen to the question: What is the eunuch's least favorite song?" A woman's voice came from the book of storage.

On Zhou Fan's head, hair quickly came out and turned into a small silk.

Just as Xiao Qian wanted to speak, Zhou Fanyi grabbed her head.

Zhou Fan took the opportunity to answer: "The answer is to cut a plum."

"Congratulations, the answer is correct, the book of storage has been opened."

Only then did Zhou Fan let go of Xiaoxiao jumped up in anger: "Why don't you let me answer?"

"Because I'm in a hurry." Zhou Fan opened the book of storage and took out the three bottles of unknown medicinal herbs and the wooden box that he had obtained earlier.

Xiao Yan was a little depressed. She looked at Zhou Fan's closed book of storage, thought about it and asked, "Why is it Yijianmei?"

"Don't ask, children shouldn't know." Zhou Fan said helplessly, "Come back to me, I'm going out."

Zhou Fan put the book of storage back into the talisman bag and walked out towards the door of the inn.

"Can't a child know?" Xiao Yan blinked, she pondered these three words, and quickly laughed: "I know."

As soon as Xiao Yan finished speaking, she turned her hair into Zhou Fan's head again.

Zhou Fan's face froze slightly, this little silk was helpless.

He left the inn and got into the talisman car again.

The car started slowly.

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