If you want to invite a four-town envoy, how many merit points do you need?

Faced with this question, Yuan Liwei shook his head and said, "There has never been such a precedent in the government office. It is not up to me to decide whether the adults are willing to take action for merit points."

"Those four adults are always in the mansion now, right? Can Lord Yuan ask for me now?" Zhou Fan said helplessly.

Zhou Fan didn't want to go back and wait for news. If there was no way for Si Luan, he would have to think of another way.

Yuan Liwei thought for a while and said, "Inspector Zhou was waiting here, and I'll ask you about it."

"Then please, Sir Yuan."

Yuan Liwei stood up and left the side hall. He was not in a hurry to find Mr. Huang Bujuehuang, the envoy to the east of the town, and Eunuch Zhang, the envoy of the town to the west.

Yuan Liwei entered the classics room of the Sifu, and asked the clerk to quickly find out Zhou Fan's information for him.

Yuan Liwei took Zhou Fan's information and quickly turned to the merit points column. When he saw the merit points, he was stunned.

"Nearly 20,000 merits! How can there be so many?" Yuan Liwei said the number in a voice.

He quickly remembered the letter written by Gu Yuquan, saying that Zhou Fan had done a lot in the Nianma disaster. At the time, he thought it was a flattery to help his younger generation, but now that he thinks about it, it is probably true.

Yuan Liwei looked at the records of meritorious deeds in the documents again, and found that most of them were meritorious deeds due to the disaster of Nianma.

Yuan Liwei knew immediately, he turned around and went to the room where the envoy of Zhendong worked, and briefly explained Zhou Fan's request.

"If he's willing to sign a ten-year death contract... No, as long as he's a five-year death contract, any of the four of us would be willing to go with him for a cross-country test, but he actually wants to use merit points in exchange for us?" Huang Bu With a clear face, he looked like a thin middle-aged literati.

"Yes, Mr. Huang, I checked, and he has nearly 20,000 merit points." Yuan Liwei said softly.

"Twenty thousand merit points?" Huang Bujue put down the brush in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face, "How did this young genius from Luoshui Town get so many merit points? Luoshui Township... I remembered Is it because of the nightmare disaster?"

Huang Bujue vaguely remembered that a young warrior had done a lot in his report on the Nianmai disaster.

"It's the Nianma disaster, he can be said to be the biggest contributor to the Nianma disaster." Yuan Liwei said.

"20,000 merit points..." Huang Bujue snorted lightly, "10,000 merit points is already the total amount accumulated by a Siping envoy in one year, he has 20,000 merit points, which is really a lot, you say first Say what you think."

Huang Bujue didn't say yes or no, just wanted to hear Yuan Liwei's opinion.

Yuan Liwei hesitated for a moment and said, "Sir, since Zhou Fan has a price, we don't agree to him, I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable."

Huang Bujue thought for a while, nodded slightly, and said to a small official standing by the door, "Go and invite Eunuch Zhang over."

Eunuch Zhang was soon invited over, and now the envoys from Zhendong and Zhenxi are in the office, and the other two envoys from the four towns are out on business.

Eunuch Zhang has a dark face and no beard, and his figure is slightly fatter, but he has a serious face and looks very serious.

After Eunuch Zhang arrived, Yuan Liwei explained Zhou Fan's affairs in detail under Huang Bujue's gesture.

After Eunuch Zhang listened, he looked at Huang Bujue and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Huang thinks?"

Huang Bujue had already made up his mind. He smiled and said, "It's rare that someone from the government is ahead in the Class A exam, and he is willing to give a lot of merit. I think it's okay to help him."

"Our family has no opinion." Eunuch Zhang said with a stern face.

"I wonder if Eunuch Zhang is free to accompany that Zhou Fan?" Huang Bujue asked again with a smile.

"No time." Eunuch Zhang said without hesitation.

Huang Bujue hesitated slightly and asked, "I remember that Eunuch Zhang seems to have nothing major to deal with recently?"

Eunuch Zhang shook his head and said, "If Mr. Huang didn't come to our house, our family would also come to Mr. Huang to take leave."

"Let's take leave? Father-in-law is going back to the palace?" Huang Bujue was stunned again and said, Father-in-law Zhang is from the palace and has always stayed in the office. It is a rare thing for Father-in-law to announce leave.

"No, what are we going to do when our family goes back to the palace?" Eunuch Zhang shook his head again. When he mentioned this, his face turned dark, and then he said depressedly, "Our family is going to be a squire for a class A candidate."

Huang Bujue and Yuan Liwei looked at each other, and Eunuch Zhang served as a squire. Did they hear it right?

"If it's all right, let's go first." Eunuch Zhang walked away with a cold face without explaining.

"This strange thing happens every year, especially this year." Huang Bujue smiled bitterly, and Zhang Gong announced that he was willing to serve as a squire. It was his personal business, and no one could stop him.

Yuan Liwei also wondered who with such a big face could invite Eunuch Zhang, the envoy of the four towns? Could it be that the three candidates in the government office were so shameless that they recognized Eunuch Zhang as their godfather?

"Sir, how do you think we should do this?" Yuan Liwei asked with a light cough, while Zhou Fan was still waiting for his reply.

"I guess, if we don't agree to that Zhou Fan, maybe he will have to leave the Yiluan Division." Huang Bujue sighed, "Bring him here to me, I'll see him."

Yuan Liwei responded, he turned around and went out, found Zhou Fan, and told Zhou Fan to see him.

Zhou Fan followed Yuan Liwei and soon met Huang Bujue.

Zhou Fan bowed to Huang Bujue, and Huang Bujue smiled and said, "You brat think of merit points and ask one of the four town envoys to accompany you. Let me tell you, it's not cheap. I'll bid the price later, if you think the price is too high, then you can't blame us for not going with you."

"I hope Master Huang will be merciful and leave some for his subordinates to use as a resource for cultivation~www.readwn.com~ Zhou Fan said with a wry smile.

"Originally I wanted Eunuch Zhang to accompany you, but Eunuch Zhang happened to agree to be a servant and never wanted to go, so I'll just go with you." Huang Bujue smiled and said, "As for the price, I want Ten thousand points of merit, what do you think?"

"10,000 merits are no problem, thank you sir." Zhou Fan quickly agreed with a happy expression on his face.

Zhou Fan knew that the envoys of the four towns are generally stronger than the envoys of the east, and he originally thought that asking a four town envoy would require at least 15,000 to 20,000 merit points. Now he only accepts 10,000 merit points, which is already Very good.

"Master Huang, I still have nearly 10,000 merit points. If it's not enough, I can owe it first, and I will pay it back later. I wonder if the other two adults in the house are still free?" Zhou Fan took the opportunity to ask again.

After the merits are gone, he can earn more, but if there are two envoys of the four towns to **** him, then the cross-country test will not be a big problem!

Huang Bujue was stunned for a moment, then he laughed again and said, "You brat, don't be too aggressive, I'll charge you 10,000 merit points because of your excellent performance in this essay test, Mr. Zhang announced a leave, and I have to go with you again. One trip, the other two in the Sifu must guard the Yiluan Sifu, even if you make 20,000 merits, it won't work."

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