Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 718: 2nd squire

Huang Bujue's attitude is very firm.

"I understand." Zhou Fan also asked casually. He knew that it was a bit whimsical to want the Yiluan government to send two envoys from the four towns as his off-road test squires.

"It's good that you understand, Secretary Yiluan also has problems with Secretary Yiluan, I hope you can understand." Huang Bujue turned and said, "Of course, if you are willing to sign a ten-year death contract with Secretary Yiluan, I will be willing to do it for you. Take a risk, I can convince you a four-town envoy, what do you think?"

Now that Zhou Fan has reached the connection stage and won the first place in the literary test, if these talents can sign, it will be of great benefit to Yiluan Si, and Huang Bujue is willing to fight for it.

Zhou Fan looked confused, "Sir, if you have read my profile, you know that I am a short-lived species. Maybe I won't survive even ten years, or not."

"What about the short-lived species?" Huang Bujue said disdainfully, "Don't lie to me, don't say that you have the opportunity to enter the Class A, even if you can't enter the Class A, with your talent, you want to live before the end of your life. How difficult is it to enter the Taoist realm and complete the first lifespan extension?"

Zhou Fan sneered and said, "I still like to be free, but please rest assured, my lord, I won't leave such a good place as Yiluansi in the short term, so let's forget about the death contract."

Huang Bujue didn't force it, he just smiled and said, "I've given you a chance, if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time, or else I will be the only one to accompany you, and I will not send you any more. any warrior."

"I heard that one candidate in the cross-country test can take two squires. You'd better think about finding someone with similar strength to me, so that you can have greater confidence, or else a master will entangle me at that time, and another master will ask for it. I can't save you if I kill you."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, of course he understood this truth.

Huang Bujue still had things to deal with, so instead of keeping Zhou Fan, he asked Yuan Liwei to take Zhou Fan away.

After Zhou Fan left Gao Xiangyiluan's office, he rented a carriage next to the office.

"Where is this uncle going?" the groom asked eagerly.

"Go to the academy." Zhou Fan said.

To say that in the area of ​​Gaoxiang City, where are the most masters?

Not the five great families, but the Yiluan Division, the Academy, and the White Elephant Temple.

He has nothing to do with the White Elephant Temple, but he knows a wine master at the academy.

After arriving at the academy, Zhou Fan asked to see Gu Yan.

Gu Yan did not retreat to make wine, Zhou Fan waited for a while, and then came to Gu Yan's residence in the academy again.

Just like last time, there are three students in the academy making wine for Kouhiko.

Gu Yan invited Zhou Fan into the hall, and he teased, "Congratulations, I didn't expect you to be the first in the literary test."

Zhou Fan said to Gu Yan last time that he was not sure, and Gu Yan also knew in his heart that Zhou Fan’s first place in the essay test was probably a lot of water, but he was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of thing. Zhou Fan was alone, Zhou Fan had the ability to cheat, and the academy didn't catch him, so no one could say anything. 【~#iqi literature~*free reading】

"Teacher Gu, I'm here to ask you this time, can you find me a warrior who is not weaker than the four town envoys of the Yiluan Division?" Zhou Fan joked with Gu Yan before he started talking about himself 's intention.

Gu Yan's eyes were full of light and he said, "I guessed that you must be here for the squire, but I didn't expect you to have such a big appetite. Do you know the level of the martial artist at the level of the fourth town envoy of the Yiluan Division?"

"That's the last stage of the martial realm! A martial artist of this level is not something that ordinary people can invite. Your requirements are too high."

Zhou Fan said calmly, "I want to get a good ranking in this exam. If the squires with a low level, such as Wu Shi Duan or even Wu Shi Duan, do not meet my requirements, there are only four town envoys. Martial artist, can guarantee me to get a good ranking."

"Actually, before coming to Mr. Gu, the town's envoy, Mr. Huang Bujue, had already promised to **** me in the cross-country test."

"Aunt Huang Shi promised you?" Gu Yan asked again, startled.

"Why do you call Master Huang Huang Shiyi?" Zhou Fan asked with a strange expression.

Gu Yan said with a smile, "Huang Bujue followed the path of a civil servant when he was young. He used to make a supplement, and the supplement is also a remonstrance officer, but later he couldn't get used to the sage's behavior, and it was useless to remonstrate, so he resigned in anger. After he entered the Yiluan Sifu to work, some people joked that he had to pick up things and did not do anything, but he wanted to be the tenth aunt, so he was called Huang Shiyi."

This title is really ugly... Zhou Fan thought silently.

"Let's get back to business, even if I come forward to introduce you to a Qi Gang martial artist, but I don't have the face to make others agree to be your off-road test squire." Gu Yan said solemnly.

Zhou Fan was just a friend of Yan's return. Gu Yan would not do much for him. It was a great friendship to be able to introduce a Qi Gang martial artist for him.

"Of course I understand this, but I believe that as long as the price is affordable, let alone a Qi Gang martial artist, even those above the Dao Realm can be invited. I don't know how much it would cost to invite a Qi Gang martial artist?" Zhou Fan asked solemnly.

"You are right in what you said. Of course, the Qi Gang segment also needs to eat and drink water, and they also need to practice. It is impossible for them not to eat human fireworks, but can you afford the price?" Gu Yan asked with some doubts, "As for the price As far as people are concerned, medicine pills and martial arts can be used for money and silver."

Zhou Fan asked cautiously, "I don't have anything too attractive, but I have a lot of profound coins, how much do I need?"

"It depends on how much you want them to do for you. Cross-country trials like this should be over in a few days. If you just ask them to try their best to protect you, but you don't need them to protect you with their lives, once The kind that can leave at any time in danger of life and death, the price should not be expensive." Gu Yan thought for a while.

"I don't need them to protect me with their lives." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said immediately.

Even Huang Bujue would probably do his best at best, asking these Qi Gang martial artists to protect him, let alone Zhou Fan who couldn't afford this price, even if he could afford it, he also doubted that these Qi Gang martial artists would. Wouldn't you be willing to fight for him?

It is estimated that it is really a critical time to divide life and These people might abandon him immediately and leave.

"If that's the case, then 100,000 profound coins should be enough." Gu Yan hesitated.

"Then what is the price of a monk who doesn't know the realm?" Zhou Fan heard that it was only 100,000 yuan, and he thought that he had 202,000 profound coins, maybe he could hire a monk of the Taoist realm.

Gu Yan was a little speechless and said, "Don't be too greedy, those monks in the Taoist realm are all sky-high prices, and 500,000 profound coins may not be enough."

"Forget it, that's the Qi Gang section." Zhou Fan coughed dryly, thinking in his heart that he should leave some money to prepare supplies, and Taoist cultivators are not something he can afford.

"Teacher Gu, who are you going to introduce to me?" Zhou Fan asked again.

He thought it best to meet now.

Gu Yan drank a bowl of wine and said, "If you are willing to pay 100,000 yuan, if you need to find someone else, I can do it."

Zhou Fan "..."

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