Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 751: Wine country trivia

The rapidly shooting black flame ball was silent, but its speed was extremely fast, almost teleporting. It seemed to be far away, but in the next second, it was close to Zhou Fan and the three who had retreated.

The three immediately dispersed and jumped away, Huang Bujue climbed up, Gu Yan ran down, and Zhou Fan continued to retreat around the mountain.

The black flame **** that were gathered together immediately divided into three groups and chased in three directions.

The Black Flame Skull stood still, the black flames emerging from its body swayed uncontrollably with the gust of wind, it stretched out a pair of bone claws, and continuously sprayed out **** of fist-sized black flames, chasing towards the three of Zhou Fan.

More and more black flame **** came in pursuit.

The three of them tried their best to dodge or smash the black flame **** into all directions. The scattered flames fell to the ground, and in an instant there were more caves of different sizes on the rocks.

But the number of black flame **** is still increasing.

The lethality of these black flames is very terrifying. Even Huang Bujue and Gu Yan dare not be contaminated with half a thread. It is difficult to have time to attack the black flame skeleton. This is the terrible thing about the black flame skeleton.

While dodging, Zhou Fan had already used purple-gold light armor to cover himself. He tried it with his own purple-gold light armor, but a small scorching black hole was burned out after only dipping on a sliver of flame seedling armor.

This made Zhou Fan's face change slightly. It was the first time he saw the energy that even the purple-gold light armor could not resist. If he was really hit by the entire black flame ball, even the purple-gold heavy armor would be difficult to defend.

Unless he uses the Tianmian he just got, but he doesn't want to waste it.

"Find a way to stop it." Huang Bujue shouted while dodging above.

If the Black Flame Skull can't stop firing the black flame ball, even the Qi Gang segment will be difficult to attack it effectively, these black flame **** are too entangled.

"I'll stop it, you two want to kill it." Gu Yan shook his body, avoiding the two **** of black flames shot at him, quickly untied a small blue gourd around his waist, and then drank while drinking. He blasted out his fists, and the fists smashed the flame ball flying towards him into clusters of flames.

Gu Yan, who took a sip of wine, was filled with a white frosty aura. He snorted coldly and slammed his fists one after another. Every punch was a white frost fist.

Hundreds of punches in a row are hundreds of hoarfrost fist shadows.

The roar sounded, not only was the countless black flame **** flying towards Gu Yan completely smashed, the white frost energy filled the fist, and even the black flame skeleton was frozen in the layers of frost and cold air.


Cracks appeared in the ice that sealed the Black Flame Skull in an instant, and the Black Flame Skull showed signs of breaking free immediately.

But Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue both rushed towards the Black Flame Skull without hesitation.

It's just that Zhou Fan's speed was faster, he teleported to the ice above the black flame skull, and the rusty knife in his hand carried all kinds of energy and stabbed down with the majestic True Qi.

When the rust knife stabbed down, the black flame skeleton just broke the ice cube, and the black flame on the skeleton bone reappeared, but the rust knife suddenly accelerated and pierced from the top of its head.

The various energies on the rust knife completely shattered the skeleton bones.

Zhou Fan drew his knife out and floated a few feet toward the back.

Gu Yan and Huang Bujue were also wary of looking at the black flame skeleton with half a skeleton left.

But the Black Flame Skull was still sealed in the broken frost and could no longer move.

Black Flame Skull is dead.

After confirming this fact, the three Zhou Fans breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this was a savage slander. Even if any of the three faced each other alone, there is no need to be afraid, but it is almost impossible to kill them so quickly.

"This Black Flame Skull is really powerful, and it is difficult for us to resist, but its body is not tyrannical, otherwise it would not be easy to kill it." Huang Bujue put away his folding fan and said with a smile: "Zhou Fan, you The speed is quite fast, and he actually killed it one step ahead of me."

What if I’m not happy, this is a large number of gray worms, Zhou Fan thought to himself, he smiled and said, “I’m afraid of wasting such a good opportunity, so I tried my best to use the secret body in the door. Law."

"Is it the esoteric movement technique of Fishing Shenzong?" Huang Bujue asked with a strange look in his eyes.

Before departure, Huang Bujue carefully read Zhou Fan's information and knew that Zhou Fan came from a hidden world sect called Diaoshen Zong.

Gu Yuquan, I believe you are a big head... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth or nodded in recognition.

"What Fishing God Sect?" Gu Yan still exudes a faint chill, this is the power left over from the spirit wine.

Some spirit wines used for auxiliary attacks should not be drunk too much, otherwise it will easily hurt the body.

"I am a disciple from Diaoshen Sect." Zhou Fan explained briefly.

"Diao Shenzong..." Gu Yan pondered for a while. He had never heard of this sect with a strange name, but he was embarrassed to say it. After all, it seemed like he looked down on Zhou Fan's sect.

Huang Bujue also hadn't heard of it before. He had already checked Gao Xiangyi Luan's records on the sect, and he didn't mention the words of Diaoshen Sect at all.

Of course, there is no Gao Xiangyi Luan Division, which does not mean that this sect does not exist.

Seeing the curious expressions on Gu Yan and Huang Bujue's faces, Zhou Fan hesitated for a while and still came up with the same set of rhetoric of the God of Fishing for Huang Ye Laodao and others.

"I realize Dao by fishing..." After Huang Bujue heard it, his eyes were shocked.

"Direct fishing without bait three feet out of the water will be hooked..." Gu Yan also took a sip of wine to hide the surprise in his heart.

Both of them thought at the same time: This Divine Fishing Sect is really extraordinary, I am afraid that the elders in the sect have many powerful monks above the Taoist realm.

"Wait..." Gu Yan seemed to remember something, he looked at Zhou Fan and asked, "You said that your founding patriarch was a senior called Long Shezhi?"

Zhou Fan was worried, if Mr. Gu Yan knew that Senior Long, and told that Senior Long, Senior Long knew that I was talking nonsense with his tiger skin. Even if this Senior Long was often complained about his strength, he was able to do it. A cultivator who has lived for so long can stab me to death with a finger.

"It's the ancestor of this sect." Zhou Fan was a little flustered, but now he can't change his mouth, he can only say calmly.

"Master Gu, don't you know the founder of the sect in Zhou Fan's Sect?" Zhou Fan didn't answer, Huang Bujue asked in surprise.

That is an expert who has lived for an unknown number of years, how could Gu Yan recognize it?

"How can I have such luck." Gu Yan smiled and shook his head: "I just remembered, I once looked through a book of "Liquor Country Trivia", trying to get inspiration for brewing new wine from it, and see from it. There is a record about that Senior Long."

"What did it say?" Zhou Fan was also aroused by It was said that there was a time when Senior Long participated in a cocktail party in a small country. At this cocktail party, he fought a hundred poems, and his poems were popular among thousands of girls. In a period of time, the price of paper in that small country has risen by 30%. "Gu Yan said.

"A hundred poems of fighting wine... I didn't expect Senior Long to not only have a high level of cultivation, but also such talent." Huang Bujue, who used to be a literati, couldn't help but praise, but he asked a little strangely: "Why is it so popular? Thousand girls? Could it be that there are many poems from the graceful school?"

Green girls always like those graceful poems with resentment, love and hatred.

"You're wrong." Gu Yan said with a strange look on his face: "The classics say that the hundred poems written by Senior Long's hundred poems of fighting wine are quite crude, and they are worse than the children who have just learned to write poems."

"Then why did it become popular in that small country?" Huang Bujue asked with a uh.

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, and he had a bold guess in his heart.

"It's because Senior Long has a face like a golden jade, and whether it's drinking or writing poetry, he is extremely unrestrained."

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