Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 752: 0 Magic Mountain

"It turns out that it's not because Senior Long is good at writing poems, but because Senior Long is good-looking, no wonder he is popular among thousands of girls." Huang Bujue said speechlessly, this is simply an anecdote.

A person is good-looking, so for those girls, even if the poems are written like shit, they can be very popular. As a traditional literati, Huang Bujue feels angry and funny. At the same time, he is also a little curious. , Just how good-looking Senior Long is, for such a situation to occur?

I knew it would be like this. I must have had a headache at the time, so I would say that Senior Long was the founder of the God Fishing Sect... Zhou Fanqiang resisted the urge to cover his face.

"But these must have been made up by the book writer. He may have heard the name of Senior Long from there, so he made up such a little story about drinking and writing poetry in the name of Senior Long." Gu Yan shook his head with a smile. He thought the story was ridiculous.

No, based on what I know about Rouge, Senior Long is probably such a person, Zhou Fan thought with a wry smile in his heart.

"Actually, I don't understand, why don't you ask your elders to **** you in the cross-country test?" Huang Bujue hesitated for a while, but he changed the subject and expressed his doubts by the way.

"Because I couldn't find them for a while." Zhou Fan shook his head with a wry smile.

"It turned out not to be near Gaoxiang City." Huang Bujue nodded knowingly, the rules of the cross-country test were announced three days before the test, and many candidates faced Zhou Fan's situation.

The three did not speak, and looked at the remnant of the Black Flame Skull, which had turned into black blood and melted in the ice.

Not all monsters can find materials. There is nothing on the Black Flame Skull that can be used as materials. Once killed, it will melt. Otherwise, the materials of Bairu-level monsters will be very valuable.

Like the black flame skeleton, it would be a waste of energy for ordinary people to kill them.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both felt a little regretful and helpless, but if Hei Yanku wanted to kill them, it was impossible for them not to fight back.

Zhou Fan is different, because he can at least get a lot of big gray worms.

The three did not stop and continued to climb up.

And the ghost burial coffin slowly followed behind them again, and Huang Bujue, who noticed this scene, jumped out of the corner of his eyes and said, "First, there were three old Xue corpses, then the strange silver house, and then again. Black Flame Skull, will our luck be too bad? Could it have something to do with this ghost burial coffin?"

If other candidate teams encounter so many dangerous and strange things, even if there is a qi in the team, I am afraid it will be more fortunate.

Even if Qianhuan Snow Mountain is the first dangerous place, the frequency of encountering powerful and strange things is too outrageous.

"It is possible, if it is related to the ghost burial coffin, maybe there will be more dangerous things waiting for us, we have to be more careful." Gu Yan said in a deep voice.

It has little to do with the ghost burial coffin. In fact, it is very likely that the bad luck of my lifeless person has struck... Zhou Fan's heart twitched and thought, but he couldn't say it, he could only keep silent.

The three of them became more vigilant.

Zhou Fan and the others did not climb very fast. They had already climbed four hundred feet. Looking back, the foot of the mountain had become a tiny point. Looking forward, the first thing that came into sight was the ice world, and then the color was different. A vast land.

The wind and snow above are also getting bigger.

Fierce winds occasionally blow, if ordinary people would have already been blown down the mountain, that is, Zhou Fan and the other warriors, who can use their true qi, step on the rock with their feet tightly, and step out one by one. The footprints of different shades resist the blowing of the wind.

The weather in the snow-capped mountains is changeable, and this level of weather is actually quite good.

No matter how bad the weather is in Qianhuan Snow Mountain, if the wind and snow is too severe, then they have to stop and take shelter, and then continue climbing when the weather improves.

The ghost burial coffin easily followed behind them.

The three of Zhou Fan persisted for another hundred feet in this way, and the three stopped in front of a gully.

The gully was two zhang long, and the bottom was so deep that there was no bottom. They climbed five hundred zhang, but the gully was not more than five hundred zhang, because the gully cracked on the ground and the bottom was bottomless.

"Is this the Qianhuan Mountain Valley?" Gu Yan's eyes showed a hint of deep vigilance.

Thousands of Magical Mountains revolves around the huge Thousand Magical Snow Mountains, and everyone who climbs the Thousand Magical Snow Mountains may encounter the broken Thousand Magical Mountains, but no one knows at what height they will encounter Thousands of Magical Mountains. , how many times will it be encountered.

A distance of two feet, even a warrior with average strength, can easily jump over it.

However, the three of Zhou Fan had not crossed this gully for a long time. The Qian Illusionary Mountain gully at a distance of 20 feet seemed to them as difficult to cross as a moat.

It is a very dangerous thing to jump over the Qianhuan Mountain.

The danger of crossing the Thousand Illusionary Mountains is that no one knows what will happen!

This is what Zhou Fan knew from the book and Huang Bujue. No one can tell how many kinds of dangers there are in the Thousand Illusionary Mountains. Because the warrior jumps from it, the dangers are different every time. Some comparisons Weak, but suddenly there was a gust of wind, as long as it was lightly split with palm force, it could be split.

But some dangers are stronger, such as the strange jumping out of the mountain, dragging the jumping warriors down, and no one has ever seen those warriors again.

I haven't heard of anyone getting up from a ravine yet.

There are all kinds of dangers in jumping in the Qianhuan Mountains, but there are few times when they are the same. This is the dangerous place in the Qianhuan Mountains.

As for spiraling up along the edge of Thousand Illusionary Mountain?

That won't work, because if you go up the spiral along the edge, the distance will be stretched, but not only because it will waste more time, there are still so many days for the cross-country test, maybe it is enough, and It is because the journey is lengthened and the dangers encountered are even greater.

In contrast, it is better to try to jump from the Qianhuan Mountain.

Zhou Fan picked up a small pebble and threw it into it.

Huang Bujue took out a piece of talisman paper and threw it into the gully as well. The talisman paper turned into a ball of fire and sank in mid-air. After falling two feet, it gradually went out.

Huang Bujue stared at the bottomless gully and said, "I can't see any weirdness on the top."

Of course, being invisible is just that it is very likely that there will not be, but it does not mean that there will be no.

"Who jumps first?" Huang Bujue glanced at Zhou Fan and Gu Yan and asked.

This kind of thing is obviously the most dangerous to jump first.

After all, whatever danger exists, it is most likely to fall on the first person.

Those who jump back will be a lot easier.

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Let me come first."

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were his seniors, and the two came to help him to agree beforehand whether to fight for his life. It seems that Zhou Fan still decided to come first.

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