Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 764: Accident

"This level of freezing power can't help me, how about you?" Gu Yan looked at Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue, "If you don't have a way to melt the frost, I can borrow spirit wine from you."

But Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue both shook their heads. Zhou Fan had scorching yang energy. As long as he added his own infuriating energy to catalyze it, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with Snowball's freezing ability.

As for Huang Bujue, he also has his own way.

"Very good, since everything has been considered, then I'll come first." Gu Yan smiled and turned to look at the snowball: "Unfortunately, the safest way is to destroy the snowball monster."

But that's all, this snowball's defense is too strong, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan's Qi Gang method can't help it.

Gu Yan didn't say more, he took down three wine gourds, mixed three mouthfuls of wine and put them in his mouth, and then he bent his legs slightly, and the whole person fluttered his wings like a big peng, and flew high towards the mountain valley. It almost flew over in a posture that was four feet above the snowball.

Xueqiu did not attack Gu Yan, Gu Yan quickly landed on the other side of the ravine, turned around and smiled at Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue: "This Xueqiu really doesn't have any wisdom, you can come here."

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue had been protecting Gu Yan from accidents, but now seeing Gu Yan safely on the other side, their tense spirits relaxed a lot.

Zhou Fan looked at Huang Bujue and said, "Snowball shouldn't be a big problem, but you still need to be careful. Maybe something will come out of the ravine."

"I will pay attention to this." Huang Bujue said, he also jumped towards the ravine, also four feet above the snowball, and landed on the other side of the ravine smoothly.

Now only Zhou Fan is left.

Zhou Fan glanced at the ghost burial coffin. Even if Huang Bujue and Gu Yan didn't encounter too many problems, it didn't mean that he would be fine. After all, he always remembered that he was in a period of doom for lifeless people.

Maybe if he jumped over, there would be countless silver scorpions rushing towards him from under the ravine.

Zhou Fan has always been vigilant about this, he first transformed into a purple-gold light armor, wrapped himself, and the deep infuriating qi in the whole body was hidden.

Glancing at the snowball again, Zhou Fan stomped on the ground with both feet, and the gravel under his feet cracked with a bang, and he was already flying high towards the mountain ravine.

In an instant, he reached the top of the snowball. At this time, Zhou Fan's figure blurred. He lifted his breath and used the teleportation technique, and soon fell to Huang Bujue and Gu Yan's side.

No matter how fast the teleportation method is, it cannot pass through the wall. It is just a straight-line movement speed that is extremely fast. Therefore, when Zhou Fan was surrounded by silver scorpions last time, he could not use the teleportation method, but now it is can use.

Things went very smoothly, and Zhou Fan felt relieved the moment he landed.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan looked at each other and smiled, Zhou Fan was more cautious than they thought.

When Zhou Fan lifted Zijin Qingjia and was about to speak, his face changed greatly, because he saw a faint black vertical line between Huang Bujue and Gu Yan's eyebrows, he said anxiously: "You have a problem with your body. Now, between the eyebrows!"

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan looked at each other, their eyes showing shock, and then they quickly ran their infuriating qi to check their bodies.

Zhou Fan looked around vigilantly, he didn't even let go of his feet, he said anxiously while looking at it: "Do you think my eyebrows are the same as you?"

"You don't have that black vertical line between your eyebrows." Huang Bujue glanced at him and said solemnly.

Huang Bujue was running his true qi, only to see a strange black qi in his body. He did not talk to Zhou Fanduo, but closed his eyes and seriously dealt with the black qi that appeared in his body for some reason.

Gu Yan did the same. He took out a wine gourd and drank the spirit wine to try to eliminate the strange black qi.

Zhou Fan faintly felt that something was wrong, why did Huang Bujue and Gu Yan have an accident, and he was fine?

He has been together with Huang Bujue and Gu Yan... No, Zhou Fan's pupils shrank slightly, he remembered that if there was a separation, it would be the time of skipping the Qianhuan Mountains.

At this time, Zhou Fan was shocked, because something was trying to penetrate between his belly. If it wasn't for the Dragon God's blood to boil automatically to resist the invasion of this thing, he would not be able to detect it at all.

Zhou Fan hurriedly looked down at his belly, and only then did he realize that there was a very thin black line swaying slowly between his clothes, and he was still trying to get into his body.

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, his fingers wrapped in infuriating qi, and he pinched towards the black thread.

Zhou Fan clipped the black line smoothly, and he said solemnly, "Do you guys recognize what it is?"

The black line seems to have life, constantly struggling between Zhou Fan's fingers.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were still fighting against the black qi in their bodies. The black qi line was quite difficult. They just took time to take a look. Things, they just shook their heads, sat down cross-legged with dignified faces, and tried to eliminate the black qi by running their true qi.

Zhou Fan showed helplessness, his fingers had cold blue flames emerging, burning black lines, and soon the black lines were burned, turning into fly ash and dispersing.

This made Zhou Fan's face change slightly. He originally thought that the black line would not be so easy to eliminate, but he didn't expect it to be burned to death by just the yang qi. That is to say, once the black thread enters the body, it is difficult to remove.

Zhou Fan hurriedly went around Huang Bujue to check carefully again, but did not find any strange black lines. It seemed that there were only three black lines.

Where did these three hair-like black threads come from?

Zhou Fan glanced at Qianhuan Mountain. It was very likely that they came out of Qianhuan Mountain. Maybe they were infected when they flew over Qianhuan Mountain.

The ghost burial coffin is still on the other side of Qianhuan Mountain. As long as Zhou Fan and the others walk a little further, the ghost burial coffin should wander over from the Qianhuan Mountain.

Zhou Fan had no time to pay attention to the ghost burial coffin at this time, and he guarded the surrounding situation for Huang Bujue and Gu Yan.

Especially the Qianhuan Mountain and Gully in front of In fact, it is best to stay away from the Qianhuan Mountain and Gully now, but Huang Bujue and Gu Yan are both sitting on the ground with their eyes closed, obviously they are in comparison. In a dangerous situation, it is difficult to take care of other things.

The snowball suspended in the middle of the mountain remained motionless. Most of Zhou Fan's mind was on Qianhuan Mountain, and a small part of his mind was on Huang Bujue, Gu Yan and other directions.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan from time to time swallowed some medicinal pills or drank spirit wine, and affixed detoxification or spell-relieving talismans on their bodies.

The bodies of the two of them glowed in various colors.

After a while, Gu Yan suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, and the black blood that fell on the snow faintly saw a black worm twisting and trying to burrow into the snow.

Zhou Fan flicked his finger, and a cold blue flame fell and burned the black worm to death. He then looked at Gu Yan and asked, "Mr. Gu, are you alright?"

Gu Yan's face paled, he just shook his head and didn't speak, took off a fresh green wine gourd from his waist, took a sip of spirit wine, and continued to close his eyes to heal.

And Huang Bujue was still sitting upright, and the black line between his eyebrows became more and more intense.

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