Zhou Fan looked at Huang Bujue worriedly. Regardless of the severity of his injury, Gu Yan at least forced the black line out, but the black line between Huang Bujue's eyebrows gradually showed signs of spreading to both sides.

At this moment, Huang Bujue shouted, his eyebrows began to crack, blood oozes out, and black nematodes drilled out from the eyebrows.

Huang Bujue reached out and scratched between his eyebrows and grabbed the black nematode in his hand. His eyes were cold, and his true energy spread out, crushing the black nematode.

After doing this, Huang Bujue's face turned pale instantly, he spat out three mouthfuls of red blood in a row, and his body was shaking.

"Master Huang." Zhou Fan called out with concern.

Huang Bujue waved his hand, he took out the pill bottle from his talisman bag, poured one pill and swallowed it, then closed his eyes to heal.

After a while, Gu Yan opened his eyes first, and he said with lingering fear: "This black line is nothing outside of the body, but it is really domineering and tricky in my body, and it almost killed me."

You must know that he has already passed the blood exchange stage, and he can be called a warrior who is invulnerable to all poisons, but this black line is neither poison nor curse. Or the spirit wine talisman and other things, it is difficult to work on it.

"Teacher Gu, how is your injury?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I'm only slightly injured, I can recover after a break." Gu Yan shook his head and said, "How is Aunt Huang Shi?"

"Master Huang has already forced out the black line, but I don't know what the situation is now." Zhou Fan smiled bitterly.

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan could only wait patiently. After a while, Huang Bujue barely opened his eyes, his face was still pale and bloodless, he looked at Zhou Fan and sighed: "I didn't expect to almost die here. ."

"Huang Shiyi, your injury..." Gu Yan asked with a slightly changed expression.

"In order to force out the black line, I risked my infuriating retrograde in my army, and finally forced the black line out, but it was inevitable that I would not be injured lightly. I am afraid that I will not be able to exert half of my strength now." Huang Bujue said out of his own situation.

Huang Bujue can be said to be fundamentally injured, and it takes half a month to recover.

The three of them were silent for a while, and Huang Bujue said first: "Zhou Fan, I may have to go down the mountain, so I can't accompany you any longer."

He is injured now, and his strength is not half of his original strength. Not only will he be ineffective if he stays, but it may also drag Zhou Fan and Gu Yan down, so he might as well leave on his own.

Zhou Fan nodded lightly, and he turned to Gu Yan and said solemnly, "Teacher Gu, please send Master Huang back."

This made Gu Yan slightly startled.

Huang Bujue looked relieved, but declined: "No, I can go back alone, Master Gu will stay to help you, if Master Gu leaves, you will inevitably be in a hurry, let alone encounter other troubles, just Who will watch the night for you?"

Zhou Fan said without further hesitation: "Master Huang is injured now, and the way back may not be easy. Teacher Gu also suffered minor injuries. It is better to let him go back with you, so that I can rest assured. As for me at night. I have my own plans, and it doesn't bother me."

Going down the mountain is not necessarily easier than going up the mountain. If Huang Bujue goes down the mountain alone, he may not be able to walk out of the Qianhuan Snow Mountain smoothly. Even if Huang Bujue accepts the payment to accompany him, Zhou Fan also does not want Huang Bujue to die here because of him.

Gu Yan frowned, he didn't know what to do.

Huang Bujue pondered, of course he understood that if it was just him, with his current situation, it would not be easy to go down the mountain. If one couldn't say it well, he would stay on the Qianhuan Snow Mountain forever and become a road sign, but if When Gu Yan accompanied him down the mountain, Zhou Fan's situation became bad...

Zhou Fan said with a smile: "Don't worry, you two, in fact, you have already climbed half the distance of Qianhuan Snow Mountain. Even if you can't rank in the top, it won't be too bad, so every zhang is the icing on the cake. , if the road ahead is too dangerous, I will not take the risk any more, but will return immediately and end my cross-country test."

"Zhou Fan, do you really think so?" Huang Bujue asked solemnly.

"Of course, does Mr. Huang think that I would be the kind of impulsive and reckless person?" Zhou Fan asked rhetorically.

"Of course not." Huang Bujue shook his head and said, "How about you, Master Gu?"

"Zhou Fan hired me to come here, and I will naturally listen to Zhou Fan." Gu Yan said slowly, "If he insists that I accompany you down the mountain, then I will accompany you down."

Huang Bujue sighed: "Zhou Fan, I'm the one who dragged you down. When this cross-country test is over, I will return the previously agreed merit points to you."

Zhou Fan hurriedly said: "Master Huang, I don't dare to take it, no one wants such a thing to happen, if it wasn't for me, Master Huang wouldn't be injured, so don't mention the merits, and besides, there is no Master Huang and Gu. With the help of the teacher, I may not be able to get here."

"Well, even if I owe you a favor, Huang Bujue." Huang Bujue didn't say more, he took out some talismans and medicinal pills from his talisman bag and distributed them to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan did not refuse this time, but put it away.

Gu Yan also took the next wine gourd and handed it to Zhou Fan, telling Zhou Fan that it was a good healing spirit wine, or that it could play a certain role at critical times.

"After we leave, we should think twice before we act. If it really doesn't work, then step back. There is nothing more important than your own life, not even the Class A class." Gu Yan warned again.

The three said a few more words before starting to step back.

After Zhou Fan and the others had retreated by one zhang, the ghost burial coffin began to move under the drag of the six-hoofed black beast. It stepped into the ravine and walked in the air.

Snowball felt threatened, it suddenly swept the fine snow in the sky, and the fine snow converged on it, causing the sphere to expand continuously, from a radius of three feet to a large snowball with a radius of ten feet.

The ice-blue light spread out from Xueqiu's body~www.readwn.com~ and sealed the entire sky above the mountain with ice, even the ghost burial coffin was no exception.

It was just that the extremely cold ice and snow gradually shattered, and the six-hoofed black beast jumped out of the ice block dragging the iron sledge. The gray-shadowed woman beside the mahogany coffin flicked her fingers, and a gray light hit the snowball.

The snowball pops out dense ice-blue rays of light, which are connected to form layers of ice-blue light.

The gray light pierced through the layers of ice and blue light net, hitting inside the snowball, smashing the snowball into pieces.

The snowball disintegrated, and dense black thin lines flew out from the mountain ravine, and the black thin lines like hair stabbed towards the ghost burial coffin.

There were so many thin black lines that Zhou Fan and the others were shocked.

But these black thin lines are powerful, and they can be easily killed by floating outside.

From the mouths of the three black shadow beasts in the ghost burial coffin, black beams of light spewed out, and the black beams of light spread out into the sky, strangling all the black thin wires.

The ghost burial coffin landed smoothly on the other side of Qianhuan Mountain.

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