Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 766: climb alone

Seeing that the ghost burial coffin came over from the Qianhuan Mountain so easily, Zhou Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Not only do you have to be careful about other things, but also don't be careless about ghost burial coffins." Huang Bujue couldn't help but reminded.

Zhou Fan nodded lightly, if the ghost burial coffin really suddenly attacked him, he would run for his life without hesitation.

The ghost burial coffin cleared the obstacles for them, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan didn't dare to delay much, Gu Yan jumped over first, nothing happened, Huang Bujue then jumped over, and nothing happened.

Huang Bujue turned around and glanced at Zhou Fan. Across the ravine, Zhou Fan smiled and bowed to Huang Bujue.

After Huang Bujue and Gu Yan left, Zhou Fan turned and climbed above the snow.

As he climbed, he was alert to his surroundings and calmly analyzed his current situation.

It has to be said that the departure of Huang Bujue and Gu Yan is very unfavorable for him. It can be said that two arms are broken, and they are still in the air.

Losing the two major aids, whether it is encountering powerful monsters or encountering Wen Xiao and his entourage, will be a very difficult situation for him.

"Next, I will slow down and try to postpone the meeting with Wen Xiao, but Wen Xiao and his squires may not be able to go on, but turn back, and when they meet, they will definitely try to take me without hesitation. My Xuanguang Jade Talisman crushed and even killed me."

"Even if they can't kill me, they will stop trying to prevent me from climbing up. Maybe I can only escape down the mountain. Even if I slow down, it may not be useful." Zhou Fan frowned slightly, but he quickly thought of it. In a very good way, purple-gold rays of light emerged from his body.

The instant the purple gold light armor wrapped him, the hidden armor rune appeared from the purple gold armor, and Zhou Fan's figure gradually disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"The hidden armor can hide the breath and body very well. In this way, it is not so easy for Wen Xiao and his squires to find me. I can boldly move forward, but I still have to be careful not to be caught in the spirit they may have buried. Bug trap." Zhou Fan sighed in relief after solving this problem.

Zhou Fan patted his bald head again and called, "Little 绻."

He's invisible, but he can still feel his afro curling up into a tangle.

As soon as Xiao Qian appeared, she immediately folded her arms, her two rows of small teeth trembled: "Leng Leng Leng Leng Leng..."

While speaking, strands of hair spewed out of her body, turning into thick black cotton-padded clothes, wrapping her into a small zongzi.

Xiao Ling sat on Zhou Fan's shoulder, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Master, with those two outsiders around, I almost suffocated me."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's very dangerous here, keep an eye on what's behind me, and tell me if there is any problem." Zhou Fan snorted and used chicken and duck legs to coerce and lure him, and Xiao Qian gave in and agreed.

The purple gold armor quickly transformed into a part, and wrapped the small silk on the shoulders, making the small silk also enter the invisible state.

The Zijin armor can change its shape at will, not to mention it's just a small scorpion. Even the large package on Zhou Fan's back is also covered by the Zijin armor, otherwise his invisibility would be meaningless.

Even though the defense of the purple-gold armor obtained by the resistance section may be a little weak now, the many uses of the purple-gold eight armor still provide a lot of help to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan had Xiao Ling to help monitor behind him, and his climbing speed was not much slower than when Gu Yan and Huang Bujue were around.

Of course, even if they were invisible, they couldn't hide the ghost burial coffin. The ghost burial coffin still followed behind Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan also did not expect that the hidden armor of the Zijin Bajia can hide from the powerful ghost burial coffin.

Ghost burial coffin is a flaw?

Zhou Fan didn't think so, and even thought about how to use the ghost burial coffin: If I meet Wen Xiao, then Wen Xiao will definitely not be able to find me for a while, if Wen Xiao and his squire impulsively shoot the ghost burial coffin , then have fun watching...

Until sunset and dusk, the white snow on the mountain was also reflected in a dark red, and Zhou Fan stopped on a small hill.

He first carefully inspected Xiaoshanping, and after confirming that there were no dangerous elements, Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

There are no dangerous and powerful monsters, no human footprints, and no worm traps nearby.

Zhou Fan only released his Hidden Armor state when the night completely fell. At this time, no one would climb anymore, and he had already found a suitable place to prepare for the dangerous night.

Weird's sense of touch is different from people's. Zhou Fan has long known that Hidden Armor cannot hide most of the Weird's falsehoods, so it doesn't make sense to keep Hidden Armor all the time.

Zhou Fan laid out a simple talisman array around him, and took out the luminous talisman to dispel the darkness. After doing this, he sat on the ground and ate dry food with Xiaoxuan, but after Xiaoxuan took two bites, she vomited bitterly. I don't want to eat anymore.

She can rely on parasites in Zhou Fan's body to supplement nutrition, and she does not necessarily need to eat.

Zhou Fan didn't bother to think about whether Xiao Yan wanted to eat or not. While he was eating, he thought about what happened today and what to do in the future.

Today he climbed about 700 zhang, plus yesterday's 900 zhang, that is 1,600 zhang, more than half of the distance.

The Qianhuan Snow Mountain is three thousand feet high, and he estimated that the result of this thousand and six hundred feet is already good, but it is only good.

The shadow of Wen Xiao has not been seen yet. Zhou Fan knew that if Wen Xiao and his entourage hadn't died, they would have climbed higher than him now.

If Wen Xiao can do it, there will definitely be other candidates who can do the cross-country test. After all, he was in a state of bad luck, which slowed down his pace. Other candidates would not be as unlucky as him.

In other words, he needs to climb higher.

At least before seeing that Wen, when encountering great danger, you can't step back.

Zhou Fan took another look at the ghost burial coffin not far away. The six-hoofed black beast was illuminated by the blood-colored light of three groups of black shadow beasts on the corners.

No one dared to provoke the ghost burial coffin.

In the wasteland before, Zhou Fan had also seen the **** wandering spirit tree and the narrow ghost trying to kill the ghost burial coffin, but Qianhuan Snow Mountain did not provoke it. What was the reason for this?

Zhou Fan didn't understand, but he had another guess in his heart, that is, when he jumped over the ravine today, he was fine, but Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were injured and had to leave, which might also be due to bad luck. some signs.

"It happens that bad luck strikes at this time. It's really unfortunate. Otherwise, this cross-country test would have gone well for me." Zhou Fan sighed and thought.

He didn't think about it anymore, and instead thought about how to deal with the events of tonight and tomorrow. He might enter that strange dream tonight, and he must prepare for it tomorrow.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, then took out the book of storage from the talisman bag, "Open the book of storage."

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