Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 808: invisible competition

"It all affects the number of newborn babies in the capital of that country, no wonder it will be recorded." Mrs. Zhang Li said with a strange look on his face.

No matter what age, population is a crucial event for a country. This is a state affairs, and historians will of course have to record it.

Everyone was in a strange mood, and they didn't discuss the matter any more, and instead focused on the three clear light spots on the Xuanguang jade wall.


Zhou Fan was careful, he had already climbed 2,911 feet, and he didn't encounter any strange things, but he was always on guard against evil illusions that might strike at any time.

Because he guessed it should be soon.

Just as he walked up another ten feet, his vision began to blur again.

With a serious expression on his face, he pinched an illusory long needle and quickly stabbed it into the acupoint.

The pain of acupuncture to the heart did not slow down the changes in visual field.

But what he saw this time was no longer an old woman with an umbrella.

In the bright red wind and snow in the sky, a person with a blurred face stood not far away. This person suddenly had blood-red wings spread out on his back.

The man's face was blurred, but his wings were clearly displayed in Zhou Fan's eyes. Those bright red wings were made of red worms, and the flesh worms were slowly twisting.

Then Zhou Fan began to feel that his internal organs seemed to have such worms growing out, and the evil illusion was eroding his body.

Zhou Fan didn't dare to be careless, he stabbed the second and third needles quickly, and the pain of the awl stabbing the big leg and the knife slashing the arm correspondingly hit.

But the growth of the blood-red worms in his body like an illusion did not stop, but slowed down. Zhou Fan frowned slightly and stabbed the fourth needle into his body.

He trembled a bit, and the pain that his bones were shattered far exceeded the previous three needles.

The blood-red worms stopped growing, the winged man in the snow had not disappeared, and the blood-red wings flapped slightly.

Zhou Fan took a breath, he pulled out the fifth phantom needle from his shirt and pierced the right pylorus.

Zhou Fan's face suddenly turned pale, his internal organs seemed to be crushed by something, and the crushed ones also contained those phantom blood worms that grew within the body.

The winged figure in the bright red snow is fading.

Seeing that the evil illusion disappeared, Zhou Fan pulled out the five illusory long needles in his body with trembling hands. The pain slowly dissipated, and it took a while for him to recover.

"It's only about two thousand nine hundred and one hundred feet now, and I was forced out of five needles..." Zhou Fan's face was stunned, and the level of evil illusion was beyond his imagination.

And the evil fantasy is no longer those old women holding umbrellas, but the weird winged man.

This winged man is more terrifying than four old women with umbrellas!


"Amitabha." The line slowly opened his eyes, he had just passed through a bad illusion.

It's just that this is not easy, and the faint golden light emitted by his body has become dim.

"Because all Bodhisattvas have attained the Bodhisattva Way, they will break the demons of affliction; because they have attained the body of the Dharma, they will break the demons of Yin; because they have attained the Tao and the body of the Dharma-nature, they will break through the demons of death; because they are always in one mind, they will not be attached to the mind, and they will enter the unmoving samadhi. Transforming into a demon of the Son of Heaven... Destroying evil and illusion is like breaking the four demons in your heart." A line of calm expressions on their faces said to themselves.

The golden light in his body became fiery again, and he continued to step up.


In the snowstorm, the young Luotuo still took a few steps and stopped, and every time he stopped, he pointed out the sword.

The sword goes out.

Sweat was oozing from his forehead, and his face was calm.

But at this height, every time he pointed out the sword, there was no trace of the wind and snow on the cliff. Instead, the sword box he was carrying was trembling faintly, and there was a sound of sword cries.

It didn't take long for him to enter 2,900 zhang.

As soon as he entered 2,900 feet, he also pointed out that the sword became more and more cautious, but once it was confirmed, the speed of pointing the sword became faster and faster.

"This evil illusion is too dangerous, otherwise it is the most suitable for tempering the sword heart." He chuckled softly.

No one knows that he always walks on the most dangerous road. Once the evil illusion is stronger than his sword, he will die, but he still chooses to use the sword.

In his cognition, a swordsman can choose not to use a sword, but he cannot stop using a sword because of fear.

A sharp sword intent was faintly exuding from his body.


In the academy square, everyone silently looked at the three clear light spots on the top layer of the Xuanguang Jade Wall, waiting for the result to appear.

The competition between the three is getting fiercer.

When Hou Shisanjian entered 2,900 zhang, Zhou Fan also stepped into 2,920 zhang.

Zhou Fan's vision blurred again.

He saw the winged man in the snow again, and the winged man slowly walked towards him.

Zhou Fan sighed, he took out the long needles of illusion and pierced them into the acupoints of his body, and the pain kept hitting him.

Until the fifth long needle pierced, Zhou Fan was trembling all over. He endured the severe pain, but what surprised him was that the winged man did not dissipate like last time.

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, and only then did he realize that there was a winged man not far from that winged man!

Because the winged man is too far away, if you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find it, but as long as you find it, you will find that it also has blood-red wings, and the dense blood-red worms on the wings are squirming.

Zhou Fan felt that the blood-red worms in his body were trying to grow, and the power of the five needles seemed to have a tendency to collapse, and he could no longer suppress the peristalsis of the growth of his internal organs.

Zhou Fan endured the severe pain caused by the five needles. He moved his right hand slightly, and pulled out a long phantom needle from the placket of his shirt, and pierced it at the Qihai point five inches below the navel.

The sixth needle was in the sea of ​​​​qi, but Zhou Fan felt as if his head was about to explode, and the indescribable pain attacked, causing blood and tendons to appear on his forehead.

The figures of the two winged men disappeared in the snow.

Zhou Fan's hands trembled, and he pulled out the magic virtual nine needles in one breath. After pulling it out, he retched.

It took a while to slow down.

He had never felt such pain before, and now he knew that the pain could reach this level.

And this is only the sixth stitch, it is hard to imagine what the next three stitches will be.

He was afraid of the use of the illusory nine needles.

I don't need to fight like this, I don't need to use the last three I can use the blood of the dragon **** to help myself... Zhou Fan took a breath and thought.

But he glanced at the ghost burial coffin behind him, and his back straightened instantly.

It's still there, I definitely can't use the Dragon God's blood at the sixth stitch, I can still hold on... Zhou Fan took a breath, forced himself to change his mind, and focused on continuing to climb forward.

He was in a heavy heart. After entering 2,900 feet, a Snow Wing man appeared every ten feet. Such an aggravation of evil delusions was too terrifying. He didn't know what the next ten feet would be like. Evil fantasy.


After a group of people solved an evil illusion, his monk robe was shaking slightly, and his face seemed to become hideous.

After a while, the hideous face returned to normal, he breathed lightly, and continued to move forward resolutely.


Hou Shisanjian continued to use his sword, and he pointed out that the sword was still very stable, but he was dripping with sweat.

No one gave up and moved on.

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