Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 809: not to the limit

"Could it be that they still have to climb to the top?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked while looking at the three Qingyingguang spots.

His face was serious, and the three of them were still insisting, which had already exceeded his expectations.

"Amitabha." Yuan Hai's face showed worry, he was worried about his line.

In his opinion, even if Yixing gave up now, it would be nothing. He was afraid that Yixing would go his own way and die on the snowy mountain.

Even if they were not at the scene, they could faintly perceive the great danger that the three of them were about to face.

Zhongtian was silent, he just watched intently.

The monks who can reach this level are worthy of the great Wei Dynasty's vigorous training. If they die on the snowy mountains, it will be a serious loss for the Great Wei.

Teacher, what are you thinking... Zhongtian sighed in his heart, even though he had explained it to the two of them before, this explanation was still not enough to explain his teacher's intentions.

The instructors also looked nervous, looking at the light spots of the snow-capped mountains. If the three of Zhou Fan paused for too long, they would not hesitate to consume precious jade to check their pictures.

In fact, there are only three people so far, so it doesn't matter if you spend jade and watch all the time.

However, the three chief examiners of Zhongtian still denied such a proposal. They denied it in order to protect the secrets of the three of Zhou Fan as much as possible.

With so many people at the scene, someone will definitely reveal what happened here.

That would be very unfavorable for Zhou Fan and the others in the next martial arts test. If it was not necessary, they would not check Zhou Fan and their pictures.


The blizzard is full of snow, and there are signs of growing.

Zhou Fan felt the coldness, and he put a layer of True Qi on his body to defend against the extreme cold above the mountains.

Even if this cold is not like the strange cold before, it cannot withstand this extreme cold without infuriating defense.

Zhou Fan had reached 2,930 feet, and he had already figured out the pattern, and now there would be an evil illusion about every 10 feet.

His footsteps slowed down, and he stepped towards the rocks above without hesitation, his vision swayed, and everything around him became different.

At the moment when his vision swayed, Zhou Fan had already started to stab himself with needles.

Maybe it was because of more times, his ability to endure pain became stronger and stronger. At least the first three injections were nothing to him, but from the fourth injection, he felt pain.

While enduring this unbearable pain, he looked forward.

The two wingmen stood far apart.

Zhou Fan took a breath, and he stabbed the sixth needle again. The severe pain that was about to explode in his head was superimposed with other pains, causing his forehead to burst into blue veins.

But no, the two wingmen did not disappear, the worm was still wriggling in his body, and the third wingman emerged in the bright red snowstorm.

This time there were three wingmen.

Is it true that there is a winged man every ten feet now... Zhou Fan endured the pain, he had no time to think about it, but he gritted his teeth and patiently took out the seventh light green long needle and pierced the middle pole four inches below the navel. hole!

As soon as the needle was stabbed, Zhou Fan's eyeballs turned upwards, as if his skin had been peeled off and the blood vessels inside were pulled out one by one.

The pain nearly made him faint, but he couldn't.

His eyes were a little blurry, the blood-red worm disappeared again under the action of the seven needles, and the three winged people disappeared in the snow, as if they had never appeared.

Zhou Fan didn't know how he pulled the needle out. He didn't regain consciousness until the needle was pulled out.

The excruciating pain made him pale.

He is still seventy feet away from the top of the mountain. He doesn't know if the Nine Magic Needles can make him stick to the top of the mountain, but he doesn't know if he can survive the eighth and ninth stitches behind.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, he suddenly smiled, and then continued to climb up.

It soon reached 2940 feet, Zhou Fan's face was calm, and he estimated that the evil illusion would soon strike again.

"Xiao Wan, if I can't even pull out the needle in pain later, you will secretly pull the needle out for me." Zhou Fan said to Xiao Wan as he climbed.

He didn't let Xiao Ling come out again, because at this time, the academy might use some means to look at him, so Xiao Ling should not reveal it.

Xiao Qian responded, and at this time, even Xiao Qian didn't dare to make a fool of yourself.

After walking up another two feet, Zhou Fan's vision trembled again. He silently took out the long pale green needles and pierced them one by one in order.

But when the fifth needle was stabbed, his face changed greatly, because what he saw this time was still a winged man, but not just one more winged man as he imagined, this time there were two more winged men.

The five winged men stood outside the wind and snow and looked at Zhou Fan in a semicircle.

Zhou Fan could clearly see the crawling blood-red worms in the blood-red wings of the five wingmen.

Every corner of his body seemed to have blood-red worms burrowing out of his flesh, and even his nostrils were blocked by blood-red worms.

Zhou Fan stabbed the sixth and seventh needles.

The pain of the two consecutive needles made him almost faint, but the effect was very good, and the seventh needle stopped the speed of the evil phantom erosion.

As long as the eighth shot can deal with these five winged people, he doesn't even need the ninth shot. He gritted his teeth and didn't let himself cry out in pain. He was afraid that he would faint completely.

He stabbed the eighth needle!

It was as if a huge hammer was hammered down, completely crushing his body, and then his body returned to its original state and was crushed again, and so on and over again, every time it was crushed, it was a huge pain.

Zhou Fan didn't faint, but his whole body was tense, with a ferocious look on his face.

He felt muddled, and each time the pain caused him to cough up blood.

The invisible phantom blood-red worms in the body also seemed to be crushed together with Zhou Fan, and the five wingmen disappeared in front of his eyes.

Zhou Fan couldn't move, there was hair growing and hanging down on his head, and he pulled out the eight light green long needles in his body for him.

Zhou Fan still didn't move, his eyes stared straight at the bright red snowstorm in front of him, his face still had a hideous expression squeezed by pain, and after a few breaths, his pupils gradually recovered their focus.

Zhou Fan took a big breath and exhaled, he just had a feeling that he would die at any time.

The phantom eighth needle is really scary.

Zhou Fan silently looked ahead without much hesitation, he continued to move forward with heavy steps.

He knew that he had not reached his limit yet, so he had to keep going.


Hou Shisanjian's palms are still very stable, but in this snowstorm, he sweated so much that the worn cotton coat on his body was soaked with sweat.

Originally, as long as he was infuriated, he could immediately dry it, but he didn't do it because he couldn't waste even a little extra energy.

There was a rare look of solemnity on his face, and he was no longer as powerful as before.

He had been standing there for a while.

The slight sound of sword cries from the sword box kept coming, as if persuading.

Lazy by nature, he could only sigh helplessly in the end: "Well, it's not that I'm lazy, but I can only get here. You don't want to take out the box. Before it's time, we can't go too far when we take out the box, it's meaningless."

He turned and went down. 8)

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