Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 826: Martial Arts Item 2

"The ninth place is Yelaitianxiang." Yuanhai continued.

Ye Lai Tianxiang in the crowd heard her name after listening for so long. She lightly touched her smooth forehead. She placed sixth in the Wen test and ninth in the cross-country test, but she did not fall out of the top ten, but for her , this result is not ideal.

Li Chongniang glanced at Yelaitianxiang, Yelaitianxiang felt Li Chongniang's gaze, and she looked away.

"The tenth Xiong Feixiu."

Xiong Feixiu pouted. He was eleventh in the text test, and now he is tenth in the cross-country test. He didn't open up the distance, which made him very unhappy.

"He Yiming is the eleventh, Dongfang Feng is the twelfth..." Yuanhai accelerated the rhythm of his voice, and only after reading the twentieth did he stop and say, "The above are the first to twenty, The rest will not be read, and will be posted on the list later for everyone to browse.”

In fact, if the writing test is not good for those outside the 20th, there is little hope.

"The result of the cross-country test is probably like this." Zhongtian took over the words, and he slowly glanced at the candidates below, "Before I talk about the second matter of the martial arts test, I will tell you something that too many of you don't know yet. "

The students listened carefully.

"This time the leader of the Class A class can get double the resources!"

Double the resources?

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The so-called leader is the first place in the Class A exam.

"Why did you say it now?" Some candidates asked with grief and indignation.

"I only said it now, because the sage and the official family made a temporary decision." Zhongtian said calmly: "Besides, it's not too late to say it now. Which of you didn't do your best in the previous exam?"

Zhongtian's words make sense. In order to enter the A-class class, how can anyone dare not to go all out?

But even so, the doubling of resources still makes many people jealous. The training resources of this class A are already very rich, and now the leader can get double, which is equivalent to one person having two places in the class A.

Who has the best chance of winning the title?

From the current point of view, that Zhou Fan has the greatest chance!

Many people began to search for Zhou Fan's figure again.

Secondly, a group of people who follow closely also have a chance. After all, there are two more martial arts exams.

Double the resources... Zhou Fan, who was hiding in the crowd, was also stunned, and such a good thing?

Of course he wants double the resources! But don't be careless, the current combined results of the latter few people are not far behind him.

Zhongtian waited for a while, seeing the candidates calm down before saying: "Now let's talk about the second item of the martial arts test."

All the candidates temporarily left the leader's affairs and focused on Nakata.

Those who do well in the test want to keep it up, and those who do poorly rely on the next two to make a comeback.

Zhongtian paused for a moment, he remembered something and said: "Before this, I need to say in advance, about the second item of the martial arts test, we three examiners jointly opened the envelope that was banned by the rune just now. I don’t know what the second item will be tested for.”

Candidates are not surprised by this, and only in this way can they ensure that the test questions will not be leaked.

"The second item of the martial arts test is the ring test." Zhongtian said calmly.

Ring test!

Many candidates are all refreshed. After the sloppy literary test and cross-country test, they finally have a normal test. In the arena test, they can judge their own strengths and weaknesses according to their abilities, so it is only fair.

The three chief examiners all looked indifferent, Zhongtian continued: "The following are the general rules of the ring test."

"First, the arena test adopts a points system, which is divided into ten arenas. Candidates will draw lots and start competing in each arena."

"Second, the accumulation of points, defeating a candidate will get 1 point, killing a candidate will get 2 points, the candidate will not be eliminated if defeated, the only way to eliminate the candidate is to kill the candidate. Of course, the dead can't take the test again."

"Thirdly, the one with the most points will be the first this time. After a round, there may be those with the same points. Those with the same points will be divided into a duel in the same arena and then ranked."

"Fourth, this ring competition is an unrestricted competition. Except that people are not allowed to enter the arena, all means such as talismans, implements, spirit beasts, toxins, etc. can be used."

"That's all for now. The specific details will be posted for you to read." Zhongtian looked at the candidates in the audience and said, "You can ask any questions."

The audience was silent, and then there was an uproar, because this rule was so unreasonable, it was completely encouraging them to kill each other.

"You won't tell me that the rules of this arena test are also set by the sage of the academy, right?" Some candidates shouted angrily.

Zhongtian was silent for a while and said, "Yes, he decided it."

Many people at the scene showed stunned expressions on their faces, and some people lost their voices: "Could it be that the saint of the academy was possessed by strange things? Otherwise, why are the items of this A-class exam more and more mentally retarded?"

Before the cross-country test was allowed to bring squires, it can be said that it was to study their network background, but later the cross-country test was set as Qianhuan Snow Mountain, and they vaguely understood that even if there were squires in Qianhuan Snow Mountain, more often they had to rely on themselves. .

So the cross-country test not only tests the candidates' money and connections, but also tests the candidates' strength?

But these are all speculations because the sage of the academy is the person who asked the questions. There are still different opinions about the intention of the cross-country test. Now there is another arena with weird rules.

You can only get one point for defeating a candidate, and two points for killing a candidate, that is, encourage candidates to kill candidates to get more points!

And there is no limit to the fight, allowing any means to be used!

It's no wonder that some candidates suspect that the sage of the academy has been possessed by strange things, or that the sage of the academy has gone crazy?

"You don't need to worry about whether the saint is crazy." Zhongtian said with a stern face, "The rules of the arena test have been told to you. Since the academy needs to make preparations, the start time of this arena test is scheduled for the morning of the third day."

"Before the ring test starts, for the sake of fairness, you must make a ghost oath here to verify that you are right behind your back. During these two days, there must be no behavior that forces other candidates to give up their qualifications for the test."

The candidates listened to Nakata's words in silence.

Many candidates sneered in their hearts, and fairness was the biggest joke they heard in this exam.

But with the experience of cross-country trials, they also know that the possibility of amending the rules of the ring competition is almost zero, so they didn't say much.

Zhongtian could feel the anger of some candidates, but he didn't say anything more about it, but said: "Since you have no problem, let's do it first."

The three chief examiners of Zhongtian walked down from the white jade platform.

As soon as the three chief examiners left, there were a lot of resentful voices in the square.

"The sage of the academy must have been bought by the aristocratic family, otherwise there would not be such unreasonable competitions as the literary test, cross-country test, and ring competition." Some candidates from the poor family shouted.

Literary test, literary talent test, cross-country test can bring powerful entourage, unlimited competition in the arena allows the use of powerful equipment, these rules are beneficial to the children of aristocratic families.

"You fart, who is the saint? What family can buy him?" Some candidates said unwillingly.

"Then what are you talking about?" Another student asked angrily.

"Something may have happened and the saint was imprisoned. This is a conspiracy to destroy the reputation of the saint by representing the three elements of the family."

"Take it down, If the aristocratic family has the ability to imprison the saint, why should he be held down by the academy?"

"Hmph, no one is invincible. Those three traitors may have used some sinister and sinister tricks, and the saint was fooled."

"Even if the saint is unfortunate enough to be deceived, then the one hundred and eight disciples of the saint you are a vegetarian are vegetarians. Wouldn't they know that something happened to the saint?"

"The saint is fine, the saint is either crazy or confused!"

"The saint may be possessed by a monster."

"It's a pity, this was originally the strongest class, it could have been a hundred years of glory for Dawei, but now it's the weakest class because of these unfair exam rules!"

"Don't take the exam. What's the point of such an exam? I'm writing to ask for a retake."


There was chaos in the square, with some people watching from the sidelines, some scolding loudly, some instigating, and some whispering with their companions.

One out of all beings.

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