Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 827: 3 colours

Even though they were far away from the square, the quarrels of the candidates still swayed into the room.

Zhong Tian, ​​Mrs. Zhang Li and Yuan Hai listened to those thin noises silently.

"It's okay for them to quarrel, but don't let them fight, arrange for them to make a ghost oath as soon as possible, let them copy the rules of this exam, and urge them to leave the academy." Zhongtian said to a teacher beside him.

The teacher bowed to Zhongtian and walked out quickly.

Mrs. Zhang Li picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. This tea was only brewed from the most common tea leaves in the academy. Of course, Mr. Zhang Li couldn’t get into the eyes of Mrs. Zhang Li, but now even if it is a good tea brewed from top tea leaves, he can’t taste the taste. coming.

Mrs. Zhang Li put down the teacup and said, "Is the saint alright?"

Mrs. Zhang Li asked this because he was also frightened.

When they just saw the rules of the second martial arts arena test, the three chief examiners were not much more surprised than the candidates.

What is the saint trying to do?

Even Mrs. Zhang Li was a little worried, was there really something wrong with the saint?

Yuanhai was silent and did not speak, but he also looked at Zhongtian.

Zhongtian could not answer those candidates, but Mrs. Zhang Li asked, he could only say: "Teacher has no problem."

When Zhongtian said this, Mrs. Zhang Li just nodded slightly, he couldn't confirm whether what Zhongtian said was true or not.

In fact, it is different from what the outside world thinks, the family... At least Mr. Zhang Li doesn't want the saint to have a problem, because the catastrophe is coming, if the saint has a problem, it will be a huge blow to Da Wei.

But if there is no problem with the saint, why is this class A exam so strange?

Let’s not talk about the text test, but the cross-country test has killed a lot of talented candidates and powerful squires. This time the arena points competition may make every competition a life and death competition, and the degree of tragic competition can be imagined. And know.

No wonder students are so dissatisfied with this.

This is the case in Gaoxiang County, and other counties are similar.

This Class A may be the last one before the catastrophe is approaching, and because there are so many talents, the Great Wei Dynasty is ready to invest huge resources to train candidates who can enter Class A.

The purpose is to allow these candidates to play a certain role after the catastrophe.

But it doesn't mean that other unsuccessful candidates are useless, as well as those dead squires...

Even if the deceased squires were all warriors, they were all masters at the top level of warriors, so the internal friction caused by the exam was too great.

Doubt and puzzlement made the three of them silent and did not speak.

Even Nakata stopped looking for reasons for his teacher, because he didn't know how to find a suitable reason.

All three felt a little uneasy.



"Lin Wuya is trying to force us to death!" Wang Daozi was the one who spoke first in the luxurious room. He was tall and strong with black hair and white beard. .

A round wooden chessboard is placed on the black wooden round table, with black, white and red chess pieces on the chessboard.

This is a three-color chess unique to the Great Wei Kingdom. Each of the three players has one color, black, round, white, square, and red triangle.

This kind of chess, also known as wise chess, is a kind of chess that tests intelligence extremely. It is interesting to play it only if the three players have the same chess strength. If one of them is too weak, he will definitely be killed.

Of course, even if one side loses, the remaining two can continue until the winner is decided.

It can be seen from the chessboard that the three-color chess pieces in this game are intertwined, and the battle situation is difficult to distinguish for a while.

On the left of Wang Daozi is an old man with a haggard face. The old man's hair is dry and yellow, but he is neatly combed and meticulous. He coughs a few times from time to time, as if he is suffering from a serious disease. He indifferently pushes the red triangle **** in his hand and eats one. Black round pawn.

Three-color chess must be extremely cautious when capturing pairs, because there may be a situation where the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit at any time.

The chess player must not only see the enemy in front of him, but also focus on the whole chess game, and consider the changes brought about by the gain or loss of a piece. This is the difficult part of three-color chess.

There are very few people who really have the ability to grasp the overall situation.

After eating a son, the old man with a withered face slowly said: "Someone like Lin Wuya who acts recklessly will bring us the calamity of the Great Wei and destroy the country sooner or later."

"Brother Gao Shan is right." Xiao Hui on Wang Daozi's right said with a slight smile, he looked the youngest among the three, with black hair and beard, handsome and suave.

Xiao Hui called Gao Shan brother because the old man named Ye Gao Shan.

There is a difference in age between the three, but it is not too big. When there is no one, the name is also a little more casual.

They are the three phases that no one knows about in the Great Wei Dynasty!

The Right Minister Xiao Hui is responsible for drafting the edict, the Central Minister Wang Daozi reviews the edict, and the Left Minister Ye Gaoshan has six departments responsible for implementation.

It seems that the division of labor is clear, but in fact many things are decided by the three of them.


The Holy One has ignored political affairs since the first day he ascended the throne!

Therefore, there are many people inside and outside the Great Wei who say that the three elements are traitors, dominating the government and the opposition, seeking benefits for the family, regardless of life and death in the world!

In fact, this is not the case at all. The forces of the DPRK and China are intertwined. They are three-phase and cannot arbitrarily dominate the government and the opposition. Even on the bright side, the official power of the academy can compete with the power of the aristocratic family headed by the three-phase.

Xiao Hui, holding the black round **** in his hand, chose to take a step back and continued: "But isn't it normal for Lin Wuya to force us to death? What's the fuss about?"

The white piece held by Wang Daozi devoured a black round piece and said, "This time is different, all the test questions he formulated in the A-class exam seem to be biased towards the aristocratic family, which is beneficial to the family, and now there are a lot of criticisms both inside and outside. "

"It is said that this test question is not written by Lin Wuya at all, but by the three of us. The pie of the Class A class is so big, anyone who dares to tamper with it will become the target of public criticism."

"We can endure the usual things. Lin Wuya's disciples and grandchildren ruin our reputation. At most, we are But this time, we can't take the blame this time!"

Ye Gaoshan looked at the chessboard, thought about the trend of the chess game, and snorted coldly: "I said earlier that I want to take back the power of the A-class exam, you have to hesitate and let Lin Wuya take over this matter alone, and we will have today. calamity."

"Our aristocratic family is full of geniuses. As long as fairness is the greatest benefit to the children of the aristocratic family, why do we need to use unfair examination methods to compete with those underprivileged children?"

"It's a pity that such a simple and clear thing, people in the world are stupid and can't see clearly, and it is often easy to be misled. Lin Wuya's actions are killing people!"

Ye Gaoshan ate a white chess piece again, with a majestic momentum of a pair of two.

Xiao Hui picked up a black round chess piece and said solemnly: "Brother Gao Shan's remark is not because we don't want to take back the power of the A-class exam, but because the academy refuses to let go. In this matter, I demand that the power of the A-class examinations, which should belong to the Wei Dynasty, be returned to the court, but how did the sage do it?"

"Always stay in the middle of nowhere!"

To stay in and not to leave is to leave the memorial in the palace, without negotiating or approving.

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