Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 834: kill father's enemy

The atmosphere on the ship was condensed.

Zhao Yazhu's broad palms were clenched tightly, her phalanges were white, her face was grim, her eyes were cold and filled with uncontrollable anger.

Chifu confronted her.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and he was a little worried about whether Zhao Yazhu would go crazy, so he desperately killed Chifu and killed him as well.

Even if you don't die because of the boat, it doesn't feel good to be killed by someone.

"Idiot!" After a moment of silence, Zhao Yazhu scolded angrily, "Who said I'm going to take you away? If you take your home, it would violate my oath not to hurt you. How could I do such a digging my own grave? Stupid thing?"

"Who knows whether the oath you made is true or false? Even if it is true, there may be a way to avoid it with your unfathomable realm." Chifu said coldly, "And I saw the incident with my own eyes. , do you still want to deny it?"

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, he felt that what Chu Fu said was very reasonable, and he also thought that Zhao Yazhu wanted to take Sa Chu Fu.

"The oath made by Dao Xin can't be broken no matter how high the cultivation level is." Zhao Yazhu said coldly, "I know that you have little knowledge in practice, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. I spent a lot of time looking for you, and I might have explained it to you at the time."

"But I'm afraid I explained it to you at the time, and you won't believe it. I'll say it again, I didn't want to take you away, I just wanted to use the Douzhuanxingxing · Soul-shifting little magic to parasitize you, so as to get rid of the ship's control."

"Then slowly think about regaining or refining a new body. This is my plan. I am parasitic on you, and I can't take control of your body. This is not a violation of the oath."

Chu Fu was slightly startled, and quickly said coldly, "Who knows if what you said is true or false, even if it is a human soul parasitism, I can't accept it, in fact, you can remind me, I will find someone to parasitize you. , why is it me?"

"Why does it have to be you?" Zhao Yazhu laughed angrily, "I don't want to be you either, but you are the only one who is most suitable..."

Zhao Yazhu turned his head and glanced at Zhou Fan, "Actually, Zhou Fan is also suitable, but he is too deeply involved with the ship, I dare not."

Zhao Yazhu turned her head and glared at Chu Fu again, "You can only choose you. You have a strong self-healing talent. Even if you are crushed by my parasitic human soul, you can recover on your own. That's why I chose you."

Zhou Fan's face is full of surprise, does Chifu also have a strong self-healing ability like him?

"If it wasn't because of your special body, I would have to coax you?" Zhao Yazhu got a lot of anger, she slowly said, "You are hostile to Zhou Fan, I will find a way for you, and even deliberately provoke you and Zhou Fan. , that you can only rely on me, but I didn't expect you to be so suspicious!"

When Zhou Fan heard Zhao Yazhu say this, he finally wanted to understand some things he didn't understand before.

No wonder Zhao Yazhu is so good to Chifu.

Chefu still had a cold face, "I knew you were uneasy and kind, so I didn't believe you. You are right. Even if you told me about the parasitism in advance, I would not let you parasitize."

She is not willing to take the risk of this kind of parasitism. It is too dangerous for her to be parasitized by a strong person.

Zhou Fan also shook his head slightly, and he would not change it.

"That's why you're an idiot." Zhao Yazhu fluttered her sleeves and put her hands behind her, "What's wrong with me parasitizing you? I don't care about taking your body, and I'll give you pointers to make you go further on the path of cultivation."

"I didn't expect a fool like you to ruin my good deeds." Zhao Yazhu sighed when he said this.

Chifu said indifferently, "No matter what you say, I won't agree with this kind of parasitic thing. As for your attitude, I don't care."

Zhao Yazhu said with a cold face, "Do you think this is the end? You ruined my business and wasted a rare opportunity to possess me. You don't know me. I, Zhao Yazhu, forgot my name, but my personality doesn't. Change, I have always had revenge for revenge, repayment of kindness, and it should not be too late to take revenge."

"What do you want?" Chufu said with a wary expression, she thought about it in her heart, Zhao Yazhu should not be able to do anything to her.

Zhao Yazhu smiled and said, "Are you thinking that if I can't teach you a lesson, I can't help you?"


Zhou Fan concentrated his attention. In fact, his thoughts were similar to those of Chufu, and he didn't believe how Zhao Yazhu could do it. At most, he would not talk to Chufu in the future.

Chifu frowned silently, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

Zhao Yazhu continued, "Whether the assistants or the boarding ones, our guides can see some of their information, such as cultivation realm, ability, talent, etc. Oh, and the talent lineage of the deceitful person."

Chofu sneered, "I know how you want to get revenge on me, don't you just want to tell me about the fact that I have the blood of the mushroom family?"

The mushroom family? Zhou Fan looked surprised, he looked at Qifu cautiously and asked, "Are you related to the mushroom demon?"

He remembered that the double that Chefu had left before was a mushroom.

The Mushroom Demon and Zhou Fan are deadly enemies. In the past in Tianliang City, he didn't know how many Mushroom Demons died in his hands. Even though his realm is now high, the mortal enemy is the mortal enemy. Go to the swamp to see if you can find the nests of the mushroom monsters, and bring those mushroom monsters to the nest.

Especially the dead human demon mushroom ancestor Bai Lengsun, who almost killed him last time.

Now Bai Lengsun will definitely not be his a mere blood-severing monster, I can kill it with one hand, Zhou Fan thought to himself.

Chofu said with a cold face, "So what? Now that you know it, I'm not afraid to say it. My mother is Bai Lengsun, the ancestor of the mushroom family. You killed my father and almost killed my mother. Zhou Fan, this is the account. One day I will figure it out with you, and you must pay your debts with blood!"

Her mother didn't know Zhou Fan's name, but she had already drawn Zhou Fan's portrait, so that Chifu could remember Zhou Fan's appearance, so when she saw Zhou Fan on the boat, she knew Zhou Fan was her enemy at first sight!

The surprise in Zhou Fan's eyes became more and more intense. He didn't know which mushroom monster Chifu's father was unfortunately killed by him, but Bai Lengsun was almost killed by him. , you don't want to get any help from me in the future."

"I will find you and your mother as soon as possible and kill you."

"If you can't find us, even without your help, even without the boat, I will grow up and kill you as soon as possible." Shefu said with hatred.

Just when the two of them were talking harshly to each other, Zhao Yazhu laughed out loud, and she laughed so much that tears burst out of the corners of her eyes.

Zhou Fan and Chufu both looked at Zhao Yazhu inexplicably.

Zhao Yazhu smiled and pointed at Chufu with her index finger, "I'm not surprised that Zhou Fan doesn't know, but I thought you knew everything, so you don't know anything."

Do not know what is this?


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