Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 835: Chills

"I don't know what?" Chifu frowned slightly.

Zhou Fan also looked at Zhao Yazhu in confusion.

Zhao Yazhu was still giggling, she laughed wildly, "Don't worry, let me think about it, I haven't figured out what is the best and most interesting."

She was laughing, Zhou Fan and Qifu both looked a little unsightly.

"Miss Zhao, what are you trying to say?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Yazhu laughed for a while before she restrained herself, but the smile on her face couldn't restrain herself, she looked at Qifu and said, "I was thinking about killing each other just now, but you will definitely not be **** Zhou Fan now. If you touch it, you will hide far away, so that you don’t know when you will be able to see you killing each other.”

"It's been too long. Maybe I won't be able to see this scene when I'm in deep sleep. I can't wait that long."

"What is cannibalism? What nonsense are you talking about?" Chufu said with a cold face. In order to learn the cultivation methods of the human race, she is also actively learning the culture of the human race. She understands that cannibalism means that one's own people harm their own people. Not one of my own.

Zhou Fan also didn't understand what Zhao Yazhu meant.

Zhao Yazhu smiled and said, "If you didn't have a great hatred for Zhou Fan, I would definitely not want to tell you, I have never seen such a **** thing on the boat, you don't know that you are actually Zhou Fan's daughter. "

As soon as these words came out, the ship was silent for a while.

Zhou Fan's face was stunned, and then he couldn't help sneering, "This kind of strategy is too ridiculous, now I see it clearly, you two face each other openly, but you still have a cooperative relationship secretly, Miss Zhao, you say this little girl is mine Daughter, there must be a next step."

"The next step is to use some secret technique to prove that I have a blood relationship with the little girl, and that she is my daughter, and then ask me to help her improve her cultivation realm, right?"

"But you don't even think about it, how could I be fooled by such a depraved and ridiculous scheme?"

Chifu gave Zhao Yazhu a sideways glance, and she said coldly, "Boring, are you trying to humiliate me with such words?"

Zhao Yazhu's face was indifferent, "Don't you believe it? If you have nothing to do, how could the ship let you board the ship as an assistant, is it to find a mortal enemy for Zhou Fan? If it is a mortal enemy, it will not be called an assistant. "

"Isn't your leader nondescript, not fulfilling the duties of a leader? I don't think this is a strange thing." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"I don't know why I was chosen to be an assistant, but this **** assistant is subject to many constraints from the boarding person. Even if a dog is on the ship, if you want to get resources, you have to obediently follow the idea of ​​​​boarding the ship to collect big ashes. Worm, it doesn't make any difference whether they are related by blood or not." Chofu said coldly.

Zhao Yazhu sneered and said, "Do you think I'm talking nonsense? But let me tell you, I have evidence. You both have the same talent for deceiving people, that is, that unique self-healing ability."

"I have seen more than ten kinds of this kind of self-healing ability based on my knowledge, but even if it is self-healing ability, the nature of self-healing effect will be different, but your self-healing ability is exactly the same, who will believe it if you say it doesn't matter? That's the proof."

"You may think I'm talking nonsense, I can swear to the ship now that everything I said tonight is true..."

Zhao Yazhu made an oath to the boat on the spot.

Chifu retorted loudly, "Even if the self-healing ability is the same, we have nothing to do with it. This is the talent of my parents."

"The mushroom demon has changed a lot, but there is absolutely no self-healing ability. You say that your mother is a strange mushroom demon, which means that it is not inherited from your mother, that is, you inherited your father's talent, and your father died long ago. Do you know who your father is?" Zhao Yazhu sneered.

"It's just that your mother deliberately lied to deceive you."

Zhou Fan frowned and said angrily, "Miss Zhao, that's enough, you can tease this little girl as you like, but don't get me involved, I don't know what that self-healing talent is like, but I'm still a boy, How can there be such a big daughter?"

And she's still the daughter of the mushroom **** Bai, he thinks this is too outrageous.

Zhao Yazhu sneered and said, "That's not what you said, didn't you let the dragon master borrow the essence of life? You haven't heard of that.

It's because you have little knowledge. For example, I know that there is a secret technique called Ten Thousand Li Chills. Even if a male cultivator is thousands of miles away, he can use this secret technique and shiver to make a female cultivator conceive his child. "

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is." Zhou Fan laughed dumbly, "How can there be such an evil technique in the world?"

"I have it here, but your cultivation is too low to be used for you, but the Ten Thousand Miles Chills technique sounds very powerful, but it also has fatal flaws. If the technique fails, the male cultivator will suffer backlash, not only the cultivation Because the realm will permanently fall and suffer heavy losses that are difficult to recover." Zhao Yazhu showed disdain.

If there is such a serious defect, then even if the Ten Thousand Miles Chilling Technique really exists, few male cultivators dare to use it, Zhou Fan thought silently.

"So think about it seriously, did the mushroom demon find the opportunity to capture the essence of your life, thus giving birth to a little guy?" Zhao Yazhu guided.

Zhou Fan's face froze, he remembered the life-and-death battle in the autumn wasteland. At that time, his realm was only to wash the marrow, and Bai Lengsun was an unusual blood-severing level. In the end, they fought a hand-to-hand battle... It's a bit dirty to say this, but it was really a hand-to-hand fight. At that time, he bleed a lot, and a lot of flesh was torn off from his body. It was all because of his self-healing ability and Qishanghua that he won against Bai Lengsun.

Later... Then he left the battlefield in a hurry. Could it be that Bai Lengsun turned back then... Zhou Fan thought of this, his heart and liver trembled slightly, and he felt a little nauseated.

Chifu said angrily, "No matter what you say, I won't believe you. You are just trying to mess my mind."

Chifu firmly didn't believe it, mother wouldn't lie to her.

"Yes, it's definitely fake." Zhou Fan shook his head again and again, not letting himself go on thinking about it, this is ridiculous.

Zhao Yazhu said with great interest, "Actually, it's boring to guess. I have several secret techniques here that can help you identify whether you are related by blood? If you are afraid that I will lie to you, I can sell it to Zhou Fan through a transaction."

"You have been on the ship for so long, and you must know that the ship will not allow the leader to make any deceitful words for trading goods."

Zhou Fan and Chifu were both silent, not daring to pick up.

Zhao Yazhu laughed again and said, "Or did you already believe my words in your heart, but you just don't want to accept the facts, don't you even have the guts to test?"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Zhou Fan said angrily, "I'll try your secret identification techniques to make you give up."

Zhou Fan said so, but he was actually a little flustered, in case it was true...


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