Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 840: 1 immutable

At night, Zhou Fan fell asleep early.

When he appeared on the boat, Zhou Fan did not see Chifu, but only Zhao Yazhu.

"What about her?" Zhou Fan asked with a pale face, and he was a little worried that Chifu would jump off the boat.

Zhao Yazhu said with regret: "The ship told me just now that the assistant can refuse to enter the ship once a month, and the little guy just used this opportunity."

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief and frowned slightly, what does the boat mean?

Is this rule already in place, or is it a temporary addition?

Zhou Fan didn't know, he and Zhao Yazhu didn't talk anymore, he could only calm down and practice.

Because he slept early, he left the boat, and it was still before dawn. He sighed helplessly and went back to sleep.

Early in the morning, Zhou Fan sat up sweating profusely, and he had a nightmare.

He dreamed that Chifu and Beth Lengsun came to kill him together. In the dream, he had a fierce fight with the two of them. In the end, both he and Chifu died. Only Bai Lengsun, who sneered because of the revenge, stayed behind.

For Zhou Fan, the worst thing in the world is the murder of flesh and blood.

He shook his head with a wry smile, it was just a dream after all.

Getting off the bed, he washed his face with cold water in the basin in the room, and the cold water made him wake up a lot in an instant.

He put on his clothes, brought everything, and after a bit of disguise, he called Xiao Er and asked Xiao Er to bring him breakfast.

After the breakfast was brought, Zhou Fan carefully inspected the meal, and after confirming that there was no problem, he had a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, Zhou Fan, who left the inn, rented a carriage by himself and went to the lawn in front of the academy.

Zhou Fan gave the car money to get off, and many people had already gathered on the lawn in front of the academy.

Among them are the candidates who participated in the ring test, the entourage who followed the candidates, and the people who were sent by various forces in Gaoxiang City to inquire about the news, and those who Zhou Fan could not tell his intentions.

The academy sent a full ten teachers to watch in front of the lawn, to beware of people making trouble before the exam.

This is different from the cross-country test. Since the results of the cross-country test and the rules of the ring test were announced, the direction of the class A has become more and more difficult to see, and the atmosphere has been very strange.

There is also news circulating in the city that this year's Class A exam is likely to be cancelled and retaken. It is said that the big figures in the court have been arguing about this, and some important officials in the court have played to the saint to apply for a retake.

It has not yet been eliminated. Many candidates who are preparing to take the Class A exam in front of the lawn have a vigilant look on their faces, distanced themselves from unfamiliar people, and are afraid that people with bad intentions will kill them before the exam to cause trouble.

Before the news has been confirmed, most candidates dare not be careless.

Among these candidates, those with poor grades are naturally eager to retake the exam, and those with good grades are definitely not willing.

It seems that Zhou Fan has temporarily won the first place, and he... is definitely not willing to retake the test.

Even in his opinion, the ring test is very nonsense, chaotic and dangerous, but he paid a high price for the cross-country test to achieve such results.

I lost my mind and wanted to retake the exam, but I have a vested interest... Zhou Fan thought vaguely.

Of course, if the above wants to retake the exam, Zhou Fan has no way.

In Zhou Fan's opinion, the best thing to do is to keep the current results, and then change the rules of the bad arena test.

More and more people gathered in front of the lawn.

Zhou Fan has been trying his best to stand on the periphery of the crowd, because in his opinion, the crowd gathered on the lawn now looks like a huge dynamite barrel. He is not sure whether someone will really set the dynamite bucket on fire and disturb the test. .

But fortunately, under the watchful eye of the people of the academy, nothing happened after the gate of the academy opened.

The candidates took out the Xuanguang Jade Talisman, passed the test of the academy, and walked in.

After the candidates walked in, the gate was closed again, and the crowd gathered on the lawn in front of the academy still did not disperse.

Suddenly the crowd gave way.

There were six warriors dressed in different costumes, each with one person walking out of the crowd.

The detained man's face was ashen.

Unknown people in the crowd all looked at the group.

Until the six people escorted them to the front of a middle-aged man with a black face and no beards, the six people slightly bowed their hands to the middle-aged man.

The infuriating qi of the restrained six people were completely sealed. Apart from being able to walk, they could not move their hands or even the teeth in their mouths.

Many people in the crowd recognized the middle-aged man.

It is Eunuch Zhang, the envoy to the west of the Yiluan Office in Gaoxiang County!

Obviously the academy had been prepared for a long time, not only sent academy teachers to watch on the bright side, but also secretly let the Yiluan government send a warrior to mix in the crowd.

These six people just wanted to make a move and were unknowingly restrained by the warriors of Yiluan Division.

"Take it back and give our family a good review and cross-examination. Our family wants to see who is so bold and dares to go against the officials!" Eunuch Zhang's face was gloomy. A look at the crowd said coldly.

In the crowd, there were many people who wanted to do it but didn't want to do it in an instant.

I am afraid that it is difficult for those six people to get out of the Yiluan Division alive, and the people behind them are not sure how many will be found out.

The Yiluan Division is mainly to deal with the strange, but the Yiluan Division can also deal with any forces in the Great Wei Dynasty, and the well-trained and powerful Yiluan Division can deal with these forces more easily.

This is the official family's most loyal eagle dog.

As the left arm and right arm of the official family, the academy also has the power to command the Yi Luan Division, but it is rarely used.

Besides, the Class A class is to cultivate talents for the Great Wei Dynasty, and destroying the Great Examination is equivalent to fighting against the officials of the Great Wei Dynasty. Eunuch Zhang came in person to warn those with ulterior motives.

No matter how the upper levels of the Wei Dynasty fought, it was also the struggle of the upper levels. Before there was no conclusion, no one could mess around!

Eunuch Zhang did not stay here, but left here with the warriors and prisoners.

There was silence in the crowd for a while, and soon a dozen people turned around and left here. Those people were obviously tipping off.

After all, no one knows how long the captured person can last.

The remaining crowd whispered, but they did not dare to say anything too rebellious, because they understood that among the crowd, there must still be martial artist spies left by Yiluansi.

Who dares to talk nonsense at a time like this? Maybe he will be charged with treason and taken away for investigation.

The people who didn't leave were all waiting for the news of the ring test.

It is impossible for them to follow the candidates to Qianhuan Snow Mountain in the cross-country test, but they can wait for news here in the arena test.

Zhou Fan and the others were led into the vast square of the academy again.

Ten pitch-black arenas have been built in half of the square in the past two days.

Candidates all understand that the arena exam venue is right here, between the ten arenas.

Entering the square, some candidates who were dressed in disguise began to remove their disguise on their own, because they would have to pass the identity verification again later.

Zhou Fan was not in a hurry to take off his disguise, he was the number one and would definitely attract a lot of attention.

Li Chungniang was looking towards and winked at him.

Du Ni and a group of people were also in the crowd.

With a deep frown and a slight frown, he was scanning the crowd, as if he was looking for someone, but he stopped looking for it later.

Wen Xiaoruo, who was wrapped in white bandages, glanced at Zhou Fan.

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched slightly. Could this weird guy really recognize my eyes? Do I even have to disguise my eyes next time?

When Zhou Fan was observing the candidates who deserved attention, Bai Yugaotai once again stepped up to the three chief examiners of Zhongtian.

All the candidates looked up at the three of Nakata.

Many candidates are thinking that the ring test is about to start. If the test is really retaken or the rules are revised, it will be announced now.

Zhongtian glanced at the candidates with a blank face and said, "The arena test begins, verify the identity, draw lots to decide the test arena and your opponents."

Some candidates have a blank look on their faces, is it the same?

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