Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 841: Amend the rules

When it was confirmed that the ring test might remain the same, there was silence under the high platform.

Zhongtian knew the thoughts of some candidates, he said calmly: "You already know some of the rules of the arena test, now check the identity and confirm the number of people."

The teacher on the side of the square stepped forward and asked the candidates to line up and be checked one by one.

The candidates came back to their senses and began to accept their identity verification by the academy teaching.

After the verification, a teacher stepped forward and reported the number of people.

After listening to Zhongtian, he nodded slightly and said loudly: "There are still ninety-eight people left, those who did not come will be treated as abandonment regardless of the reason. According to the rules of the ring test, from the first to the ninth ring, there are ten candidates in each ring, and the first There are only eight people left in the tenth ring, in order to be as fair as possible, we will select two senior brothers from the academy to join you in the tenth ring."

"The strength of these two academy students should be at an intermediate level between you. Even if they win, they will not be eligible to enter the A-class class, but in order to avoid being passive in the arena, our academy will also be after they win. , and give generous rewards.”

The candidates looked different after listening to it. Even if the two academy students were given rewards, the tenth ring should be relatively easy.

The candidates have no objection, because this is a way out of nowhere, and this is a lottery. Anyone can win the No. 10 ring, it depends on their luck.

Zhongtian turned around again and said, "Put the things up."

The two warriors lifted a rectangular blue jade and stood beside the high platform.

The blue jade at the same height as a person is rippling with ripples like a circle of water.

Zhongtian explained: "The name of this tool is random jade. It is a lottery tool that our academy spent two days making. Don't worry, this tool has been checked by Mrs. Zhang Li and Master Yuanhai, and no hands or feet have been touched. Now you guys Line up and touch a random jade to get your own arena number and the number of the arena trial arrangement number drawn randomly."

Zhongtian asked the teacher to debug the random jade. After all, they did not confirm the number of candidates before, so now they need to adjust a little.

The candidates started to line up again, and the first candidate reached out and touched the random jade.

Layers of random jade rippled, and two numbers of three or five appeared on it.

"Trainee Cui Jiayun No. 3 arena No. 5." One of the two instructors next to Lan Yu glanced at the Xuanguang Jade Talisman handed over by the examinee and called out the examinee's name, and the other instructor hurriedly used a pen record on paper.

The candidates stepped forward one by one and touched the random jade to get their own ring number and the serial number that came out.

When it was Zhou Fan's turn, he had already removed his disguise when verifying his identity, so he stepped forward to touch the random jade and instantly attracted a lot of attention.

Random jade ripples, and two numbers, two and six, appear.

"Zhou Fan No. 2 arena No. 6." The teacher recognized Zhou Fan, he just glanced at the Xuanguang Jade Talisman and called out Zhou Fan's name.

Zhou Fan stood aside. At present, besides him, there are only two candidates in the second ring, but these two candidates Zhou Fan did not recognize.

As the candidates stepped forward, they confirmed that they belonged to the ring.

From time to time there was an uproar in the crowd.

Because the result of the lottery was somewhat unexpected.

The most eye-catching is the No. 2 arena. The No. 2 arena has Zhou Fan, who ranked first in the cross-country test, and the second line, and Bai Xuanyu, who ranked tenth in the literary test. These three are the most prominent in the first two tests. people.

"Amitabha." A line of hands clasped together, his face was neither sad nor happy, he was No. 5 in the No. 2 ring.

Zhou Fan's face was calm, his heart twitched, because it was too coincidental, he is now the first in the score ranking, and the second in a row.

It can be said that the secret disciples of Baixiang Temple are one of Zhou Fan's biggest opponents at present.

Is this battle between the two going to be divided in the ring test?

Next are the No. 5 arena, the No. 7 arena, and the No. 9 arena. The No. 5 arena has Wrinkle Shen and Li Chungniang. .

Li Chungniang frowned, she didn't expect Zhou Fan and his party to meet in the first round.

After the lottery was drawn and the registration was completed, the crowd gathered again and looked at the three chief examiners.

It was still Zhongtian who said, "I believe you have already remembered the specific rules of the arena test. In each arena, one or two candidates will qualify for the knockout round..."

The faces of the candidates were solemn. According to the rules of the ring test, normally two candidates in each ring can pass the points test to enter the next round of the ranking competition. However, since it is not excluded that one candidate in one ring will kill the other nine opponents. , then only one candidate will enter the ranking competition.

Zhongtian briefly explained the rules of the first round of points test, and he looked at Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li beside him.

The two nodded slightly, and Zhong Tian calmly said: "There is one more thing that I haven't told you, it is about revising a detailed examination rule."

The candidates who were already thinking about how to deal with their opponents were all stunned for a moment. Amendment of the examination rules?

"It was said before that defeating an opponent would earn one point, and killing an opponent would earn two points. Now that we make corrections, we can only earn one point for defeating an opponent or killing an opponent." Nakata's voice entered the ears of all the candidates.

The square was silent for a while, and then there was an uproar.

"Quiet." Zhongtian said with a cold expression.

The noisy candidates immediately quieted down.

"The first round of the points test in the arena test officially started, and each candidate went to their respective arenas to wait for the competition." Zhongtian said again.

The candidates quickly dispersed and walked towards their respective rings.

However, many candidates are thinking about the revision of the examination rules. It seems that only a number has been revised, but the cruelty of the arena test will be greatly reduced.

Zhou Fan was also relieved, because he had been very embarrassed before, not to mention the background of these candidates, even if he did not have a background, he wanted to kill the candidates who had no grievances and no hatred for a little more points. He really has some Can't do it.

At the beginning of the ring, there were also many candidates who vaguely guessed that the sage from the academy must have been under tremendous pressure, otherwise would he not have suddenly made changes?

The three chief examiners on the Baiyu High Stage also had different thoughts, and they didn't even have the heart to care about the beginning of the ring test for the time being.

The revision of the exam rules is the official will that came over this morning.

This surprised the three of them at the time, but the exam was about to start. After confirming the authenticity of the source, they didn't have time to think about it, but hurried to the exam room.

Now that the first round of the ring test has been arranged, they can only think about it.

These two days have been full of ups and downs, whether it is to revise the rules of the A-class arena test or to ask for a re-examination... They all know that there is a lot of quarrel over these things in Jingdu.

The three of them have also been paying attention to this matter, so they were not surprised by the revision of the examination rules. What really surprised them was that the news came too suddenly in the morning.

Suddenly there was no feedback from the three different news channels, and the revision of the rules came suddenly! 8)

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