Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 873: invited

Wang Daozi, Xiao Hui, and Ye Gaoshan all looked at the Emperor Wei who drank the wine with numb expressions.

There was a burst of anger in the three people's hearts, what a mess of three drinks!

The saints used to do absurd things, and they could endure it, but this was too partial.

"This minister is guilty." Wang Daozi said, and then knelt down again.

Xiao Hui and Ye Gaoshan did the same.

"The Holy One is the ruler of the world. If you want the old minister to do something, you only need to say one sentence, the old minister will be the one who is stubborn." Wang Daozi kowtowed.

"What Wang Xiang said was exactly what the minister thought." Xiao Hui and Ye Gaoshan both said in unison.

"This incident has caused such a situation that it has disturbed the sage, but the old minister is incompetent, but the old minister is really unable to handle this matter, and I am deeply ashamed. I hope the sage will allow the old minister to return home to recuperate." Ye Gaoshan's voice choked.

"Please resign."

"Please resign."

Wang Daozi and Xiao Hui also looked sad.

Dawei Tianzi looked at the three people who were kneeling down. He didn't call the three of them up, but picked up the cup and threw it on the ground. The cup immediately shattered into scum.

The three of Wang Daozi put their heads to the ground and didn't even look at them.

"That means we don't have to talk about it?" Dawei Tianzi said coldly, "I'm talking to you in a good voice, so shameless, right?"

"Old Tongue, how many people are kneeling in front of the palace gate?"

Eunuch Tong hurriedly saluted: "Go back to the Holy One, there are sixty-seven people in total."

"Tell them all to go back and do things for me. If they don't want to go, then kill them. Kill as many as you want." Dawei Tianzi said coldly: "Dawei is so big, are you afraid that you won't be able to find someone to do things? ? Kill a batch and bring me a batch."

Xiao Yewang's heart tightened slightly.

"Sages are not acceptable, they are just loyal to the country, what's wrong? If you kill them, how will the world see the saints?" Xiao Hui said hurriedly.

"Aren't those people scolding me for being a faint-hearted prince? I'm a faint-hearted prince. Isn't it normal to do this kind of thing?" Dawei Tianzi said coldly, "Are you three old men going to resign? If you want to resign, go up there glossary."

"But you all think about it, if you hate me, the three-phase will no longer be surnamed Xiao Yewang in the future."

The three of Xiao Yewang were all astonished in their hearts.

If you don't surname Xiao Yewang in the future, don't say anything like assisting the puppet to come to power, but this is definitely a huge blow to the reputation of Xiao Yewang's three families.

The three families of Xiao Yewang have always been called the three largest families in the Wei Dynasty except for the Li family, partly because the three families were only surnamed Xiao Yewang.

"Don't tell me about the Great Wei Ancestor System, there is no rule in the Ancestral System that the three-phase can only be surnamed Xiao Yewang, old tongue, am I not mistaken?" The Great Wei Emperor asked again.

Eunuch Tong said softly: "The Sage is not mistaken, even if it is wrong, it doesn't matter. The Sage has the power to change the ancestral system."

The three of Xiao Yewang looked at each other in dismay. They knew that the sage was probably not joking.

"Do you still want to resign?" Da Wei Tianzi asked again.

"Old ministers don't dare." Xiao Yewang and the three quickly kowtowed: "I also hope that the sage will forgive you."

Dawei Tianzi snorted, picked up the jug and drank directly: "Go back and handle things well, don't provoke Lin Sheng again, you have angered me, think about the ancestors' face, think about your hard work for many years, I I'll reprimand you at most, as long as it's not too much, the three of you will be fine."

"But if Lin Sheng is angered, he dares to bring a knife to the three of you to kill a clean one. Who can save you then?"

"I can't help it."

At the end of the story, it's like digging my heart out.

The three of Xiao Yewang didn't know how to respond, but they just thanked Shengen and left the Ziyuan Palace.

After leaving the Ziyuan Palace, the three of them were sweating on their backs.

They knew that the sage was really angry, otherwise he would not have spoken to them so directly.

There were ears on the partition wall, and the three of them didn't speak. They walked out of the Jinggong Palace. In front of the palace gate, a group of officials were kneeling in blackness.

The three of Xiao Yewang immediately reprimanded.

When those officials heard the meaning of the three words, they immediately dispersed and stopped making trouble.

Sansan returned to the first room of the Zhengshi Hall in the outer city.

After letting the servant who brought the tea back down, the three looked at each other.

"We have touched the bottom line of the saint." Wang Daozi said calmly after drinking a sip of tea.

"It's just that it shouldn't be." Xiao Hui frowned, and his voice became a little shrill.

The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, but the three of them can be said to be the people who have seen the most saints among the ministers in the court. Although they dare not say that the saints who understand and do things have always been absurd, they still have some basic grasp.

Like where the bottom line is.

Before they did this, they had seriously considered that they shouldn't anger the Sage.

But it got **** off.

However, everything is foreshadowed, and if Longyan is furious, they have been psychologically prepared for the possibility.

There are pros and cons in everything, they can no longer make a fuss about the A-class exam, but it is not without gain.

Sansan didn't speak any more, and suddenly touched the bottom line of Shengshang, which was more important to them than the class A exam, but pondered silently.

Ye Gaoshan coughed again. He covered his mouth with a white towel and coughed up red blood. He tucked the towel into his sleeve as if nothing had happened and said, "The sage has become more impatient."

Wang Daozi and Xiao Hui were both slightly acquiesced in this judgment.

The hearts of the three were quite uneasy, and more ideas were derived from this.

It's just that the three of them didn't say these thoughts, but kept them in their hearts.


Empty and lonely hall.

Emperor Wei was still drinking slowly, and he liked to sit on the steps and drink.

He didn't like the pitch-black throne on the Ziyu steps.

The guards and eunuchs guarding the hall were like wooden figures, and they did not dare to make any noise to disturb the king.

After drinking a pot of wine, Emperor Wei put the wine pot on the ground at will, and let the wine pot slide on the white jade floor.

It looks like a child playing.

When the jug stopped, the Emperor Wei said, "Old Tongue, send someone to ask Lin Sheng quietly and say that I want to see him. Of course, if Lin Sheng is not available, then forget it."

Eunuch Tong's eyes showed a strange look and quickly replied, "Yes, Your Highness."

It didn't take long for Emperor Wei to get a reply from the academy, saying that the sage was invited.


The saint is going to enter the palace to face the saint, and some institutions of the mirror palace are quietly operating.

Few people can know the news.

But the three-phase are not included, they were at a loss when they learned the news.

They were puzzled. The sage clearly refuted them with a tough attitude, so why did he let the sage enter the palace?

Obviously, the sage will not let the sage make changes in the last item of the martial arts test of the A-class major, otherwise he will not refute them.

The saint is not the so-called person who doesn't like others forcing him to do things, so he will first refute it, and then do it himself.

Because of the absurdity of Sheng Xing, he has a lenient and lazy temperament, and would never do such a troublesome thing.

The three of them didn't understand, but they understood that they couldn't get involved, and acted as if they didn't know about it.

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